
Author Archive

Function: Get-PstFiles – List All .pst Files In A Given Path, With Name, Path, Size, and Owner

May 13th, 2013 2 comments

Exchange 2013 logo 128x128Description

If you need to make a list of the .pst files in a given path, this function should help. It will get all .pst files, their name, path, size (in MB), and owner. This should help if you’re looking at importing the files in Exchange Server. If you’d like to export the results to a file, use the -file switch, with a filename, and the function will save the info to a .csv file.


Get-PstFiles [[-path] ] [[-filter] ] [[-file] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []


I’ve never been one to really solicit donations for my work. My offerings are created because *I* need to solve a problem, and once I do, it makes sense to offer the results of my work to the public. I mean, let’s face it: I can’t be the only one with that particular issue, right? Quite often, to my surprise, I’m asked why I don’t have a “donate” button so people can donate a few bucks. I’ve never really put much thought into it. But those inquiries are coming more often now, so I’m yielding to them. If you’d like to donate, you can send a few bucks via PayPal at Money collected from that will go to the costs of my website (hosting and domain names), as well as to my home lab.


v1.1 – 05-13-2013

Exporting and Importing Exchange Auto Attendant Prompts

May 9th, 2013 No comments

While cloning a customer’s environment in prep for a cross-forest move to a resource forest, I needed to duplicate the auto attendant configuration. This included a slew of custom auto attendant prompts. I looked all around the current servers to see if the original .wav files were anywhere, and only managed to find a few. So I resorted to Export-UMPrompt to just export all of the prompts to .wav files. The plan was to then take those .wav files and import them on the new servers in the resource forest.

For each prompt, I used something like this:

$prompt = Export-UMPrompt -UMAutoAttendant "Qatar Service Desk" -PromptFileName "Qatar_NormalBusinessHours.wav"
Set-Content -Path "c:\umprompts\Qatar Service Desk\Qatar_NormalBusinessHours.wav" -Value $prompt.AudioData -Encoding Byte

This yielded me a .wav file that I was able to open with Windows Media Player and verify the contents. So far, so good.

However, when I went to import this on the new server using Import-UMPrompt, using something like:

[byte[]]$c = Get-content -Path "c:\UMPrompts\Qatar Service Desk\Qatar_NormalBusinessHours.wav" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0
Import-UMPrompt -UMDialPlan "Contoso Qatar Dial Plan" -PromptFileName "Qatar_NormalBusinessHours.wav" -PromptFileData $c

I was presented with this:

The file is not in the correct .wav format for custom greetings.

The file is not in the correct .wav format for custom greetings.

As Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory may say “oh – what fresh hell is this?”. You’d think that if you export a prompt, it would give you a file that is supported for import, right? Not so fast. Seems that the exported files are 16Khz, but, as the error above states, we need 8Khz. And ONLY 8Khz. And the Export-UMPrompt doesn’t provide a parameter to specify the exported file properties (wouldn’t that be nice?).

So we turn to some quick shareware software called GoldWave.

Once installed, open GoldWave, and then click the Open button, and open your .wav file.


File opened in GoldWave

Then click the little “Hz” button on the toolbar, and set the sample rate at 8000, as shown below:

Setting the resample rate to 8000

Setting the resample rate to 8000 (click for larger view)

You will notice that at the very bottom of the GoldWave window, it now says something like “Wave PCM signed 16 bit, 8000 Hz, 128 kps, mono”. Click File>Save As.

Choose “Wave (*wav)” as the Save As Type, and set the Attributes to “PCM signed 16 bit, mono”.

Saving file as 16bit mono

Saving file as 16bit mono

After I did this for each of the files, they imported fine.

Syntax Highlighting File for UltraEdit Includes Exchange 2010/2013, Lync 2010/2013, and ActiveDirectory cmdlets

May 8th, 2013 2 comments

In a previous post, Exchange 2010 and Lync 2010 PowerShell syntax highlighting file for UltraEdit, I included the cmdlets for both Exchange 2010 and Lync 2010. In this new file, I’ve included Lync 2010, Lync 2013, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, and Active Directory cmdlets for highlighting. If you use UltraEdit, this wordfile may make life a little easier.

Download the file here:

One liners: Get All Exchange Users Who Are Configured for Forwarding

May 7th, 2013 4 comments

Exchange 2013 logo 128x128Due to some legal requirements, I had a needed to list all users who were configured in Exchange to forward elsewhere. This was to ensure that mail wasn’t automatically leaving the environment. A simple, single line in the shell is all that’s needed to give me what I need.

Open Exchange Management Shell, and enter this:

Get-Mailbox -Resultsize Unlimited | Where-Object {$_.ForwardingAddress}

We can clean this up and make it a little more presentable using something like:

Get-Mailbox -Resultsize Unlimited | Where-Object {$_.ForwardingAddress} | Select-Object Name, @{Expression={$_.ForwardingAddress};Label="Forwarded to"}, @{Expression={$_.DeliverToMailboxAndForward};Label="Mailbox & Forward"}

And the results are a small table that shows the user name, which object mail is being forwarded to, and whether the mailbox is configured to both store and forward:


This allowed me to take a look at those user accounts, and disable the forwarding, forcing the users to use their Exchange mailbox.

For a long list, or if you just want the info in a file, we can export the results to a .csv using Export-Csv. To do this, use:

Get-Mailbox -Resultsize Unlimited | Where-Object {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | Select-Object Name, @{Expression={$_.ForwardingAddress};Label="Forwarded to"}, @{Expression={$_.DeliverToMailboxAndForward};Label="Mailbox & Forward"} | Export-Csv c:\forwardedusers.csv -NoTypeInformation

Microsoft Releases Lync 2013 Headers for SIP Trunk Provider Billing

May 6th, 2013 1 comment

If you’re a SIP trunk provider, and want to have more granular billing capabilities, then this 12 page documentation may be of use to you. Microsoft has released a document showing the headers implemented in Lync Server 2013, and how they can be used to more effectively bill customers. RFC references for History-Info, Referred-By, and P-Asseted-Identity as well as configuration details and various scenarios are mentioned.





Released on 05-03-2013, the documentation is available at


May 2013 Technical Rollup: Unified Communications

May 5th, 2013 No comments




Antigen & Forefront



  4. Troubleshooting Rapid Growth in Databases and Transaction Log Files in Exchange Server 2007 and 2010
  5. Updated: Exchange Server 2013 Deployment Assistant
  6. Exchange 2010 Database Availability Groups and Disk Sector Sizes

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  2. Lync and Software Defined Networking
  3. Lync Online: Lync Mobile 2013 Troubleshooting
  4. Lync Online: Lync PowerShell and Hybrid Troubleshooting
  5. Hot Off the Presses: Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Unleashed
  6. Exciting System Center Advisor Updates
  7. Introducing the Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK)
  8. Cumulative Updates for Lync Phone Edition: April 2013
  9. Interview with a Lync Pro: Justin Morris






Office 365

Identity and Authentication in the cloud: Office 2013 and Office 365 (Poster)
This poster illustrates and explains the new world of identity and authentication in Office 2013 and Office 365. Two scenarios illustrate how identities are provisioned and how those identities are authenticated completely in the Microsoft cloud.
RELEASE DATE: 4/26/2013

Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise Volume License Activation Guide (Enterprise Agreement)
The guides include step-by-step instruction to activate Office 365 licenses purchased through Enterprise Agreement.
RELEASE DATE: 4/24/2013


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Microsoft Lync Phone Edition for Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip
Microsoft® Lync™ Phone Edition for Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip is the first generation of software designed specifically for the phones from Aastra to interoperate with Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 or Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 4/18/2013

Microsoft Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600 and Polycom CX3000
Microsoft Lync™ Phone Edition for Polycom® CX500, Polycom® CX600 and Polycom® CX3000 is the first generation of software designed specifically for the phones from Polycom to interoperate with Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 and Microsoft® Lync™ Server.
RELEASE DATE: 4/18/2013

Microsoft Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX700 and LG-Nortel IP Phone 8540
Microsoft® Lync™ Phone Edition for Polycom® CX700 and LG-Nortel IP Phone 8540 is the next generation of software designed for the phones from Polycom and LG-Nortel to interoperate with Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010 or Microsoft® Lync™ Server.
RELEASE DATE: 4/18/2013

Microsoft Lync Phone Edition for HP 4110 and HP 4120
Microsoft® Lync™ Phone Edition for HP 4110 and HP 4120 is the first generation of software designed specifically for the phones from HP to interoperate with Microsoft® Lync™ Server 2010. and Microsoft® Lync™ Server.
RELEASE DATE: 4/18/201



New KBs

Antigen & Forefront

  1. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Outgoing message delivery is delayed or rejected in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange and you receive a “Greylisting in action, 451 4.7.1” nondelivery report


  1. ECS – Exchange – Cloud: Office 365 admin can’t access the Exchange Control Panel of an Exchange Online user
  2. ECS – Exchange – Cloud: “Execution failed: Configure Legacy Exchange Support” error when you run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Office 365
  3. ECS – Exchange – XADM: How can I recover items that I have “hard deleted” in Outlook?
  4. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Unable to soft delete some messages after installing Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 or SP3
  5. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Exchange Server 2013 users cannot open public folders or shared mailboxes on an Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2007 server
  6. ECS – Exchange – XADM: “Could not find part of the path” error when you move a mailbox to a database in Exchange Server 2010
  7. ECS – Exchange – XADM: You receive an NDR with a 5.4.6 status code when you send a message to a specific domain in Exchange
  8. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Outlook users experience poor performance when they work with a folder that contains many items on a server that is running Exchange Server
  9. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Current issues with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and third-party devices
  10. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Unified Communications certificate partners
  11. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: You cannot sign in to Communicator or Lync in Office 365 Dedicated
  12. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: User’s contact list is empty or incomplete in Lync Online
  13. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: How to troubleshoot issues with Lync Online instant messaging and presence in Office 365 dedicated
  14. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: You may experience My Picture issues when you use Lync in Office 365 dedicated
  15. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: “Cannot sign in because the server is temporarily unavailable” error when you try to sign in to Lync Online in Office 365 dedicated
  16. Microsoft Online – BPOS-D: You cannot join Lync Online meetings in Office 365 Dedicated
  17. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Audio or video doesn’t start in a peer-to-peer or multiparty conference in Lync Online
  18. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A mobile device can’t connect to Exchange Online by using Exchange ActiveSync
  19. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Can’t schedule Lync online meetings, see presence info, or send IMs from Outlook Web App in Office 365
  20. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to set up Lync Online in Office 365 to interoperate with an on-premises Exchange environment
  21. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Delivery has failed” and “550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipNotFound” NDR after a mailbox is moved to Office 365
  22. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Anonymous authentication enabled for virtual directory” error when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to send an anonymous HTTP request from the remote server to the URL in Office 365
  23. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Outlook can’t set up a new profile by using Exchange Autodiscover for an Exchange Online mailbox in Office 365
  24. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Owners of an on-premises distribution group that’s synced to Office 365 can’t manage the distribution group in Exchange Online
  25. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t find a user in the offline address book in Office 365
  26. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “Exception has been thrown by the target” error in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 and your on-premises environment
  27. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to use Outlook Web App to remotely wipe an ActiveSync device in Office 365
  28. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to disable Exchange ActiveSync for users in Office 365
  29. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to block a message from being sent or received based on the file name extension of the attachment in Office 365
  30. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Read receipt from an Office 365 recipient displays incorrect time zone information
  31. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Changes to a data loss prevention policy don’t take effect in Outlook 2013 in Office 365
  32. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Transport and Mailbox rules in Exchange Online don’t work as expected
  33. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Can’t set up Outlook for Mac 2011 to use the archive mailbox feature in Exchange Online
  34. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Email actions that a user takes in Office 365 aren’t updated on BlackBerry devices
  35. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t disable Outlook Web App access for users in Office 365 or on-premises Exchange Server
  36. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Email addresses aren’t assigned correctly to new Office 365 mailboxes that you create in the Exchange Admin Center
  37. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “Free/Busy information couldn’t be retrieved because the attendee’s Mailbox server is busy” error in a hybrid deployment or a cross-premises environment
  38. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Archived messages are forwarded during migration from Exchange Hosted Archiving to Exchange Online
  39. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: How to update contact information in Exchange Online in Office 365

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. ECS – OCS: Lync Server 2010 PowerShell synthetic transactions fail
  2. ECS – OCS: You cannot start Lync 2010 after you install the March 2013 cumulative update for Lync 2010 in Windows XP Pro or Windows Server 2003
  3. ECS – OCS: “Lync cannot verify that the server is trusted for your sign-in address” message when a user tries to sign in to Lync 2013
  4. ECS – OCS: SDP [ac97faf4-7b14-4c6f-bd68-a5951f4c1d80] Description of the Unified Messaging Online Component diagnostics package
  5. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync Online users can’t communicate with external contacts
  6. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Contacts in Lync appear offline or aren’t searchable in the address book
  7. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. The email address used in your default Outlook profile is different” error message when you sign in to Lync Online
  8. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Considerations for Lync Online when you change an Office 365 sign-in address
  9. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot sign-in issues in Lync Online
  10. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  11. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to  troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Google Android
  12. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Windows Phone 7
  13. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for iPhone and iPad
  14. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Nokia Symbian
  15. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “Cannot connect to the server” error message when Lync Online users try to sign in to the Lync 2010 mobile client on a mobile device
  16. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when you try to sign in to Lync 2010 after a network outage or a Lync Online service outage: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  17. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshooting the Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices
  18. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “Get-CsWebTicket : Getting web ticket for the given user is failed” error message when an administrator creates a new remote PowerShell session for Lync Online
  19. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault” error message when you move users to Lync Online from an on-premises Microsoft Lync Server
  20. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault: Error=(507)” error message when you try to move a user to Lync Online in a Lync hybrid deployment
  21. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Enterprise single sign-on users in Office 365 can’t sign in to Lync Online from inside their corporate network


  1. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 crashes when you change delegate settings
  2. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: The Offline Address Book in Outlook for Mac 2011 does not update from an Office 365 Exchange mailbox
  3. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: You cannot send email messages to a local contact group in Outlook for Mac 2011
  4. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 does not synchronize all calendar items
  5. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 “(UTC) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London” time zone does not reflect UTC+0
  6. Office – Outlook: How to copy Outlook Calendar items from one folder to another
  7. Office – Outlook: How to manage the Outlook Social Connector by using Group Policy
  8. Office – Outlook: Some email clients unable to decrypt email sent from Outlook 2010
  9. Office – Outlook: “Conversations cannot be automatically moved outside the Exchange store unless Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode” error message in Outlook when you try to move messages that are related to a conversation to a folder
  10. Office – Outlook: Unable to disable some items in the backstage (File tab) using group policy in Outlook
  11. Office – Outlook: Cannot Open Mailboxes With The Same legacyExchangeDN In A MultiiEx Profile
  12. Office – Outlook: “No default mail client” error sending files from Office programs
  13. Office – Outlook: “This meeting is not in the calendar; it may have been moved or deleted.” Outlook error
  14. Office – Outlook: Messages that are created outside Outlook do not include the default Outlook email signature
  15. Office – Outlook: File name on an attachment icon is unreadable when you print an RTF email message in Outlook 2010
  16. Office – Outlook: “The Delegates settings were not saved correctly” error when you try to add a delegate in Outlook
  17. Office – Outlook: Sync Issues folder for Outlook contains warnings such as “Synchronization of some deletions failed”
  18. Office – Outlook: HTTP version of the Outlook Offline Address Book (OAB) does not download
  19. Office – Outlook: How to install the latest applicable updates for Microsoft Outlook (US English only)
  20. Office – Outlook: The Mailbox Cleanup Wizard does not start in Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013 when the mailbox is full
  21. Office – Outlook: How time zone normalization works in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  22. Office – Outlook: Outlook Issues that occur when you use the ExtractOrganizedMeetings registry value
  23. Office – Outlook: Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013 not responding, hangs, freezes or stopped working
  24. Office – Outlook: Error 0x8004010F in Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013
  25. Office – Outlook: You cannot change the location of the offline Outlook Data File (.ost) in Microsoft Outlook 2013
  26. Office – Outlook: Office programs may crash with the FineReader add-in installed
  27. Office – Outlook: Visual features or video quality may differ from one computer to another in Office 2013
  28. Office – Outlook: Resources for the top Outlook issues in Office 365
  29. Office – Outlook: Outlook 2013 stops synchronizing Hotmail account when connected over corporate or LAN network
  30. Office – Outlook: Outlook AutoDiscover fails with error 0x8004010F
  31. Office – Outlook: The sender’s email address instead of the recipient’s email address is displayed in the Sent folder on or
  32. Office – Outlook: Outlook 2007 shows Error while preparing to send sharing message
  33. Office – Outlook: Outlook is unable to connect to Exchange 2013 public folder or auto mapped mailbox
  34. Office – Outlook: How to prevent Outlook 2010 from publishing certificates to userSMIMEcertificate
  35. Office – Outlook: How to share contacts between Outlook profiles
  36. Office – Outlook: How to setup Internet email accounts in Outlook 2007 or 2003
  37. Office – Outlook: How to use vCalendar in Outlook
  38. Office – Outlook: How to use the Internet Free/Busy feature in Outlook
  39. Office – Outlook: How to troubleshoot a shared database in Outlook with Business Contact Manager Update
  40. Office – Outlook: .pst and .ost files may be up to 20% larger after the Outlook 2007 hotfix package dated February 24, 2009
  41. Office – Outlook: The Contact Card in Outlook 2010 does not change when you try to customize it by using Group Policy or the Office Customization Tool (OCT).
  42. Office – Outlook: The UseLegacyFB registry value does not work as expected in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  43. Office – Outlook: “You don’t have permission to create an entry in this folder” error occurs even if you have permissions to the folder in Outlook

April 2013 Technical Rollup: Unified Communications

April 22nd, 2013 No comments



TechNet Blogs


Antigen & Forefront



TechNet Blogs


MCS UK Unified Communications Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs



  1. Now Available: Exchange Server 2013 Deployment Assistant
  2. Updated: Exchange Server 2010 Deployment Assistant for Exchange 2010 SP3 and Office 365
  3. Announcing Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer (MCA) 1.0 and Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer (RCA) 2.1
  4. Released: Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OCAT)
  5. Preserve mailbox data for eDiscovery using inactive mailboxes in Exchange Online
  6. Exchange 2013 RTM CU1 Status
  7. Mysterious mail loop on Edge Transport server: Check your size limits!
  8. Released: Exchange Server 2013 RTM Cumulative Update 1
  9. Sending common or canned responses from a shared or repository mailbox
  10. Preserving Activation Blocks After Performing DAG Member Maintenance

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. NextHop – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  3. Unified Communications Web API Now Available to Web Developers
  4. Lync 2013 Mobile Clients Release: FAQ
  5. Lync MVP Article Roundup: February 2013
  6. How Changes to Public Certification Authority Standards Will Affect You
  7. Call Admission Control in Lync Server 2010
  8. Lync 2013 Cumulative Updates List
  9. Lync 2010 Cumulative Updates List
  10. DrRez Blog Bids Farewell
  11. Lync 2013 Mobile Client for Android
  12. Lync MVP Article Roundup: March 2013
  13. Yahoo! Federation Issues
  14. Lync Online: Create and Publish Training Videos with Lync and SharePoint Online
  15. Cumulative Updates for Lync 2010: April 2013
  16. Configuring Lync 2010 Server to Work with Level 3 SIP Trunking Services
  17. Cumulative Updates for Lync 2010 for iPhone and iPad: April 2013


  1. Outlook Blog
  2. The Master Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs


Antigen & Forefront



  1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Help
    This download contains the Help content for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Hybrid Deployments and Cumulative Update 1 of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/4/2013
  2. Microsoft Exchange Online Help
    This download contains the Help content for Microsoft Exchange Online, the cloud-based email and voice mail service that’s available as part of Microsoft Office 365. Administrators are the intended audience for this Help content.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/3/2013
  3. Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010 Active Directory Schema Changes Reference, March 2013
    This download includes the Exchange Server Active Directory Schema Reference, which provides information about the changes that Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2010 makes to the Active Directory schema when it is installed.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/21/2013
  4. Achieving Immutability with Exchange Online and Exchange Server 2013
    With Exchange Server and Exchange Online, Microsoft enables organizations to immutably preserve mailbox items for eDiscovery using an in-place strategy.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/11/2013
  5. Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Help
    This download contains a standalone version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Help.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/5/2013

Office 365


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) User Education and Training Resources
    The Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) User Education and Training Resources download contains Quick Reference Cards, Training Modules, Videos, and links to online articles.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/21/2013
  2. Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) Resources
    This Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Resources package is a collection of tools, documentation, and templates designed to help project teams plan, pilot, deploy, and evaluate the success of their Lync rollout. These resources are intended for…
    RELEASE DATE: 3/20/2013
  3. Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) Core Planning Resources
    The Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) Core Planning Resources download contains three pivotal documents designed to help plan and execute your rollout and adoption strategy for Lync 2013, when used alongside the Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK).
    RELEASE DATE: 3/20/2013






Antigen & Forefront



  1. Microsoft Exchange 2013 Public Folders Directory Sync Support Scripts
    Scripts to enable creation of public folder related objects in the O365 Active Directory and synchronization of public folder related Active Directory objects between on-premise and O365 directories.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  2. Microsoft Exchange 2013 Public Folders Migration Scripts
    These scripts are required while migrating Public Folders from Exchange 2010/2007 to O365 Exchange 2013 Public Folders.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  3. Cumulative update 1 for Exchange Server 2013 (KB2816900)
    Cumulative update 1 for Exchange Server 2013 (KB2816900)
    RELEASE DATE: 4/2/2013
  4. Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress 2013 Tool
    Simulate Exchange disk I/O load on a server to verify the performance and stability of your disk subsystem before putting your server into a production environment.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/18/2013

Office 365

  1. IdFix DirSync Error Remediation Tool
    IdFix is used to perform discovery and remediation of identity objects and their attributes in an on-premises Active Directory environment in preparation for migration to Office 365. IdFix is intended for the Active Directory…
    RELEASE DATE: 4/10/2013
  2. Identity and Authentication in the cloud: Office 2013 and Office 365 (Poster)
    This poster illustrates and explains the new world of identity and authentication in Office 2013 and Office 365. Two scenarios illustrate how identities are provisioned and how those identities are authenticated completely in the Microsoft cloud…
    RELEASE DATE: 4/5/2013
  3. Office 365 IPv6 Test Plan
    Plan to test IPv6 connectivity to Office 365. This test plan is recommended for all Enterprise and Government SKUs.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/28/2013
  4. SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK
    The SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK can be used to enable remote and local development with SharePoint Server 2013
    RELEASE DATE: 3/27/2013
  5. Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Office 365 with Windows Azure AD Rights Management whitepaper
    Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Office 365 with Windows Azure AD Rights Management whitepaper
    RELEASE DATE: 3/25/2013
  6. Microsoft Office 2013 Volume License Pack
    Office 2013 client products require activation. This download enables IT administrators to set up a Key Management Service (KMS) or configure…Active Directory-Based activation. Either of these volume activation methods can locally activate…
    RELEASE DATE: 3/22/2013
  7. IT Showcase On: Microsoft IT’s Hybrid Cloud Strategy
    Microsoft IT Has Cloud Power. Learn how Microsoft IT is using Windows Azure to move existing applications to the cloud and creating new applications for the cloud.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/11/2013
  8. Microsoft SharePoint SDK for Windows Phone 8 – English
    This SDK installs SharePoint client libraries and templates for Windows Phone 8
    RELEASE DATE: 3/4/2013

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. Lync 2010 Attendee Hotfix KB 2815354 (Admin level install)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010 Attendee.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  2. Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee – Admin Level Install
    Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee is a conferencing client that allows users without Microsoft Lync 2010 installed, to participate in online meetings. A user with an administrator account on the computer can install Lync 2010 Attendee so that users…
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  3. Lync 2010 Hotfix KB 2815347 (32 bit)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  4. Lync 2010 Hotfix KB 2815347 (64 bit)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  5. Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee – User Level Install
    Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee is a conferencing client that allows users without Microsoft Lync 2010 installed, to participate in online meetings. If you are not an administrator on the computer but an administrator has allowed you to perform…
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  6. Lync 2010 Attendee Hotfix KB 2815352 (User level install)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010 Attendee.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2013
  7. Lync Server 2010 Hotfix KB 2493736
    This download includes all available updates for Lync Server 2010.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/14/2013
  8. Lync Server 2010 Group Chat Hotfix KB 2803651
    This download includes all available updates for Lync Server 2010 Group Chat.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/14/2013
  9. Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tool
    The Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tools (LSS) can be used to prepare, define and validate performance targets of user scenarios of an on-premise Lync Server 2013 deployment. LSS includes multiple modules and can simulate simultaneous…
    RELEASE DATE: 3/8/2013
  10. Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2760556) 32-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/8/2013
  11. Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2760556) 64-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/8/2013


  1. Update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 (KB2738013) 64-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/4/2013
  2. Update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 (KB2738013) 32-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 4/4/2013
  3. Microsoft Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool 2.0
    The Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool 2.0 (OCAT ) has been replaced by the Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT). The OffCAT tool provides all of the same functionality as the OCAT tool, but it also allows you to scan more Office…
    RELEASE DATE: 3/19/2013
  4. Update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 (KB2727079) 32-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/8/2013
  5. Update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 (KB2727079) 64-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
    RELEASE DATE: 3/8/2013




  1. Introducing Microsoft Lync  
    Starts:  Thursday, April 25, 2013 9:00 AM
    Ends:  Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
  2. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing  
    Starts:  Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:00 AM
    Ends:  Thursday, April 25, 2013 8:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.
  3. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing  
    Starts:  Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:00 AM
    Ends:  Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:00 PM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.
  4. Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings  
    Starts:  Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:00 AM
    Ends:  Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
  5. Introducing Microsoft Lync  
    Starts:  Tuesday, April 23, 2013 7:00 AM
    Ends:  Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
  6. Introducing Microsoft Lync  
    Starts:  Thursday, April 18, 2013 9:00 AM
    Ends:  Thursday, April 18, 2013 10:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
  7. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing  
    Starts:  Thursday, April 18, 2013 7:00 AM
    Ends:  Thursday, April 18, 2013 8:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.
  8. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing  
    Starts:  Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:00 AM
    Ends:  Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:00 PM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.
  9. Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings  
    Starts:  Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:00 AM
    Ends:  Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
  10. Introducing Microsoft Lync  
    Starts:  Tuesday, April 16, 2013 7:00 AM
    Ends:  Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:00 AM
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language:   English
    Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.

New KBs

Antigen & Forefront

  1. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Domain users cannot receive email messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  2. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: “Relay Access Denied” NDR when you try to send mail flow from an on-premises Exchange organization through Exchange Online Protection


  1. ECS – Exchange – Cloud: Archive mailbox issues for a mailbox that is migrated to or from Office 365
  2. ECS – Exchange – Cloud: “Execution failed: Configure Legacy Exchange Support” error when you run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Office 365
  3. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Empty StorageLimitStatus field when you run the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
  4. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Unable to soft delete some messages after installing Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 or SP3
  5. ECS – Exchange – XADM: You cannot change the default folder names to another language by using the /ResetFolderNames switch in Outlook
  6. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Users from a federated organization cannot see the free/busy information of the local Exchange Server 2010 organization
  7. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Meeting in Attendee’s Calendar Loses Track of the Meeting Organizer
  8. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Unified Communications certificate partners

Office 365

Microsoft Online – BPOS-D

  1. The Out of Office feature in Outlook does not function correctly in Microsoft Office 365 Dedicated
  2. When you try to send an email message to another user inside the same environment from a migrated Exchange mailbox, it generates a nondelivery receipt
  3. A mobile device is unable to connect to Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)
  4. How to troubleshoot issues with Lync Online instant messaging and presence in Office 365 dedicated
  5. You cannot open a draft email message after Outlook crashes in Office 365 Dedicated
  6. You cannot synchronize notes (memos) or contact items between a BlackBerry device and an Exchange mailbox in Office 365 Dedicated
  7. A user cannot access a mailbox by using Outlook Web App in Office 365 Dedicated
  8. You receive report of misconfiguration of specific attribute after an Exchange migration in Office 365 Dedicated
  9. Messages are not received when you send messages to a Dynamics Distribution Group in Office 365 Dedicated
  10. You receive a script error when you access the Proofpoint folder in Outlook 2010 in Microsoft Office 365 Dedicated
  11. Troubleshoot viewing free/busy information between Lotus Notes and Outlook when you use Binary Tree’s CMT for Coexistence software in Office 365 Dedicated
  12. You receive an NDR when you reply to messages on a BlackBerry device in Office 365 Dedicated
  13. Troubleshoot Lync issues with XMPP Federated Partner in Office 365 Dedicated

Microsoft Online – BPOS-S

  1. List of attributes that are synced to Windows Azure Active Directory and attributes that are written back to the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services
  2. Audio or video doesn’t start in a peer-to-peer or multiparty conference in Lync Online
  3. Windows Azure AD attributes for Exchange hybrid deployment aren’t written back to the on-premises Active Directory directory service when you use the Directory Sync Tool
  4. You’re not receiving email messages in Office 365 Small Business for a domain that’s set up for full redelegation
  5. How to troubleshoot issues that prevent a user from viewing other users’ free/busy information in Office Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2010 in Office 365
  6. How to set up Lync Online in Office 365 to interoperate with an on-premises Exchange environment
  7. Exchange Online users can’t keep messages for longer than 14 days in Office 365
  8. External email messages that are sent to an Exchange Online mailbox in a hybrid deployment have an SCL value of -1
  9. A user’s mailbox no longer exists in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  10. Error when you run the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test connectivity to Office 365: “To authenticate to Office 365, you must enter your Microsoft account”

Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online

  1. Non-Outlook email programs can’t connect to mailboxes that are hosted in Office 365
  2. Outlook can’t set up a new profile by using Exchange Autodiscover for an Exchange Online mailbox in Office 365
  3. Owners of an on-premises distribution group that’s synced to Office 365 can’t manage the distribution group in Exchange Online
  4. You can’t use MAPI to set up Outlook 2003 for use with Exchange Online
  5. How to set up an SMTP relay in Office 365
  6. “ObjectClass: Unknown” is returned when you use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet
  7. Use the Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool to determine which Outlook plug-ins are installed in Office 365
  8. “Federation certificate with the thumbprint cannot be found” error when you try to set up the federation trust to use the next certificate in Office 365
  9. Changes to a data loss prevention policy don’t take effect in Outlook 2013 in Office 365
  10. Error when Office 365 kiosk users try to set up an Outlook profile for Exchange Online in Office 365: “Encrypted connection to your mail server is not available”
  11. An Office 365 user’s email address is added to the “To” box of a message when the user clicks Reply All
  12. You can’t disable Outlook Web App access for users in Office 365 or on-premises Exchange Server

Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview

  1. You see validation errors for users in the Office 365 portal or in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  2. Office 365: Outlook and mobile device connectivity troubleshooting resources

Security – Communications

  1. Description of Hotfix Rollup 1 for Forefront Protection Server Management Console

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. ECS – OCS: Communications Server or Lync Server and network adapter teaming
  2. ECS – OCS: You cannot make a call by using the Lync Windows Store app in Windows 8
  3. ECS – OCS: “Cannot find any suitable disks for database files” error message  when you try to install or update Lync Server 2013 or Lync Server 2013 databases
  4. ECS – OCS: “The parameter is incorrect – starttime” error when you run Search-CsClsLogging in Lync Server 2013
  5. ECS – OCS: Android smartphone devices that are supported for use with Lync 2013 for Android
  6. ECS – OCS: Lync users cannot edit their SharePoint Server My Site photos
  7. ECS – OCS: Troubleshooting issues with Microsoft Lync 2013 for Android
  8. ECS – OCS: Known issues that occur with public instant messaging and Communications Server

Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online

  1. Error in the Office 365 portal: “Value of msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory is not unique”
  2. Error message when an Office 365 user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  3. How to  troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Google Android
  4. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Windows Phone 7
  5. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for iPhone and iPad
  6. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Nokia Symbian
  7. Error message when you try to sign in to Lync 2010 after a network outage or a Lync Online service outage: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  8. Troubleshooting the Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices
  9. “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. Outlook is not installed or configured correctly” error message when you sign in to Lync Online by using Lync 2010
  10. Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services error messages when you try to sign in to Lync Online
  11. Conversations and calls made on Lync Mobile devices are not synced with the user’s Exchange mailbox
  12. Lync contact list is empty or read-only after a user’s Exchange mailbox is disconnected
  13. Lync presence is unavailable or missing in SharePoint sites
  14. “Get-CsWebTicket : Getting web ticket for the given user is failed” error message when an administrator creates a new remote PowerShell session for Lync Online
  15. “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault” error message when you move users to Lync Online from an on-premises Microsoft Lync Server
  16. “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault: Error=(507)” error message when you try to move a user to Lync Online in a Lync hybrid deployment


  1. Some email clients unable to decrypt email sent from Outlook 2010
  2. “Attachment size exceeds the allowable limit” error when you add a large attachment to an email message in Outlook 2010
  3. “Conversations cannot be automatically moved outside the Exchange store unless Outlook is in Cached Exchange Mode” error message in Outlook when you try to move messages that are related to a conversation to a folder
  4. How to enable global and advanced logging for Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  5. Performance problems when you try to access folders in a secondary mailbox in Outlook
  6. Outlook: Send To Mail Recipient opens an Outlook plain text message
  7. Reply and Forward of email in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 results in 5.2.1 NDR
  8. Windows Search Email Indexer remains disabled in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  9. Outlook error PST is in use by another application
  10. Voting buttons are not visible in Outlook when you open a SharePoint alert notification that is forwarded
  11. “Access is denied” error when you click an “outlook:\\” link to a public folder in Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013
  12. Room mailbox unexpectedly disappears from an Outlook 2010 meeting invite
  13. Messages that are created outside Outlook do not include the default Outlook email signature
  14. How time zone normalization works in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  15. Outlook Issues that occur when you use the ExtractOrganizedMeetings registry value
  16. Error 0x8004010F in Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013
  17. [SDP 3][2c425a45-1620-42a4-ae4d-63b453394935] Microsoft Outlook Support Diagnostic
  18. Updates to the Connection Status dialog in Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010
  19. You cannot change the location of the offline Outlook Data File (.ost) in Microsoft Outlook 2013
  20. How to turn off e-mail matching for certificates in Outlook
  21. “Cannot move the items” error when you move items from an Outlook 2013 client to an EAS store
  22. Outlook 2013 stops synchronizing Hotmail account when connected over corporate or LAN network
  23. Outlook AutoDiscover fails with error 0x8004010F
  24. Calendar permissions differences in Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  25. Unable to open Outlook items from Windows Search results after installing Lync 2013
  26. Outlook 2007 shows Error while preparing to send sharing message
  27. Line breaks are removed in posts made in plain text format in Outlook
  28. How to obtain the latest Outlook Junk E-mail Filter update
  29. How to use Outlook policy to control credential prompts when connecting to an Exchange Server mailbox
  30. Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook disables Outlook to search the Outlook data
  31. Error message when you try to sync Windows Mobile Device Center  with Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013
  32. Issues that can occur when you add multiple Exchange accounts in the same Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013 profile
  33. The UseLegacyFB registry value does not work as expected in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  34. Time zones that do not observe daylight saving time and Outlook


Lync 2013 Client for Android Mobile Devices Released

April 1st, 2013 No comments

Keeping up the pace with recent mobile client releases, Microsoft has released the mobile client for Lync 2013 on Android powered devices. Among some of the nice features are the ability to require WiFi for VoIP and/or video calls, control over call forwarding settings, receive calls after exiting the app, and more. Single touch meeting join is also a nice feature. Fellow Lync MVP Matt Landis has done a full breakdown of the client in his blog post here.

The Lync 2013 client can be downloaded from Google Play here.

If you run into issues, there are two good KB articles that may assist you in troubleshooting.

March 2013 Technical Rollup: Unified Communications

March 15th, 2013 No comments



  1. TechNet Blogs

Antigen & Forefront



  1. Exchange Team Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  2. MCS UK Unified Communications Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  3. Servicing Exchange 2013
  4. Released: Exchange Server 2010 SP3
  5. Released: Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2 and Exchange 2007 SP3 RU10
  6. Address Book Policies, Jamba Jokes and Secret Agents
  7. Don’t miss the Virtual Launch Event for the New Office 365 for Business
  8. Exchange, Firewalls, and Support… Oh, my!
  9. Update: Exchange Server TechNet Library URLs
  10. Hosting and Multi-Tenancy Guidance for Exchange Server 2013 Now Available
  11. Time to go PST hunting with the new PST Capture 2.0
  12. Announcing the new Exchange Online

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. NextHop – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  2. DrRez: Microsoft Lync Server Technical Reference Hub – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  3. Update for Lync for Mac 2011: January 2013
  4. The New Lync Connectivity Analyzer
  5. Lync 2010 Best Practices Analyzer Rules Updated
  6. Lync Online: Lync-to-Phone: What It Is and How It Works
  7. Interview with a Lync Pro: Matt Landis
  8. Using IIS ARR as a Reverse Proxy for Lync Server 2013
  9. Configuring Reverse Proxy Access to Microsoft Lync Using F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager
  10. Security Update: Vulnerability in TCP/IP Could Allow Denial of Service
  11. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Documentation Help File Updated
  12. The Latest on Lync-Skype Connectivity
  13. February 2013 Release Updates for Lync Server 2013 Outlook Outlook Blog


  1. The Master Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs


Antigen & Forefront

Exchange Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Help
This download contains the Help content for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Hybrid Deployments and Cumulative Update 1 of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 3/1/2013

Microsoft Exchange Online Help
This download contains the Help content for Microsoft Exchange Online, the cloud-based email and voice mail service that’s available as part of Microsoft Office 365. Administrators are the intended audience for this Help content.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Multi-Tenancy and Hosting Guidance for Exchange Server 2013
This document provides information and offers advice and direction to help ensure the Exchange multi-tenant environment that you build can be supported by Microsoft.
RELEASE DATE: 2/20/2013

Microsoft Exchange Server Protocol Documentation
The Microsoft Exchange protocol documentation provides detailed technical specifications for the Microsoft protocols that are implemented and used by Microsoft Exchange to interoperate or communicate with other products. It also provides technical specifications for extensions to industry-standard and other published…
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook Standards Documentation
The Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook standards documentation describes how Exchange and Outlook support industry messaging standards and Requests for Comments (RFCs) documents about iCalendar, Internet Message Access Protocol – Version 4 (IMAP4), and Post Office Protocol – Version 3 (POP3).
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Documentation Help File
This download contains a compiled help file (.chm) of all the available Lync Server 2013 IT professional documentation in the Technical Library.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013






Antigen & Forefront



Exchange 2013: CHKSGFILES API library and header files for backup and restore applications
This download includes a 64-bit native-code library and header file that can be used to verify the integrity of Exchange Server 2013 databases that are to be backed up.
RELEASE DATE: 2/25/2013

Microsoft Exchange PST Capture 2.0
Microsoft Exchange PST Capture 2.0 is used to discover and import .pst files into Exchange Server or Exchange Online
RELEASE DATE: 2/20/2013

Exchange Server 2010 SP3 UM Language Packs
These downloads contain pre-recorded prompts, grammar files, text to speech data, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) files, and Voice Mail Preview capabilities for a specific language that is supported by Exchange 2010 SP3 Unified Messaging (UM). Warning: This UM language pack must only be installed as an add-in to…
RELEASE DATE: 2/14/2013

Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1
Starting with Exchange 2007, neither the Messaging API (MAPI) client libraries nor CDO 1.2.1 are provided as a part of the base product installation. As a result, there is functionality missing that many applications depend on. Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO 1.2.1 provide access to these APIs
RELEASE DATE: 2/12/2013

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 helps you achieve new levels of reliability and performance by delivering features that help to simplify your administration, protect your communications, and delight your customers by meeting their demands for greater business mobility.
RELEASE DATE: 2/12/2013

Update Rollup 10 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB2788321)
Update Rollup 10 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB2788321)
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (KB2746164)
Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (KB2746164)
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools are provided to help IT Administrators with troubleshooting deployments of Lync Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 2/28/2013

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Server SDK
Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat SDK includes the pre-requisites needed to build applications that target Persistent Chat Server, the API and documentation to build the applications, and PersistentChatSDKRuntimeSetup.exe which is the redistributable you ship with your applications.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit
The Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit tools are provided to help make routine tasks easier for IT administrators who deploy and manage Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 SDK
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 SDK includes library, tools, documentation, and sample applications for developing server-side SIP applications to customize and extend the functionality of Microsoft Lync Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

UCMA 4.0 SDK Unified Communications Managed API
(UCMA) 4.0 is a managed-code platform that developers use to build applications that provide access to and control over Microsoft’s Enhanced Presence information, instant messaging, telephone and video calls, and audio/video conferencing.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK
Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK is the client-side API set that enables the integration and extension of Lync experiences.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

UCMA 4.0 Runtime Cumulative Update KB 2781555
This download includes all available updates for UCMA 4.0 Runtime.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Lync Server 2013 Capacity Calculator
A spreadsheet for calculating a user’s hardware requirements based on information about users and traffic.
RELEASE DATE: 2/27/2013

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools
Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools are provided to help make some routine tasks easier for IT administrators who deploy and manage Lync Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 2/26/2013

Lync Server 2013 Whiteboard Archiving Viewer
This download includes the Lync Server 2013 Whiteboard Viewer tool. You can use this tool to convert Lync Server 2013 whiteboard content archived by Lync Server 2013 Web Conferencing Service, into a viewable format.
RELEASE DATE: 2/26/2013

Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Planning Tool
The Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Planning Tool provides prescriptive guidance to get you started with planning your topology.
RELEASE DATE: 2/26/2013

Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update KB 2809243
This download includes all available updates for Lync Server 2013.
RELEASE DATE: 2/26/2013

Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tool
The Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tools (LSS) can be used to prepare, define and validate performance targets of user scenarios of an on-premise Lync Server 2013 deployment. LSS includes multiple modules and can simulate simultaneous users on one or more Lync Servers. In the 2013 version, video support was…
RELEASE DATE: 2/18/2013

Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2760512) 64-Bit Edition
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2760512) 32-Bit Edition
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Microsoft Lync Connectivity Analyzer (64 Bit)
Microsoft Lync Connectivity Analyzer helps Lync administrators find out if the deployment and configuration of their Lync Server environment meets the requirements to support connections from Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT and from Lync mobile apps.
RELEASE DATE: 2/7/2013

Microsoft Lync Connectivity Analyzer (32 Bit)
Microsoft Lync Connectivity Analyzer helps Lync administrators find out if the deployment and configuration of their Lync Server environment meets the requirements to support connections from Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT and from Lync mobile apps.
RELEASE DATE: 2/7/2013

Update for Lync for Mac 2011 – KB2778095
This download contains an update for Lync for Mac 2011
RELEASE DATE: 2/1/2013

Outlook Microsoft Junk E-mail Reporting Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook®
The Junk E-mail Reporting Tool lets you directly report junk e-mail to Microsoft and its affiliates for analysis to help us improve the effectiveness of our junk e-mail filtering technologies.
RELEASE DATE: 2/13/2013

Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2597090) 32-Bit Edition
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2010 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013

Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2597090) 64-Bit Edition
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Outlook 2010 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements.
RELEASE DATE: 2/11/2013




Introducing Microsoft Lync
Starts: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 7:00 AM
Ends: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 8:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings
Starts: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 9:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 10:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing
Starts: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 11:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 12:00 PM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing
Starts: Thursday, March 07, 2013 7:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync
Starts: Thursday, March 07, 2013 9:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 07, 2013 10:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync
Starts: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 7:00 AM
Ends: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings
Starts: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing
Starts: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:00 PM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing
Starts: Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync
Starts: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 14, 2013 10:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing
Starts: Thursday, March 21, 2013 7:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync
Starts: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, March 21, 2013 10:00 AM
Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Duration: 1 hour(s)
Primary Language: English
Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

 New KBs

Antigen & Forefront

  1. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: How are my messages scanned for viruses?


  1. Commercial – Microsoft Online – DSYS: Error message when you try to move mailboxes from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Office 365 in a hybrid deployment: “The call to https://<path>/mrsproxy.svc failed”
  2. Commercial – Microsoft Online – DSYS: The Office 365 DNS Diagnostic and DNS configuration
  3. ECS – Exchange – Beta: “Marketplace web services are currently unavailable” error message when you install an app from Marketplace by using Outlook or Outlook Web App in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
  4. ECS – Exchange – Cloud: Office 365 admin can’t access the Exchange Control Panel of an Exchange Online user
  5. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Email message delivery is delayed on a Blackberry mobile device after you install Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2
  6. ECS – Exchange – XADM: LDAP search stops working in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  7. ECS – Exchange – XADM: How to change the default behavior when an ambiguous recipient exists in Exchange Server 2010
  8. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Error message when you try to move a mailbox in Exchange Server 2013: “The migration mailbox for the organization is either missing or invalid”
  9. ECS – Exchange – XADM: Test-OwaConnectivity and Test-EcpConnectivity cmdlet tests fail in external mode when an Exchange Server 2013 server acts as a front door for Exchange Server 2010 servers
  10. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Current issues with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and third-party devices
  11. ECS – Exchange – XCSI: Rapid growth in transaction logs, CPU use, and memory consumption in Exchange Server 2010 when a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS 6.1 or 6.1.1-based device


  1. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A user’s Office 365 email address unexpectedly contains an underscore character after directory synchronization
  2. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to enable logging in Entourage
  3. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Email recipients receive a Winmail.dat attachment from Entourage for Mac users in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  4. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A sub-domain doesn’t inherit the changes that are made to the top-level domain in Office 365
  5. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool error message: “You do not have the Windows Update Agent installed on XP”
  6. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool error message: “Your computer requires an update to the Windows Installer Service”
  7. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: List of attributes that are synced to Windows Azure Active Directory and attributes that are written back to the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services
  8. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365: “The user name must be provided in valid UPN format”
  9. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Users receive Send/Receive error messages after they set up multiple accounts in Office 365 by using Outlook 2007
  10. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: An administrator can’t add a domain to an Office 365 subscription
  11. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You get an error message when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  12. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Mobile device doesn’t connect to Exchange Online through Exchange ActiveSync after the user’s mailbox is migrated to Exchange Online
  13. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Calendar on mobile device isn’t synced to the calendar in an Exchange Online mailbox when you use Exchange ActiveSync
  14. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Mail-enabled security groups and distribution groups aren’t displayed in the Office 365 portal
  15. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard: “Your credentials could not be authenticated. Retype your credentials and try again”
  16. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message from AD FS 2.0 when a federated user signs in to Office 365: “There was a problem accessing the site”
  17. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool in Office 365: “Your version of the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Configuration Wizard is outdated”
  18. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration wizard: “The Enterprise Administrator credentials that you supplied are not valid.”
  19. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Audio or video doesn’t start in a peer-to-peer or multiparty conference in Lync Online
  20. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office Professional Plus enters Reduced Functionality Mode (RFM)
  21. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office Professional Plus messages appear before you start an Office application
  22. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to reactivate Office Professional Plus in Office 365 pre-upgrade for the same user or a different user
  23. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Troubleshoot Active Directory user accounts that are piloted as Office 365 SSO-enabled user IDs
  24. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool cannot download updates or you receive an “Your computer is not allowed to connect to the Microsoft Update service” error message
  25. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “A migration batch is being processed” error when you try to perform a new migration in Office 365
  26. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Outlook can’t set up a new profile by using Exchange Autodiscover for an Exchange Online mailbox in Office 365
  27. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Description of Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool logging errors
  28. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A user keeps his or her administrator user rights after the user is removed from the Administrators group in the Office 365 portal
  29. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t run scripts in Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  30. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t sign in to Office 365
  31. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Users don’t receive SharePoint Online alert notifications
  32. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot issues in which Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010 crashes or stops responding (hangs) when it’s used with Office 365
  33. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Email messages aren’t received for a new domain that you add in the Office 365 portal
  34. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “The computer must be joined to a domain” error when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
  35. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Internet browser can’t display the AD FS 2.0 webpage when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365 web resources
  36. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A URL isn’t formatted as a hyperlink when you send or receive an instant message that contains a URL in Lync Online
  37. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to run directory synchronization in Office 365: “LDAP injection characters were found in the user alias. Change the user alias in the on-premises Active Directory”
  38. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run an Office 365 tool: “Strong name validation failed”
  39. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A mobile device can’t connect to Exchange Online by using Exchange ActiveSync
  40. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You receive the following error message in the Office 365 portal: “A user with this name already exists. Use a different name.”
  41. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Invitations are not sent from Outlook when you try to schedule a meeting in Microsoft Lync Online
  42. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot the Outlook Offline Address Book in an Office 365 environment
  43. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Video is unavailable in a Lync Online conference when you use the “call me” option
  44. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Duplicate contacts appear in the search results when you search for users in Lync 2010
  45. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to use MOSDAL to enable a trace for the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant to troubleshoot rich client authentication issues
  46. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “The note has exceeded the maximum length” error when you try to post a comment to a discussion board on a SharePoint Online site
  47. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Troubleshooting guide for Internet Explorer when you access Office 365
  48. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to create a user name that contains a special character in Office 365: “Invalid user name”
  49. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Outlook performance is slow in the Office 365 environment
  50. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Lync 2010 stops responding or crashes after you upgrade from Office Communicator 2007 R2
  51. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Outlook 2011 for Mac doesn’t automatically set up your email server settings for Exchange Online in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  52. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: ACP and VoIP audio don’t bridge, and parties can’t hear one another in Lync Online
  53. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A federated user is repeatedly prompted for credentials when he or she connects to the AD FS 2.0 service endpoint during Office 365 sign-in
  54. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to collect ActiveSync device logs to troubleshoot sync issues between mobile devices and Exchange Online
  55. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Authentication for federated users is slow or fails for Office 365 rich clients that use the AD FS 2.0 WS-Metadata Exchange (MEX) endpoint
  56. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A SharePoint Online document library displays another user’s credentials after you modify a file
  57. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Can’t add or display a colleague in an Office 365 SharePoint Online My Site that doesn’t have a license
  58. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t open the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  59. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Federated users can’t connect to an Exchange Online mailbox
  60. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 users must authenticate again when they open a new tab or a new window when connected to Outlook Web App in Internet Explorer 8
  61. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: An Office 365 admin wants to specify the email message format that’s used for external recipients to prevent Winmail.dat attachments
  62. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to set Exchange Online mailbox sizes and limits in the Office 365 environment
  63. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to  use Outlook to perform an action on a calendar meeting item: “This message could not be sent because it exceeds the maximum size allowed”
  64. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Forest ‘New Forest’ needs to be updated” warning message when you try to create a federation trust between the on-premises Exchange environment and Office 365
  65. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t connect to Office 365 by using the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  66. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “An unknown error occurred with the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant” error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard
  67. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Users can’t access the Enterprise Search Center in SharePoint Online for Office 365 for enterprises pre-upgrade
  68. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to play a .wmv file on a SharePoint site by using the Silverlight plug-in in your web browser: “Media failed to load”
  69. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You receive a “One or more users need an assigned license in order to retain an Exchange Online mailbox or archive” message on the Users page of the Office 365 pre-upgrade portal
  70. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Outlook Web App opens in the light version when its used in Office 365 pre-upgrade even though the user has a supported web browser
  71. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “LogonUser() Failed with error code: 1789” after you enter enterprise administrator credentials in the Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365
  72. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “The error must be resolved before your subscription can be verified” and “80048849” errors when you try to sign in to the Microsoft Online Services Sign In Assistant
  73. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Authentication issues generate a “parts of the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant to be disabled” error message in an Office 365 environment
  74. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Troubleshoot domain verification issues in Office 365
  75. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run the Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard: “Your credentials could not be authenticated”
  76. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error 012 when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool  in an Office 365 environment
  77. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Shared OneNote notebooks can’t synchronize correctly with SharePoint Online
  78. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: The user principal names (UPN) of users contain an Office 365 domain after synchronization
  79. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You receive a certificate warning from AD FS 2.0 when you access Office 365 web resources by using a federated account
  80. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t access SharePoint Online sites by using a domain that’s configured for full redelegation
  81. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You’re not receiving email messages in Office 365 for a domain that’s set up for full redelegation
  82. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Unable to display the folder” error occurs in Outlook 2010 in an Office 365 environment
  83. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot single sign-on (SSO) user account issues in the Office 365 environment
  84. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error and “80041034” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal
  85. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A federated user is prompted unexpectedly to enter their credentials when they access an Office 365 resource
  86. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Internet-based client computers can’t authenticate after you set up Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in a “firewall-published” configuration
  87. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Users can no longer access the SharePoint Online public website that’s hosted on a custom domain in Office 365 for enterprises pre-upgrade
  88. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: An embedded hyperlink to request access to a site collection in SharePoint Online isn’t included in an “Access Denied” error message
  89. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Cannot insert this action” error when you try to add a SharePoint workflow action in Office 365 for professionals and small businesses pre-upgrade by using SharePoint Designer 2010
  90. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Cannot open file template” or “Cannot be found 404” error when a user clicks an Office document link in the Office 365 portal
  91. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to set up safe senders and blocked senders in Office 365
  92. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Can’t re-create the team site, links don’t work after you delete and then re-create the team site, or you receive an “HTTP 404” error when you access the team site in Office 365
  93. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to determine whether your Office 365 Account has been compromised
  94. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot free/busy issues in a hybrid deployment of on-premises Exchange Server and Exchange Online in Office 365
  95. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Cannot use this ID to access this service. Please sign-in with a different ID” error when you try to access Outlook Web App by using Safari in Office 365
  96. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: SharePoint Online displays two navigation search tabs in an Office 365 for professionals and small businesses pre-upgrade site
  97. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Large images that a user adds to a Web Part in a SharePoint Online site scroll and wrap off the page
  98. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Instant Messaging isn’t available right now” error in Outlook Web App in Office 365
  99. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run the Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool: “Application configuration incomplete”
  100. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Issues that may prevent client programs from being configured correctly by the  Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool
  101. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error and “80045C06” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365
  102. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Set your Out of Office status after the connection to your Exchange account is restored” message when an Office 365 pre-upgrade user tries to set an Out of Office reply message in Entourage 2008 for Mac
  103. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you click Register Now in Word to register your blog account in SharePoint Online: “Word cannot register your account”
  104. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot issues that prevent a user from viewing other users’ free/busy information in Office Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2010 in Office 365
  105. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to add an Address (A) or CNAME record in Office 365: “Another DNS record already exists with this host name”
  106. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 pre-upgrade administrators can’t sign in to the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) Quarantine service to access mail quarantine
  107. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Authentication error when you use the Set-MsolADFSContext cmdlet in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  108. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you use the self-service password reset for administrators feature in Office 365: “Invalid Security Code”
  109. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Office 365 pre-upgrade users experience a delay when they receive mail from connected accounts in Outlook Web App
  110. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to use the Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Support Toolkit to diagnose single sign-on (SSO) issues in Office 365
  111. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “You don’t have the permissions required to send messages” error message when you use Outlook Web App to reply to a message from an account that you connected to Office 365 pre-upgrade
  112. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: An Office 365 user or an Office 365 administrator forgot his or her password
  113. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to set up Lync Online in Office 365 to interoperate with an on-premises Exchange environment
  114. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run the Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier cmdlet to set up a hybrid deployment: “InvalidUri: Passed URI is not valid”
  115. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message from when a user tries to sign in to Office 365
  116. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to configure a second federated domain in Office 365: “Federation service identifier specified in the AD FS 2.0 server is already in use.”
  117. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you start the Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool: “Cannot continue”
  118. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t manage or remove objects that were synced from the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services to Windows Azure AD
  119. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Users experience unexpected sign-in results in Office 365 after you apply a client access policy
  120. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “A user with this name could not be found” error message when you try to reset a password for a user in Office 365
  121. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Exception has been thrown by the target” error in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 and your on-premises environment
  122. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Spam email messages are not redirected to the Junk E-mail folder in Outlook or Outlook Web App in a Forefront Online Protection for Exchange environment
  123. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Messages aren’t automatically moved to a user’s archive mailbox after you create a retention policy in Exchange Online for Office 365
  124. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to hide a draft webpage in your SharePoint Online public website
  125. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to verify a domain for a domain registrar that doesn’t accept the MX verification record in Office 365
  126. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Access Services reports are not enabled” error when you run a report in an Access Web database
  127. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you invite external users to your site: “The groups required to manage users for your site are missing”
  128. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You reach a site that uses a standard SharePoint template when you browse to the URL for a public-facing site
  129. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool: “The current user is not member of Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM) Admin Group”
  130. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Messages in the Office 365 portal: “Setting up… this may take a few minutes”
  131. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Unable to logon after implementing multiple top level domain or client access policies
  132. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot computer issues that limit Office 365 rich client authentication
  133. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Description of Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records
  134. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to use SMTP matching to match on-premises user accounts to Office 365 user accounts for directory synchronization
  135. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message in the Office 365 portal: “The content cannot be displayed in a frame”
  136. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Access is given to the original user when a single sign-on-enabled user authenticates to an Office 365 resource by using alternate user credentials
  137. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Access Denied” error message when you click the SharePoint Online Team Site link in the Office 365 portal
  138. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to update Autodiscover settings to troubleshoot Outlook issues that occur after the transition from BPOS-S to Office 365
  139. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “List ‘|0’ does not exist at site with URL ‘|1′” error when you try to create documents in the Office 365 portal
  140. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to set up to use the self-service password reset for administrators feature in Office 365
  141. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to remove automapping for a shared mailbox in Office 365
  142. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You don’t get an email message or text message during the administrator self-service password reset process in Office 365
  143. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error  and “80041317” or “80043431” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365
  144. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot SharePoint Online by using SharePoint Designer 2010 and how to reset corrupted pages, views, and site definitions
  145. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you create an alert in Microsoft SharePoint Online in Office 365 for enterprises pre-upgrade: “You do not have an email address”
  146. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to diagnose single sign-on (SSO) logon issues in Office 365 by using Remote Connectivity Analyzer
  147. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to set up the IP address for your website in Office 365: “This doesn’t look like the right IP address”
  148. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365: “Error 15: DirSync not activated”
  149. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “The term <cmdlet name> is not recognized” error when you try to run administrative Windows PowerShell cmdlets in Office 365
  150. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A user who has Send As permission can’t send email messages as another user account in Outlook in Office 365
  151. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool  installation and Configuration Wizard error messages in Office 365
  152. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to view and to troubleshoot events that are logged by Office Professional Plus 2010 for Office 365 in Event Viewer
  153. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Delivery has failed” NDR after a mailbox is moved to Office 365
  154. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: The move operation reaches 95 percent and then fails when you try to move a mailbox from Office 365 back to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment
  155. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Metadata Exchange (MEX) address for AD FS could not be accessed” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  156. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “ could not be accessed” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  157. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “Tenant namespace registration information could not be obtained from the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  158. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The federation metadata document could not be retrieved from AD FS”
  159. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There was no response from the federation server when the tool attempted to retrieve a Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  160. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There was an exception error during a login attempt”
  161. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No WS-Trust Windows endpoint is published in the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  162. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No token was received from AD FS”
  163. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No token was received from the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  164. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “During an attempt to verify Web application login to AD FS, the tool unexpectedly received a Username/Password login page”
  165. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There are no services in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  166. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document did not contain the SecurityTokenService section”
  167. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “No security token service description in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  168. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “No endpoints in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  169. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Metadata Exchange (MEX) document received from AD FS contains an unknown WS-Trust version” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  170. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Internal error occurred in the tool when attempting to find the test for a failed test result” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  171. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Username/Password authentication endpoint is missing from the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  172. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Windows Integrated Authentication endpoint is missing from the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document that is published by the federation server”
  173. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “Domain {0} is not a federated domain”
  174. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There is no Web application login URL registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  175. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There is no Username/Password authentication endpoint registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  176. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “No valid Metadata Exchange (MEX) URL registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  177. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “User {0} was not recognized by the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  178. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “AD FS Token-Signing certificate is not valid” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  179. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “AD FS Token-Signing certificate found in a token does not match the certificate registered” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  180. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “AD FS Token-Signing certificate is not valid until {0}” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  181. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS Token-Signing certificate expired on {0}”
  182. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token received is not valid until {0}”
  183. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token has expired according to this computer’s clock”
  184. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token validity period is too short”
  185. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The WS-Trust endpoint for Windows Integrated Authentication in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document does not match the one registered”
  186. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Microsoft Office 365 Authentication System login URL could not be accessed.”
  187. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Actual mobile device security behavior does not reflect the settings in device security settings in the Office 365 portal
  188. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Object that’s deleted from the on-premises Active Directory isn’t removed from Windows Azure AD after directory synchronization
  189. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “All Required Authentication Methods could not be found” error message when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test the authentication methods of the specified service in Office 365
  190. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Anonymous authentication enabled for virtual directory” error when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to send an anonymous HTTP request from the remote server to the URL in Office 365
  191. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test Outlook Anywhere in an Office 365 environment: “Mutual Authentication could not be established”
  192. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you use the MOSDAL Support Toolkit to perform a DNS lookup to retrieve the Host (A) record in Office 365: “Host name could not be resolved in DNS”
  193. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run the Get-FederationInformation cmdlet in Office 365: “An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated”
  194. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you open the properties of a user in Office 365: “Exchange: No mailbox plan with SKU ‘BPOS_L_Standard’ was found. User has no access to email”
  195. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t add a domain to Exchange federation in Office 365
  196. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: SSO authentication to Office 365 fails after you change AD FS 2.0 service endpoint settings in the AD FS 2.0 Management Console
  197. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to troubleshoot the AD FS 2.0 connection
  198. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message after you try to authenticate to AD FS 2.0: “There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again”
  199. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Exchange Online users can’t keep messages for longer than 14 days in Office 365
  200. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: After you transition to Office 365 pre-upgrade from Business Productivity Online Suite, and you enable Exchange Online licenses, you don’t get any email messages
  201. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A faulty split-brain DNS configuration can prevent a seamless SSO sign-in experience
  202. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you try to use the New-MoveRequest cmdlet to move a mailbox from Exchange Online in Office 365 to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment: “Operation has timed out”
  203. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: External recipients don’t  receive email messages that are sent to a distribution group in Exchange Online, and senders don’t receive nondelivery reports
  204. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error message when you run the Set-MsolPasswordPolicy cmdlet in Office 365: “Unable to complete this action”
  205. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: External email messages that are sent to an Exchange Online mailbox in a hybrid deployment have an SCL value of -1
  206. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You experience font issues when you use Google Chrome together with Outlook Web App in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  207. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A user can’t access a mailbox by using Outlook after a remote mailbox move from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Office 365
  208. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A mobile device intermittently can’t connect to Exchange Online
  209. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “The number of items in this list exceeds the list view threshold, which is 5000 items” error when you view a SharePoint Online list in Office 365 for enterprises pre-upgrade
  210. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: A user’s mailbox no longer exists in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  211. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Error when you run the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test connectivity to Office 365: “To authenticate to Office 365, you must enter your Microsoft account”
  212. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Active Sync URL was in an Invalid format” error message when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to troubleshoot Exchange ActiveSync in Office 365
  213. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: “Unable to connect to the Synchronization Service” error message when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
  214. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You can’t use the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool to sync user accounts in Office 365
  215. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to request a Directory Service quota increase in Office 365 when you receive the “This company has exceeded the number of objects that can be synchronized” error
  216. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Additional RSS feeds appear in Outlook after a user signs in to Office 365 on a new computer
  217. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: You receive a “Synchronization cannot continue unless Exchange Server security policies are applied” message on a Windows Mobile 6-based device that’s connected to Exchange Online
  218. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: Search results don’t include content that was recently added to a SharePoint Online site collection
  219. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: How to use the Delegate Access feature in Outlook
  220. Microsoft Online – BPOS-S: The Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) support Toolkit

Office 365 – Exchange Online

  1. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “The following recipient is outside the organization” MailTip is displayed even though the recipient is a person in your Office 365 organization
  2. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Items are missing from your mailbox when you use Outlook to connect to Exchange Online
  3. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to open Outlook: “Unable to open your default e-mail folders”
  4. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Non-Outlook email programs can’t connect to mailboxes that are hosted in Office 365
  5. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: The time zone setting in Outlook Web App in Office 365 is set incorrectly to “(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik”
  6. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when you try to migrate users from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Exchange Online in Office 365: “Unable to connect to the server”
  7. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Email messages are sent to the wrong account when multiple accounts are associated with an Outlook profile
  8. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Owners of an on-premises distribution group that’s synced to Office 365 can’t manage the distribution group in Exchange Online
  9. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t find a user in the offline address book in Office 365
  10. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t use MAPI to set up Outlook 2003 for use with Exchange Online
  11. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t remove a calendar item or an email message in Outlook in Office 365
  12. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Mail-enabled groups that have an email address aren’t synchronized to Office 365
  13. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to troubleshoot Windows PowerShell issues that affect Exchange Online for Office 365
  14. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to prevent users from creating and managing distribution groups in Office 365
  15. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error when you try to migrate a user’s mailbox data from the on-premises environment to Office 365: “This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of large items that were specified for this request.”
  16. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to set up an SMTP relay in Office 365
  17. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to export contacts from Outlook 2011 for Mac to Exchange Online by using Outlook Web App in an Office 365 environment
  18. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Email messages that are sent from the on-premises environment to Office 365 show email addresses instead of display names in the From field
  19. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: User can’t view free/busy information for a remote user in a hybrid deployment of on-premises Exchange Server and Exchange Online in Office 365
  20. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to use Windows PowerShell to grant an admin access to all user mailboxes in Office 365
  21. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “Cannot connect to the Rights Management Services Server” error message when you use Outlook for Mac 2011 to open an IRM-protected email message
  22. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Shared mailboxes that were moved from the on-premises environment to Office 365 are automatically converted back to user mailboxes after directory synchronization runs
  23. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Time zone settings are incorrect or missing for multiple mailboxes in Office 365
  24. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Outlook for Mac 2011 doesn’t connect to Exchange Online
  25. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Meeting invitations from people outside your organization in Office 365 are displayed as email messages on a BlackBerry smartphone
  26. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: The original owner of an on-premises Active Directory distribution group can’t manage the group after it’s migrated to Exchange Online
  27. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t enable archiving for a migrated mailbox in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 pre-upgrade and on-premises Exchange Server
  28. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to use Outlook Web App to remotely wipe an ActiveSync device in Office 365
  29. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to disable Exchange ActiveSync for users in Office 365
  30. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to block a message from being sent or received based on the file name extension of the attachment in Office 365
  31. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to access another user’s mailbox folder in Outlook: “Unable to open default folders-you do not have permissions to logon”
  32. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “You may have already signed in to Outlook Web App” error when you try to open Outlook Web App in Office 365
  33. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to enable on-premises applications and devices to send mail to Office 365 users
  34. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Read receipt from an Office 365 recipient displays incorrect time zone information
  35. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Office 365 pre-upgrade users can’t add or change delegates in their mailboxes in Outlook for Mac
  36. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Use the Outlook Connectivity Analyzer Tool to determine which Outlook plug-ins are installed in Office 365
  37. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Last Synced Time status for migration batches is “Never” when you migrate on-premises mailboxes to Office 365 pre-upgrade in a cutover migration
  38. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: The owner of a mail-enabled security group in Office 365 can’t manage the group in Exchange Admin Center or Exchange Control Panel if the group is hidden from the global address list

Office 365 – Preview

  1. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: You can’t sign in to Lync Online with Lync 2010 after you install Office Professional Plus 2013
  2. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: Error when you try to join a Lync Online meeting by using Lync Web App through Internet Explorer 9: “There was an error while joining the conference”
  3. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: The Outlook, Calendar, or People links are unavailable in the Office 365 portal for a new user
  4. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: On-premises users aren’t getting email messages from Office 365 users in an Exchange hybrid deployment
  5. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: Users are unable to modify their contact lists in Lync 2010 and Lync for Mac 2011
  6. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error message and error code 80048163 when a federated user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal
  7. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: Domain errors in the Office 365 portal
  8. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: How to convert a mailbox to a shared mailbox after a transition from BPOS-S to Office 365
  9. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: “Verification DNS record not found” or “Sorry, we can’t find the record you created” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365
  10. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: “Can’t verify domain” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365
  11. Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview: “<Domain_Name> has already been verified for your account, or for another Microsoft Online Services account” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. ECS – OCS: Lync Server 2010 Install-CsDatabase command returns the error – Failed to create database
  2. ECS – OCS: Lync conferencing feature fails when the user is signed in using a mandatory user profile
  3. ECS – OCS: Call forwarding fails for Lync 2013, Lync 2010 and Office Communicator 2007 R2 delegates
  4. ECS – OCS: Supportability is available for Lync Server 2010 and Lync 2010 clients on Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 client operating systems
  5. ECS – OCS: SDP 3 [fc6e7900-067b-4312-be96-8116f6356066] Description of the Lync Windows Store app diagnostics package
  6. ECS – OCS: [SDP 3] [70756fc2-d5d6-4702-ac51-afea0b6df114] Description of the Office 365 Lync Online Diagnostics Package
  7. ECS – OCS: [SDP 3] [22af4545-09d5-4689-bbbb-59faf7d7a7ee] Description of Lync Server 2013, Persistent Chat Server Diagnostics Package
  8. ECS – OCS: How to rename Active Directory domains that host Lync Server 2010
  9. ECS – OCS: Lync 2013 Get-CsPersistentChatCategory PowerShell command fails with error The current user is not member of RTCUniversalServerAdmins group
  10. ECS – OCS: Lync 2010 Attendee client cannot completely join a desktop sharing session
  11. ECS – OCS: Installing the February 2013 update for Lync 2013 may corrupt the Lync 2013 VDI client
  12. ECS – OCS: Known issues that occur with public instant messaging and Communications Server

Office 365 – Lync

  1. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 continuously asks for credentials after signing in
  2. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You experience poor audio or video quality in Lync Online
  3. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Desktop or Application sharing can’t connect in a Lync Online conference
  4. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync Online users can’t communicate with external contacts
  5. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t connect to Lync Online, or certain features don’t work, because an on-premises firewall blocks the connection
  6. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to resolve issues that may occur when you schedule a meeting in Lync Online
  7. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users can’t share PowerPoint presentations from Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 in Lync Online
  8. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error in the Office 365 portal: “Value of msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory is not unique”
  9. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot recording online meetings in Lync Online
  10. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Contacts in Lync appear offline or aren’t searchable in the address book
  11. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. The email address used in your default Outlook profile is different” error message when you sign in to Lync Online
  12. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to use logging to troubleshoot Lync 2010 installation issues in an Office 365 pre-upgrade environment
  13. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 requires additional software to sign into Lync Online
  14. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: A Microsoft SharePoint Skill search isn’t supported in Microsoft Lync Online
  15. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: User contact photos in Lync aren’t displayed correctly
  16. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: The Set Your Location feature is unavailable in Lync 2010 or Lync 2013
  17. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t sign in to Lync Online by using a domain that is configured for full redelegation
  18. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users can’t sign in to Skype or Messenger by using their Microsoft account after Public IM Connectivity (PIC) or External Communications is enabled in Lync Online
  19. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshooting Lync Online DNS configuration issues in Office 365
  20. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync users can’t communicate with external contacts who have Microsoft accounts that have a custom (EASI) domain
  21. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when a user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  22. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  23. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 can’t connect to the Lync Online service because a proxy is blocking connections from MSOIDSVC.exe
  24. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshoot Lync for Mac issues in Lync Online for Office 365
  25. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to  troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Google Android
  26. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Windows Phone 7
  27. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for iPhone and iPad
  28. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Nokia Symbian
  29. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “Cannot connect to the server” error message when Lync Online users try to sign in to the Lync 2010 mobile client on a mobile device
  30. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: The telephone number isn’t visible in the Lync contact card
  31. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to perform a clean uninstall of Lync for Mac 2011
  32. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when a Lync Online user tries to add a contact group in Lync: “Cannot add contact group. The Contacts list already contains the maximum number of distribution groups”
  33. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users who dial in to Lync Online conferences are on hold indefinitely, or the meeting never starts
  34. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: External users can’t join Lync Online conferences anonymously or as guests
  35. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when you try to sign in to Lync 2010 after a network outage or a Lync Online service outage: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  36. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when you try to sign in to Lync Online: “Cannot sign in to Lync because this sign-in address was not found”
  37. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users can’t sign in to Lync Mobile on Apple iOS-based devices because of certificate errors
  38. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshooting the Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices
  39. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. Outlook is not installed or configured correctly” error message when you sign in to Lync Online by using Lync 2010
  40. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services error messages when you try to sign in to Lync Online
  41. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t send or receive files or attachments in Lync Online


  1. Office – Outlook: Performance problems when you try to access folders in a secondary mailbox in Outlook
  2. Office – Outlook: Attachments open read-only in Outlook 2010
  3. Office – Outlook: How to remove duplicate folders in Outlook when connected to an Exchange Server mailbox
  4. Office – Outlook: Outlook application event log entries for add-in load time
  5. Office – Outlook: How to install the latest applicable updates for Microsoft Outlook (US English only)
  6. Office – Outlook: How to troubleshoot performance issues in Outlook 2010
  7. Office – Outlook: Office programs may crash with the FineReader add-in installed
  8. Office – Outlook: Visual features or video quality may differ from one computer to another in Office 2013
  9. Office – Outlook: Deleting a meeting request does not remove the meeting from the Outlook Calendar
  10. Office – Outlook: Outlook AutoDiscover fails with error 0x8004010F
  11. Office – Outlook: Outlook does not display more than 12 months of your own Free/Busy
  12. Office – Outlook: “[Draft]” indicator for an email message is not displayed in Outlook 2013
  13. Office – Outlook: You cannot create Outlook 2013 Contact Groups when connected to an EAS account
  14. Office – Outlook: “Attachment size exceeds the allowable limit” error when you add a large attachment to an email message in Outlook 2013
  15. Office – Outlook: Description of the Business Contact Manager for Outlook Database Tool
  16. Office – Outlook: DisablePST and PSTDisableGrow policies ignored when the DisableCrossAccountCopy policy is also used
  17. Office – Outlook: How e-mail message formats affect Internet e-mail messages in Outlook
  18. Office – Outlook: You cannot change a user’s categories when you work as a delegate in Outlook
  19. Office – Outlook: Outlook delegate feature in mixed versions of Microsoft Outlook and Entourage
  20. Office – Outlook: How to troubleshoot performance issues in Outlook 2007
  21. Office – Outlook: How to import .nk2 files into Outlook 2010
  22. Office – Outlook: The file size limits of .pst and .ost files are larger in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  23. Office – Outlook: By default, shared mail folders are downloaded in Cached mode in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  24. Office – Outlook: Mailbox Quota Information is not displayed on the Status bar in Outlook

Function: Set-TimeZone – Configure Time Zone via PowerShell

March 4th, 2013 1 comment

Powershell_logo-137x137Note: This functionality was added into PowerShell version 3.1.For more information, see

It’s easy to just double-click on the time in the system tray and set the time and time zone when building a new server. You may even have a GPO that does this for you. That’s all fine and dandy. But GPOs don’t work for member servers, and if you build a lot of servers, like I do, it’s a repetitive task – something perfectly suited for PowerShell.

With this function, we do nothing more than call tzutil.exe with the timezone name. Nothing fancy. I added some validation to make sure that the timezone specified is truly one of the 100 valid time zones that tzutile.exe should recognize and accept.

So, now, in your server provisioning script, merely call the function, Set-TimeZone, with the desired timezone. For example:

Set-TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time"

The script defaults to “Eastern Standard Time” if you don’t supply a timezone. That’s it. There is no screen output for this function. Here’s the function:

function Set-TimeZone {
  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Mandatory = $False)]
    [ValidateSet("Dateline Standard Time","UTC-11","Hawaiian Standard Time","Alaskan Standard Time","Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)","Pacific Standard Time","US Mountain Standard Time","Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)","Mountain Standard Time","Central America Standard Time","Central Standard Time","Central Standard Time (Mexico)","Canada Central Standard Time","SA Pacific Standard Time","Eastern Standard Time","US Eastern Standard Time","Venezuela Standard Time","Paraguay Standard Time","Atlantic Standard Time","Central Brazilian Standard Time","SA Western Standard Time","Pacific SA Standard Time","Newfoundland Standard Time","E. South America Standard Time","Argentina Standard Time","SA Eastern Standard Time","Greenland Standard Time","Montevideo Standard Time","Bahia Standard Time","UTC-02","Mid-Atlantic Standard Time","Azores Standard Time","Cape Verde Standard Time","Morocco Standard Time","UTC","GMT Standard Time","Greenwich Standard Time","W. Europe Standard Time","Central Europe Standard Time","Romance Standard Time","Central European Standard Time","W. Central Africa Standard Time","Namibia Standard Time","Jordan Standard Time","GTB&nbsp;Standard Time","Middle East Standard Time","Egypt Standard Time","Syria Standard Time","E. Europe Standard Time","South Africa Standard Time","FLE&nbsp;Standard Time","Turkey Standard Time","Israel Standard Time","Arabic Standard Time","Kaliningrad Standard Time","Arab Standard Time","E. Africa Standard Time","Iran Standard Time","Arabian Standard Time","Azerbaijan Standard Time","Russian Standard Time","Mauritius Standard Time","Georgian Standard Time","Caucasus Standard Time","Afghanistan Standard Time","Pakistan Standard Time","West Asia Standard Time","India Standard Time","Sri Lanka Standard Time","Nepal Standard Time","Central Asia Standard Time","Bangladesh Standard Time","Ekaterinburg Standard Time","Myanmar Standard Time","SE Asia Standard Time","N. Central Asia Standard Time","China Standard Time","North Asia Standard Time","Singapore Standard Time","W. Australia Standard Time","Taipei Standard Time","Ulaanbaatar Standard Time","North Asia East Standard Time","Tokyo Standard Time","Korea Standard Time","Cen. Australia Standard Time","AUS Central Standard Time","E. Australia Standard Time","AUS Eastern Standard Time","West Pacific Standard Time","Tasmania Standard Time","Yakutsk&nbsp;Standard Time","Central Pacific Standard Time","Vladivostok Standard Time","New Zealand Standard Time","UTC+12","Fiji Standard Time","Magadan&nbsp;Standard Time","Tonga Standard Time","Samoa Standard Time")]
    [string]$TimeZone = "Eastern Standard Time"

  $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process 
  $process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = "Hidden" 
  $process.StartInfo.FileName = "tzutil.exe" 
  $process.StartInfo.Arguments = "/s `"$TimeZone`"" 
  $process.Start() | Out-Null 
} # end function Set-TimeZone


I’ve never been one to really solicit donations for my work. My offerings are created because *I* need to solve a problem, and once I do, it makes sense to offer the results of my work to the public. I mean, let’s face it: I can’t be the only one with that particular issue, right? Quite often, to my surprise, I’m asked why I don’t have a “donate” button so people can donate a few bucks. I’ve never really put much thought into it. But those inquiries are coming more often now, so I’m yielding to them. If you’d like to donate, you can send a few bucks via PayPal at Money collected from that will go to the costs of my website (hosting and domain names), as well as to my home lab.