Changelog: New-CsFirmware.ps1
This is the changelog page for New-CsFirmware.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.
v2.1 – 02-08-2017
- Updated Get-Folder to 1.3
- Added new update method
- code cleanup and optimization
- updated Set-ModuleStatus to v1.6
- updated Test-IsProxyEnabled to v1.2
- updated New-FileDownload to v1.5
- updated Write-Log to v2.9
v1.9 – 03-31-2015
- minor code cleanup per best practices
- fixed an issue where an error would get thrown when the script was getting a list of update files. Thanks to Ben for pointing it out.
v1.8 – 02-08-2015
- -PoolFqdn option to target a single pool
- updated Write-Log to v2.7
- updated Set-ModuleStatus to v1.5
- updated New-FileDownload to v1.2
- updated Get-Folder to v1.1
- updated Test-IsProxyEnabled to v1.1
- fixed logging issue where file name and pool FQDN were not correctly logged
v1.7 – 05-20-2014
- New-Download option will now download all firmware for the4LPE families:
- Polycom CX700 and LG-Nortel IP Phone 8540
- Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600 and Polycom CX3000
- Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip
- HP 4110 and HP 4120
then extract them, and then import them automatically
v1.6 – 02-08-2014
- bug fix: Tweaked to only target Lync pools and not ALL pools (which could contain OCS 2007 R2 pools during coexistence, and OCS pools don’t support firmware files)
- Removed main code from function to streamline things.
- Cleaned up parameter code per best practices
- cleaned up comment code per best practices
- swaped in new version of Set-ModuleStatus function
v1.5 – 09-09-2013
- Minor code tweaks
- Support added for Snom firmware files (Thanks, @matthewlandis)
- Support added for new Polycom VVX firmware file (Thanks, @jdscher)
v1.4 – 05-10-2013
- Minor code tweaks
v1.3 – 10-17-2012
- Tweaked issue with transcript code that was causing an error.
- Minor code tweaks.
v1.2 – 08-17-2012
- Fixed the bug that caused script to fail when run from ISE
v1.1 – 07-19-2012
- Bug fixes.
- Added some extra verbose logging
v1.0 – 07-03-2012
- Original version
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