Home > Exchange Server > Changelog: Set-Exchange2010Features.ps1

Changelog: Set-Exchange2010Features.ps1

This is the changelog page for Set-Exchange2010Features.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v3-3 – 12-29-2011

  1. bug fix: option 99, to exit, didn’t work.
  2. bug fix: CAS options were missing asp.net and ISAPI filters
  3. feature added: Adobe PDF filter pack is now a separate menu option

v3.2 – 12-23-2011

  1. added Web-WMI Windows Feature to all Client Access Server (CAS) role requirements as this is now a requirement in SP2
  2. Changed latest update download to SP2


  1. swapped out some functions for newer versions
  2. added transcript
  3. general code cleanup


  1. Cleaned up code for detecting R2 version so that it doesn’t bomb with service packs.
  2. cleaned up some other items so that the Lync prerequisite script and this script are more similar.


  1. Cleaned up menu code; Cleaned up code to disable IP v6;

v2.0 – 05-07-2010

  1. better detection of installed filter packs; uses Filter Pack 2; includes PDF iFilter pack; added disabling TCP/IP V6 option.
  2. Now uses BITS for file transfers; added unzip function to unzip the PDF iFilter pack download. Cleaned up some functions. Uses environmental
  3. variable “temp” for download location. Checks if things are already installed/downloaded/unzipped before trying to install/download/unzip them.

v1.1 – 04-09-2010

  1. added help; downloads of update rollups; cleanup of variables; added another option for typical install w/o RPC-Over-HTTP
  2. added RunOnce to delete download path on reboot

v1.0 – 11-27-2009

  1. initial version
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