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Function: New-PSUpdateHelpScheduledTask – Auto Update PowerShell Help

March 1st, 2013 2 comments

Powershell_logo-137x137Probably not of much value to people unless you build a fair amount of servers and have it scripted, but…

One thing you want to do with servers running PowerShell v3.0, such as Windows Server 2012, is to regularly run Update-Help from a PowerShell session to update the help files PowerShell uses for various modules. But this is something that can be easily forgotten, and, who wants to manually do a recurring task, anyways?

Here is a function you can toss in your server build script to create a scheduled task that will automatically update PowerShell help every day at 7pm. The task runs as ‘system’, so we don’t have to worry about storing credentials. Here’s the function

function New-PSUpdateHelpScheduledTask {
	[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
		[string] $TaskArguments = '-NoProfile -Command "& {Update-Help -Force; Start-Sleep -Seconds 5; Get-ChildItem $env:temp -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.GetFiles() -match ''.cab''} | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force}"'
		[string] $TaskProgram =  "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
		$TaskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $TaskProgram -Argument $TaskArguments
		$TaskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 19:00
		Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Update PowerShell Help" -Action $TaskAction -Trigger $TaskTrigger -RunLevel Highest -User "system" -Description "Automatically updates PowerShell help." | Out-Null
	END {
		Remove-Variable TaskAction
		Remove-Variable TaskTrigger
} # end function New-PSUpdateHelpTask

and merely call it using


You’ll notice a new scheduled task in Task Scheduler, and we see that it completed successfully.
Update PowerShell Help
Just a couple of lines of code and we’ve removed the need to manually run Update-Help on a server.

Hope this helps!


I’ve never been one to really solicit donations for my work. My offerings are created because *I* need to solve a problem, and once I do, it makes sense to offer the results of my work to the public. I mean, let’s face it: I can’t be the only one with that particular issue, right? Quite often, to my surprise, I’m asked why I don’t have a “donate” button so people can donate a few bucks. I’ve never really put much thought into it. But those inquiries are coming more often now, so I’m yielding to them. If you’d like to donate, you can send a few bucks via PayPal at Money collected from that will go to the costs of my website (hosting and domain names), as well as to my home lab.

Microsoft Releases a Ton of Lync 2013 Updates and Utilities

February 28th, 2013 No comments

Lync 2013 logo 128x128It didn’t take long for the Lync people to return from Lync Conference 2013 and release a slew of updates, tools, and utilities. The lack of some of these has been a roadblocker for deployment of Lync Server 2013 for many organizations. So now you have no excuse!

Lync Server 2013 CU1 February 2013 Update

This is the first cumulative update for the 2013 version of the product. Two important features are added in this CU. The first is location-based routing, which should help ensure that voice traffic takes the best route, especially when users move around to other locations within the org. Another added feature is Group Call Pickup, a long requested feature allowing others in a group to pick a ringing line.

There are also some fixes in this CU. Among the changes in it are:

  • Update for Core Components
    • 2781550 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Core Components: February 2013
  • Update for Conferencing server
    • 2781551 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Conferencing Server: February 2013
  • Update for Web Components server
    • 2781564 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Web Components: February 2013
  • Update for Standard or Enterprise edition server
    • 2781547 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013: February 2013
  • Update for Web Conferencing server
    • 2787570 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Web Conferencing Server: February 2013
  • Update for Mediation server
    • 2796554 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Mediation Server: February 2013
  • Update for Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit
    • 2781555 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2013, Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime: February 2013
  • Update for Call Park Service
    • 2781549 Description of the cumulative update for the Lync Server 2013 Call Park service: February 2013

Download the CU at It’s VERY important that you read the entire documentation with this update. Like 2010 updates, there are some manual steps that must be performed once the update is installed. This includes some database updates. Also note that if you have SQL mirroring, you must break the mirror, update, then re-establish the mirror. Breaking/recreating the mirror is a short-term issue, and will hopefully not be necessary in future updates.

Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit Tools

Next up is the Resource Kit Tools. This long desired release includes many tools useful in a Lync environment, including the Address Book Config tool, Bandwidth Policy Service Monitor, DBAnalyze, SEFAUtil, the Topology Validator and more. It can be downloaded from

Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit

Here are some tools to help manage Persistent Chat, including

  • AffCheck – This tool confirms that Persistent Chat backend database user and group affiliation records match that in Active Directory
  • ChatMonitoringSummary – This tool summarizes the Persistent Chat monitoring information from the monitoring database into a CSV file. Information such as Persistent Chat total sessions, successful sessions, failed sessions with expected and unexpected failures (and their MS diagnostic id, counts and description) from the monitoring database is output so the administrator can understand the service reliability.
  • ChatStress Tool – This tool provides an easy way to simulate the usage of Persistent Chat to test your user model that represents your usage patterns.
  • ChatUpgradeVerifier – This tool compares your source Group Chat database (OCS 2007 R2 Group Chat or Lync 2010 Group Chat) to your Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat database. This tool can be used to verify if your migration was successful and give you insights into the discrepancies.
  • ChatUsageReport – This tool generates an HTML report of Persistent Chat service usage and includes things such as Top Active Users, Top Active Rooms, Least Active Rooms, Inactive Rooms etc. The administrator can use this information to clean up rooms that are stale and get a better idea of the chat traffic they are seeing.
  • ScheduleADSyncForPrincipal – This is a SQL script that can be run from within SQL Server Management Studio and allows you to force Persistent Chat to synchronize it’s records of a user with those in Active Directory rather than waiting for the scheduled synchronization time.

Lync Server 2013 Whiteboard Archiving Viewer

Whiteboard info is stored in the archive as XML data. This tool is useful if you need to view archived whiteboard data in its original form. Download it from

Lync Server 2013 Planning Tool

Proper planning of a new Lync design is much easier with the Planning Tool. It’s now available for Lync Server 2013. Download from

Lync Server 2013 Documentation Help File

The latest .chm file is also available. Download it from and stay on top of the latest help documentation.

Lync client 2013 SDK

Interested in doing some client development? Then this software development kit (SDK) is beneficial. Download it from

Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Server SDK

Build applications for Persistent Chat using the resources within this SDK. Download from

Office 2013 Visio Stencil

A new stencil is out that includes the various Office 2013 products and features, and is available from This Lync 2013/Exchange 2013/SharePoint 2013/Office 365.

Other recent updates include

Cumulative update for Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600, and Polycom CX3000 telephones: January 2013

This is a firmware update for the Lync Phone Edition devices. Among the changes is the introduction of Music On Hold as part of the firmware. Download it from Use my handy script to make getting these deployed easier.

Lync 2013 client updates

This was a long awaited update for the Lync 2013 client. The big feature added is the ability to hide offline/away contacts. Several other fixes included as well. Download from

Office Stencil for Exchange 2013

This stencil covers Exchange, including shapes such as On-Premises, Hybrid, and Office 365. It can be downloaded at

Why Use PowerShell? A Response

February 13th, 2013 2 comments

Powershell_logo-137x137My friend and colleague Patch Charron wrote an interesting article on why do we use PowerShell. In that article, Patch mentions that he wondered why he could spend more time writing and testing a script than if he just performed the scripted tasks manually. He gives pretty good reasoning.

I was on a project last year where I was tasked with automating the installation of some Exchange 2010 servers for a good-sized financial client. This was to ensure that the servers were each deployed in a consistent, repeatable way. One of the problems we ran into was that the servers were prepped for our build by different people from time to time. And even though the client had a “standardized process”, we received the servers in many different configurations. So I devised a prerequisite script that would verify each of the required settings and produce an output to both the screen and text file. It would identify each parameter, it’s required setting, and it’s actual configured setting. Settings such as server name, paging file, DNS domain suffix & search list were all issues that would vary depending on who would build the base server. The client’s procedures for resolving some of these problems would often take a considerable amount of time. So, I wrote another script to actually fix the problems that a script could fix. This was then implemented in the beginning of the server build framework. Two CSV files and 3,000+ lines of PowerShell, and I was able to build 163 Exchange servers, including more than 40 in one day. From a domain joined server to provisioned SAN storage, configured NICs, prerequisites installed, Exchange installed and configured, and more. Repeatable steps that the client could use going forward if needed. Every task, from copying the source files, scripts, tools, and others was automated.

My point is that PowerShell was not only able to automate a time-consuming, complex series of steps for building servers, but also able to identify and resolve nearly any issue that could either block the installation, or cause problems down the road.

Another issue PowerShell was able to resolve for a client was to streamline the employee onboarding and offboarding process. Onboarding employees would require creating an Active Directory account, and Exchange mailbox, a Lync account, SharePoint sites, etc. In larger organizations, these tasks are often performed by different groups of people. Many of these processes can (and were) automated. Create a user account in a certain OU (or in my case any OU that contained the word “employees”), and PowerShell can automatically mailbox, Lync, and SharePoint enable the user. And logic was built in to handle configuration of things like Lync policies, etc. This allows administrators to spend more time working on more important issues, and less time doing mundane tasks.

Microsoft isn’t the only company that builds PowerShell into its products. Other companies like Netapp and Kemp have built it into their products or have it as an option. This is key as you can us it to perform provisioning, maintenance, and disaster recovery.

So – back to Patch. Spending more time to write and test the script than to manually do the task might be tough, especially for internal staff that might not have to do that task, like building Exchange servers, again for years. But the rewards are great when you have an infrastructure that’s running more smoothly. If you’re a consultant, then scripting common tasks can help you as you can more quickly deploy solutions on future projects. Your clients will appreciate that.

I’ve seen it said many times that you either learn PowerShell, or find another line of work. I believe that to be a true statement. There are a truckload of great resources online to help you jump into PowerShell, find code examples, and broaden your skill set. Good luck!

Categories: PowerShell Tags:

Update Rollup 10 (UR10) for Exchange Server 2007 SP3 released

February 13th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released the following update rollup for Exchange Server 2010:

  • Update Rollup 10 for Exchange Server 2007 SP3 (KB2788321)

If you’re running Exchange Server 2007 SP3, you need to apply Update Rollup 10 for Exchange 2007 SP3 to address the issues listed below.

Remember, you only need to download the latest update for the version of Exchange that you’re running.

Here is a list of the fixes included in Update Rollup 10:

  1. Coexistence with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013: You can now install Exchange Server 2013 in your existing Exchange Server 2007 organization. To do this, you must install Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1). This is because you cannot install Exchange Server 2013 in your existing Exchange Server 2007 organization by using the Exchange Server 2013 RTM installation media.
  2. 2783779 A hidden user is still displayed in the Organization information of Address Book in OWA in an Exchange Server 2007 environment.
  3. new daylight saving time (DST) updates for Exchange Server 2007 SP3.
  4. 2809279 Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download the rollup here.

Installation Notes:

If you haven’t installed Exchange Server yet, you can use the info at Quicker Exchange installs complete with service packs and rollups to save you some time.

Microsoft Update can’t detect rollups for Exchange 2010 servers that are members of a Database Availability Group (DAG). See the post Installing Exchange 2010 Rollups on DAG Servers for info, and a script, for installing update rollups.

Update Rollups should be applied to Internet facing Client Access Servers before being installed on non-Internet facing Client Access Servers.

If you’re installing the update rollup on Exchange servers that don’t have Internet access, see “Installing Exchange 2007 & 2010 rollups on servers that don’t have Internet access” for some additional steps.

Note to Forefront users:

If you don’t disable Forefront before installing a rollup or service pack, and enable afterwards, you run the risk of Exchange related services not starting. You can disable Forefront by going to a command prompt and navigating to the Forefront directory and running FSCUtility /disable. To enable Forefront after installation of a UR or SP, run FSCUtility /enable.

Update Rollup 6 (UR6) for Exchange Server 2010 SP2 released

February 13th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released the following update rollup for Exchange Server 2010:

  • Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2 (KB2746164)

If you’re running Exchange Server 2010 SP2, you need to apply Update Rollup 6 for Exchange 2010 SP2 to address the issues listed below.

Remember, you only need to download the latest update for the version of Exchange that you’re running.

Here is a list of the fixes included in Update Rollup 6:

  1. 2489941 The “legacyExchangeDN” value is shown in the “From” field instead of the “Simple Display Name” in an email message in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  2. 2717453 You cannot move or delete a folder by using Outlook in online mode in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  3. 2733608 Corrupted Japanese DBCS characters when you send a meeting request or post a reply to a posted item in a public folder in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  4. 2734635 Folder-associated information (FAI) items are deleted when you run the New-InboxRule cmdlet or change Inbox rules in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  5. 2737046 AutoPreview feature does not work when you use Outlook in online mode in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  6. 2741117 High CPU utilization by Microsoft Exchange Replication service on Client Access servers in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  7. 2746030 Incorrect ExternalURL value for EWS is returned by an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server
  8. 2750188 Exchange Service Host service crashes when you start the service on an Exchange 2010 server
  9. 2751417 Synchronization fails if you sync an external device to a mailbox through EAS in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  10. 2751581 OAB generation fails with event IDs 9126, 9330, and either 9338 or 9339 in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  11. 2760999 “The signup domain ‘org’ derived from ‘.org’ is not a valid domain” error message when you use the Hybrid Configuration wizard in an Exchange Server
  12. 2776259 Msftefd.exe process crashes if an email attachment has an unexpected file name extension or no file name extension in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  13. 2779387 Duplicated email messages are displayed in the Sent Items folder in a EWS-based application that accesses an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server
  14. 2783586 Name order of a contact is displayed incorrectly after you edit the contact in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  15. 2783631 User-Agent field is empty when you run the Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics cmdlet in an Exchange Server 2010 SP2 environment
  16. 2783633 You cannot move or delete an email message that is larger than the maximum receive or send size in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  17. 2783649 Private appointment is visible to a delegate in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  18. 2783771 Mailbox on a mobile device is not updated when EAS is configured in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  19. 2783772 Edgetransport.exe process crashes after a journal recipient receives an NDR message in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  20. 2783776 You cannot perform a cross-premises search in a mailbox in an Exchange Server 2010 hybrid environment
  21. 2783782 Error message when you use Scanpst.exe on a .pst file in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  22. 2784081 Store.exe process crashes if you add certain registry keys to an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server
  23. 2784083 Week numbers in the Outlook Web App and Outlook calendars are mismatched in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  24. 2784093 SCOM alerts and event ID 4 in an Exchange Server 2010 SP2 organization that has Update Rollup 1 or later
  25. 2784566 Exchange RPC Client Access service crashes on an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server
  26. 2787023 Exchange Mailbox Assistants service crashes when you try to change a recurring calendar item or publish free/busy data in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  27. 2793274 A new option is available that disables the PermanentlyDelete retention action in an Exchange Server 2010 organization
  28. 2793278 You cannot use the search function to search for mailbox items in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  29. 2793279 Exchange Server 2010 does not restart when the Microsoft Exchange Replication service freezes
  30. 2793488 Internet Explorer freezes when you connect to the OWA several times in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  31. 2810616 Email message delivery is delayed on a Blackberry mobile device after you install Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2

Download the rollup here.

Installation Notes:

If you haven’t installed Exchange Server yet, you can use the info at Quicker Exchange installs complete with service packs and rollups to save you some time.

Microsoft Update can’t detect rollups for Exchange 2010 servers that are members of a Database Availability Group (DAG). See the post Installing Exchange 2010 Rollups on DAG Servers for info, and a script, for installing update rollups.

Update Rollups should be applied to Internet facing Client Access Servers before being installed on non-Internet facing Client Access Servers.

If you’re installing the update rollup on Exchange servers that don’t have Internet access, see “Installing Exchange 2007 & 2010 rollups on servers that don’t have Internet access” for some additional steps.

Note to Forefront users:

If you don’t disable Forefront before installing a rollup or service pack, and enable afterwards, you run the risk of Exchange related services not starting. You can disable Forefront by going to a command prompt and navigating to the Forefront directory and running FSCUtility /disable. To enable Forefront after installation of a UR or SP, run FSCUtility /enable.

Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Exchange Server 2010 Released

February 13th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Exchange Server 2010. See the Description of Exchange Server 2010 SP3 for more information, including a list of known issues.

The 549MB download is just like RTM – a full install package. Existing installations can be upgraded, as new installs can be completed with the Service Pack integrated.

What’s New in Exchange 2010 SP1 has a comprehensive list of the changes and enhancements, including:

  1. Coexistence with Exchange 2013: You can now install Exchange Server 2013 in your existing Exchange Server 2010 organization. To do this, install Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1). You cannot install Exchange Server 2013 in your existing Exchange Server 2010 organization by using Exchange Server 2013 RTM installation media.
    Note Exchange Server 2013 CU1 is also an installation medium for Exchange Server 2013.
  2. Support for Windows Server 2012: You can now install and deploy Exchange Server 2010 on computers that are running Windows Server 2012.
  3. Support for Internet Explorer 10: You can now use Internet Explorer 10 to connect to Exchange 2010.
  4. Customer Requested Fixes: Exchange Server 2010 SP3 contains all the fixes that are contained in update rollups that were released before SP3. For more information about the release schedules of Exchange 2010 updates, see Exchange 2010 Servicing
  5. 2552121 You cannot synchronize a mailbox by using an Exchange ActiveSync device in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  6. 2729444 Mailboxes are quarantined after you install the Exchange Server 2010 SP2 version of the Exchange Server 2010 Management Pack
  7. 2778100 Long delay in receiving email messages by using Outlook in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  8. 2779351 SCOM alert when the Test-PowerShellConnectivity cmdlet is executed in an Exchange Server 2010 organization
  9. 2784569 Slow performance when you search a GAL by using an EAS device in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  10. 2796950 Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.exe process consumes excessive CPU resources when a SCOM server monitors Exchange Server 2010 Client Access servers
  11. 2800133 Application pools consume excessive CPU and memory resources on an Exchange Client Access server after you apply the Update Rollup 5 version 2 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2
  12. 2800346 Outlook freezes and high network load occurs when you apply retention policies to a mailbox in a mixed Exchange Server 2010 SP2 environment
  13. 2810617 You cannot install Exchange Server 2010 SP3 when you define a Windows PowerShell script execution policy in Group Policy
  14. 2787500 Declined meeting request is added back to your calendar after a delegate opens the request by using Outlook 2010
  15. 2797529 Email message delivery is delayed on a Blackberry mobile device after you install Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2
  16. 2800080 ErrorServerBusy response code when you synchronize an EWS-based application to a mailbox in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

Important: Installation of this service pack requires an update to the Active Directory schema. For more information, see the Release Notes.

Download the Service Pack here.

February 2013 Updates for Lync 2013 Client

February 12th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released the February 2013 updates for the Lync 2013 client (2812461). Among the updates is a long-awaited feature: the ability to hide offline contacts. Find it under Tools>Options and click on the Contact List option.


Once selected, a new group of contacts called “Away and Offline Contacts” appears. Any contact that is away, offline, or any unknown presence will appear in this group instead of the normal groups.

Other updates in the release is the ability for participants to join online meetings scheduled by non-audio-enabled Lync users, as well as the ability to receive buddy invites from untrusted networks. Also, some bug fixes around location settings and tabbed conversations are included.

Note that this update is only for the full Lync client on PCs. Users that have the VDI based client should not attempt to install this update.

Installation of this update does require a reboot of the PC, and will update the client to version 15.0.4454.1506.

Download the update for your clients here.


Script: Set-Cs2013Features.ps1 – Easily Install Prerequisites and Tools for Microsoft Lync Server 2013

February 8th, 2013 131 comments

Lync 2013 logo 128x128Note: This script is now deprecated. Please see the newer Script: Set-CsFeatures.ps1 – Easily Install Prerequisites and Tools for Lync Server 2013 and Skype for Business Server 2015 script for the latest version.


This script will assist in getting servers ready for the installation of Microsoft Lync Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. This includes the operating system prerequisites, SQL Express (where necessary), Silverlight, and more. Some post installation options are also available, and include Microsoft tools such as the debugging tools, the Best Practices Analyzer (BPA), Connectivity Analyzer, and more. Where the script needs files available online, it will automatically download them. More options will be added as I have time, and can properly test. This includes Edge, Director, Front End, Office Web Apps, Persistent Chat, and Mediation server prerequisites, and more tools. If you have suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

In the event that the server needs to be rebooted before prereqs can continue, it will automatically restart the script and continue after you reboot and login again.

The current options are:

1. Director – Installs the OS prerequisites and SQL Express instances required to install this role.

2. Edge – Installs the OS prerequisites and SQL Express instances required for this role. It also verifies the server is not domain joined, then goes through the process of setting the primary DNS suffix (same as option 50-13). Also configures NICs to remove DNS and gateway from the internal NIC, remove dynamic registration in external NIC, and prompt to disable both lmhosts and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

3. Front End – includes the Operating System prerequisites, Microsoft Silverlight, as well as the installation of SQL Express SP2 and creation of the various required instances. The SQL Express installs are done because Lync Server installs the RTM version by default. So installing the SP2 version saves a long update later. Note that each instance takes 3-5 minutes to install – longer on slower machines. Enterprise edition servers have two instances, RTCLocal and LyncLocal, and Standard edition servers also have the RTC instance. Choosing the Front End option will ask if it’s a Standard Edition server. This option will also prompt (if the firewall is enabled) if you’d like the required firewall exceptions created for my Get-CsConnections.ps1 script. This option will also prompt if the Lync Room System Admin Portal will be installed. If you select Yes, the ASP.NET MVC 4 for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and Visual Web Developer 2010 SP1 prerequisite for that is installed.

4. Mediation – Installs the OS prerequisites required and the RTCLocal SQL instance.

5. Office Web App – Installs the OS prerequisites required, then installs the Office Web App binaries, and then prompts to install the English language pack, followed by the most recent cumulative update. Almost everything needed to deploy an Office Web Apps server. This option also verifies that Windows Update settings are NOT set to automatic, as that is not recommended.

6. Persistent Chat – Installs the OS prerequisites and SQL instance required for this role.

7. Lync Server 2013 Resource Kit – tools that make troubleshooting and administrating a Lync environment easier, such as Address Book config, etc.

8. Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit – tools useful for Persistent Chat environments.

9. Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools – includes the logging tools such as OCSLogger and Snooper. Helpful for troubleshooting.

10. Lync Server 2013 Stress and Performance Tool – prepare, define, and validate performance

11. Lync Server 2013 Best Practices Analyzer – this tool helps identify any issues from a best practices perspective

12. Lync Server Connectivity Analyzer – identifies any issues that may result in connectivity problems for mobility clients including the Lync Windows Store app

15. Launch Windows Update

16. SCOM Watcher Node prerequisites

17. Custom PortQryUI. PortQryUI is installed, along with a custom config file that adds Lync related options.

18. Install Microsoft Message Analyzer (formerly NetMon)

19. Add custom Scheduler simple URL – if you’d like to have a simple URL for the scheduler app, such as, this option will handle the configuration of that. Note that this option requires that the simple URL provided be in the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) list of the certificate on your Front End servers. See Understanding the Lync Web Scheduler for additional info.

20. Install SQL Server 2012 Management Studio

21. ARR (“Pirate Proxy”) prerequisites. This installs the Windows features, and downloads the Web installer. It also verifies the server is not domain joined, then goes through the process of setting the primary DNS suffix (same as option 50-13). Also configures NICs to remove DNS and gateway from the internal NIC, remove dynamic registration in external NIC, and prompt to disable both lmhosts and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

24. Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Runtime (UCMA 4.0) – this is required if you’re going to run sefautil.exe from the resource kit. It’s still recommended that sefautil.exe be used on a dedicated box.

28. Configure Skype Federation. This removes the MSN Public Provider and adds the Skype Public Provider, complete with icon. Download includes the Lync-Skype Provisioning Guide. See for more info.

30. Wireshark. This downloads the installer, and two compiled macro exe files and runs them. The first installs WireShark, and the second configures WireShark for optimized Lync tracing, including the steps recommended by Matt Landis (Getting Started With Lync and Wireshark: Tips & Quirks) and Jeff Schertz (Wireshark Capture Tips). That config includes:

  1. adds Source Port (resolved) column
  2. adds Destination Port (resolved) column
  3. adds DSCP column
  4. Configures RTP protocol “Try to decode RTP outside of conversations”
  5. Configures SIP protocol for ports 5060-5068 (instead of WireShark’s default of 5060)
  6. Sets the time format to human readable format

31. Enable Photo URL option. Enables the photo URL option in the client. See for more info.

34. Lync Room System (LRS) Admin portal prerequisites.

36. Create Lync file share on local computer. This creates a file share on the local computer called “LyncShare”, and assigns the basic NTFS and share rights. This can then be added to the Lync Topology Builder.

50. Misc server config menu.

  1. Install/Update Lync Server 2013 Documentation Help
  2. Create scheduled task to automatically update PowerShell help files daily. I discuss this in Function: New-PSUpdateHelpScheduledTask – Auto Update PowerShell Help
  3. Install telnet client
  4. Disable automatic updates. The automatic updating of Lync servers isn’t recommended due to the additional manual steps that must take place. And it’s not supported at all on Office Web Apps servers.
  5. Set recovery of Lync and/or OWAS services to “restart”. See Set recovery of Lync services to “restart” for more info.
  6. Set fabric logging to circular. See Tom’s excellent article at Check your lync server windows fabric log size with PowerShell
  7. Disable Server Manager on logon. For those of you who hate that it always pops up when logging in.
  8. Upgrade to PowerShell v4.0. This is for Windows Server 2012 RTM (not R2) boxes that still have the default PowerShell v3.0 on them. Upgrading PowerShell both before and after Lync Server is installed is supported.
  9. Fix Control Panel font. Reverts the font in the Control Panel back to the original Segoe UI. See Resetting the Font in Lync Server Control Panel – Goodbye Times New Roman!
  10. Set server power plan to “High Performance”. See
  11. Open HOSTS file in notepad for editing. This is convenient on edge servers.
  12. Configure edge static routing – adds the static routes for all private address ranges to use the internal NIC. The user is prompted with a list of NICs discovered, and asked to pick which will be used for the internal connection. Once picked, the script will determine if there is already a gateway defined. If so, it will use that IP address to create the static routes. If there is no default gateway assigned, the user is prompted to enter the gateway that the static routes should use. The DNS server config is removed from the internal NIC. The gateway on the internal NIC is removed. A prompt will appear, and if accepted, lmhosts lookup is disabled on all NICs. Another prompt will appear, and if accepted, NetBIOS over TCP/IP is disabled.
  13. Configure primary DNS suffix. This prompts for a domain name, assigns it as the primary DNS suffix, then reboots. This configuration is required for edge and ARR (reverse proxy) servers.

60. Desktop shortcuts menu. This is basically an enhanced menu driven version of Create a Shutdown/Restart/Logoff Windows 8 Tile for the Start menu (PowerShell) that puts easy to reach tiles on the Start screen. The available tiles are:

  1. Logoff
  2. Restart
  3. Shutdown
  4. Windows Update
  5. Lync Server Management Shell
  6. Lync Server Deployment Wizard
  7. Lync Server Control Panel
  8. Exchange UM Integration Utility (OcsUmUtil)
  9. Snooper
  10. OCSLogger Logging Tool
  11. Lync Server Topology Builder
  12. Certificate Management (local machine)
  13. Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC)
  14. Microsoft Message Analyzer
  15. Notepad Desktop Shortcut for Edge servers to open the HOSTS file

70. Taskbar shortcuts menu. These options create shortcuts on the taskbar for commonly used tools.

  1. Lync Server Management Shell
  2. Lync Server Deployment Wizard
  3. Lync Server Control panel
  4. Exchange UM Integration Utility (OcsUmUtil)
  5. Snooper
  6. OCSLogger Logging Tool
  7. Lync Server Topology Builder
  8. REMOVE shortcut for PowerShell
  9. Certificate Management (local machine)
  10. Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC)
  11. Microsoft Message Analyzer
  12. REMOVE Windows App Store shortcut (Windows Server 2012 R2)

80. Downloads only menu. This menu shows options for download (only) of some key Lync related products.

  1. 1. Download latest Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update
  2. Lync Server 2013 Watcher Node
  3. Lync Server 2013 Management Pack & Documentation
  4. Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK)
  5. Lync Server SDN API 2.1 (includes the API installer, the management utility, the docs, and the .chm file)
  6. Lync Online Admin components
  7. Event Zero connector

90. Security menu. This menu has a few related security options

  1. Disable SSL 2.0
  2. Disable SSL 3.0
  3. EnableSessionTicket: Event IDs 32402, 61045 are logged in Lync Server 2013 Front End servers that are installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB 2901554)

Simply choose your desired option. When the script is finished, it will return to the menu.

Note: The installation of some Lync Server 2013 roles requires some .Net 3.5 components, which are not installed in Windows Server 2012 by default. So the script will need to know where your Server 2012 installation media is. The script defaults to the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive with the lowest drive letter (typically D: or E:), but can be configured for other locations.

The script will also create a log file that can be used for troubleshooting. The log file is created in a logs folder inside the $TargetFolder (by default, c:\_install). This log file should be included when reporting any bugs.


C:\Set-Cs2013Features.ps1 [-TargetFolder ] [-Win2012Source ]
[-SQLPath ] [-InitialMenuOption ] [-IncludeSSMS] [-IncludeTelnet] [-IncludeFW] [-IncludeHighPower]
[-IncludeStandard] [-DownloadOnly] [-Tail] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-IncludeTotalCount] [-ClearRunningStatus] []



This will launch the script with the default options for Enterprise edition servers

Set-Cs2013Features.ps1 -Win2012Source e:

This will launch the script using the e: drive for the source of the Windows Server 2012 installation files

Set-Cs2013Features.ps1 -sqlpath "d:\sqlexpress"

This will install any related SQL Express instances to the specified path



Defines the location for any downloaded files. Defaults to “c:\_install”. Additionally, log files generated by this script are located in a subfolder of TargetFolder called “logs”. TargetFolder does not support paths with spaces. UNC paths are acceptable provided they are not hidden, such as \\server\share$.

-Win2012Source <String>

Defines the location of the Windows Server 2012 installation files. This is needed to install .Net 3.5 since those files are not installed on the server by default. Defaults to first detected CD-ROM/DVD drive. UNC paths are acceptable provided they are not hidden, such as \\server\share$. Unmounted .ISO images are also supported.


Defines the desired installation path for SQL Express. Defaults to “c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server”


Allows you to start the script with the option you want, without first displaying the menu.

-IncludeSSMS []

If specified, will include SQL Server Management Studio automatically when prereqs for Front End servers are installed. If not specified, a prompt will appear.

-IncludeTelnet []

If specified, will include Telnet automatically when prereqs for Front End servers, Director servers, Mediation servers, Edge servers, and/or Persistent Chat servers are installed. If not specified, a prompt will appear.

-IncludeFW []

If specified, will include the firewall rules for Get-CsConnections automatically when prereqs for Front End servers are installed. If not specified, a prompt will appear.

-IncludeHighPower []

If specified, tells the script to automatically set the Power Config on the server to High Power. This is instead of the script prompting.

-IncludeStandard []

If specified, tells the script to include the extra SQL Express instance required for Standard Edition front end servers. This is instead of the script prompting.

-GetInfoFromRegistry []

This value is only used during mid-prereq reboots. It is automatically set and read by the script, and should not be manually specified.

-DownloadOnly []

Tells this script to not install or configure anything – just download the files for the option you select. This is useful if you’re going to be building servers that do not have Internet access and want to fetch the files beforehand.

-DownloadAll []

Tells this script to not install or configure anything – just download ALL of the files. This is useful if you’re going to be building servers that do not have Internet access and want to fetch the files beforehand. Note that a complete set of files is currently around 3.8GB.


 Shows a tail of the log file as it’s written. It automatically restarts if the script reboots the server, too. Really only beneficial for troubleshooting.


Resets the warning flag if the script didn’t close gracefully and you get the “The script is already running” error.



An issue has been identified in Windows Server 2012 servers that are built as Server Core, but converted later to Server with GUI. Installation of Windows Features, either manually or via a script, fail if Windows Updates are installed BEFOREHAND. That being the case, this script cannot be used in such scenarios. I’m working on detecting (if possible) servers that are converted, as well as researching why they fail. Thanks to John for pointing it out. It’s likely that the issue detailed here is the cause.

Execution Policy: Third-party PowerShell scripts may require that the PowerShell Execution Policy be set to either AllSigned, RemoteSigned, or Unrestricted. The default is Restricted, which prevents scripts – even code signed scripts – from running. For more information about setting your Execution Policy, see Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.


I’ve never been one to really solicit donations for my work. My offerings are created because *I* need to solve a problem, and once I do, it makes sense to offer the results of my work to the public. I mean, let’s face it: I can’t be the only one with that particular issue, right? Quite often, to my surprise, I’m asked why I don’t have a “donate” button so people can donate a few bucks. I’ve never really put much thought into it. But those inquiries are coming more often now, so I’m yielding to them. If you’d like to donate, you can send a few bucks via PayPal at Money collected from that will go to the costs of my website (hosting and domain names), as well as to my home lab.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why doesn’t this script support Windows Server 2008 R2?

Answer: I get asked this all the time. There are several reasons. The first is that out of the box, Server 2008 R2 has PowerShell 2.0 installed, and this script is written in PowerShell 3.0. Requiring you to upgrade to PowerShell 3.0 first, before running a script that installs prerequisites, seems counter-intuitive. And converting the script to just use PowerShell 2.0 is taking a step backwards, especially considering that the current version of PowerShell is 4.0, and even as this is written, 5.0 is in preview.

Next is sheer time. I test changes I make. And then I test them again. And then I choose different options and combinations and test them. Testing on just Server 2012 and Server 2012 is exhausting. Adding Server 2008 R2 would mean even more testing, plus I’d have to add those resources in my already overtaxed test labs. That would slow down my ability to add new features and test fixes.

Third is that Server 2008 R2 is two versions back. Get with the times already!

Question: Can you add feature x?

Answer: I LOVE getting feature requests. Seriously! Best method to suggest features is to send me an email. My email address is in the comment section at the top of every script I release. Please be detailed in what you’d like to see, as well as any scenarios you’d use the option (so I can try to duplicate testing).

Question: How do I submit bug reports?

Answer: Email is best. Grab my email address from the comment section at the top of the script. Please be VERY detailed. Please include screen shots if possible, and ALWAYS include the log file (by default, it’s in c:\_install\logs). If you’re not using the latest version of the script, please download it and see if you can duplicate the problem before reporting it.

Question: What if my server doesn’t have Internet access?

Answer: Fear not. Download the required files using either the -DownloadOnly or -DownloadAll options from another machine and place them in the TargetFolder, which is c:\_install by default. The script looks to see if the file is available locally before attempting to download.

Question: When I run the script again, I get “Script already running”

Answer: This is because the script didn’t exit gracefully. Many reasons this can happen, such as rebooting the server while it’s still running. If you’re positive it’s not running anywhere else (including by other users logged into the same server), run the script with the -ClearRunningStatus switch to clear that flag. Then run it as normal.


v3.8 – 03-25-2015 –

v3.7 – 02-27-2015 –

v3.6 – 02-12-2015 –

v3.5 – 02-02-2015 –

v3.4 – 01-26-2015 –

v3.3 – 01-07-2015 –

v3.2 – 12-22-2014 –

v3.1 – 10-24-2014 –

v3.0 – 10-06-2014 –

v2.9 – 09-22-2014 –

v2.8 – 08-13-2014 –

v2.7 – 06-26-2014 –

v2.6 – 06-10-2014 –

v2.5 – 05-24-2014 –

v2.4 – 04-29-2014 –

v2.3 – 02-08-2014 –

v2.2 – 01-20-2014 –

v2.1 – 12-17-2013 –

v2.0 – 11-26-2013 –

v1.9 – 10-28-2013 –

v1.8 – 08-01-2013 –

v1.7 – 05-31-2013 –

v1.6 – 05-24-2013 – Set-Cs2013Features.v1.6.z1p

v1.5 – 05-10-2013 –

v1.4 – 05-03-2013 –

v1.3 – 04-29-2013 –

v1.2 – 04-01-2013 –

v1.1 – 02-28-2013 –

v1.0 – 02-08-2013 –


See the changelog for information on what’s changed/included in each version.

Changelog: Set-Cs2013Features.ps1

February 8th, 2013 12 comments

This is the changelog page for Set-Cs2013Features.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v3.8 – 03-25-2015

Added features/options

Updated features/options & fixes

  1. option 5 (OWAS) – the English language pack installation is now FINALLY silent. This removes the need to manually click through the installation routine. This also introduces a known issue where the language pack installation will fail if -TargetFolder contains a space. I’m working to resolve that.
  2. option 5 (OWAS) – changed the GUID that is checked for installation of the English language pack. Seems the OWAS install created the previous one, which meant the detection for the language pack could give false results.
  3. Additional handling around the -tail function to avoid visible errors
  4. option 2 (Edge) – minor tweak so that the Remote Desktop firewall policy for the Public profile is NOT enabled if the edge server is domain joined.
  5. If -DownloadAll or -DownloadOnly options are specified, the server version check, core check, and reboot check are all skipped.
  6. option 30 (WireShark) – updated to 1.12.4, including WireShark and the two files I created to install and configure WireShark. Was also able to shave more than 27% of the processing time off the configuration task.
  7. option 50-1 (Lync Help File) – fixed issue where extra errors would occur if the file is not present when the install routine is called.
  8. Fixed an issue with selecting “abort” during failed downloads and the log file session not closing when using -tail
  9. Streamlined some of the code for calling the WireShark config program so that it’s not version specific


v3.7 – 02-27-2015

Added features/options

  1. 80-7 Event Zero connector download added

Updated features/options & fixes

  1. Started adapting the script to support installing Skype for Business Server
  2. option 3 (Front end) fixed the issue where Telnet-Client would get installed on front ends, even if you declined it.
  3. option 21 (ARR) while this option was introduced in v3.6, I neglected to add it to the menu. That’s now done.
  4. fixed an issue where some downloads would throw an error & the script would exit if IE had NEVER be opened by the user. This is because a registry key that contains some proxy info isn’t created till IE is opened the first time. The script has always looked for that key to see if it needed to deal with a proxy. So the solution is that if the key doesn’t exist, the script will create it, and set it to zero (the same default setting IE uses if there is no proxy). If a GPO or other policy comes by and sets it later, that’s still fine. We’re just creating it a little sooner.
  5. New-FileDownload function updated to support retries when non-default destination folders and/or filenames are defined.
  6. Removed the MSMQ features for Director prereqs. I swear I removed this before, but they’re not required and not listed in the official doc for prereqs at
  7. Fixed an issue where some users would get an error about $PowerShellTailId when exiting the script. This was a trivial error that didn’t affect functionality of the script, and could safely be ignored. But it’s dealt with now.
  8. Little bit of code cleanup per best practices (a constantly evolving task)
  9. option 18 – Message Analyzer updated to v1.2 (build 4.0.7285.0)
  10. option 2 – edge server – minor change where DNS is not removed from the internal NIC when the edge server is domain joined
  11. Minor tweak to Set-NICConfig function to handle more complex queries
  12. Minor tweak to -tail option to deal with multiple PowerShell windows open
  13. Option 5 (OWAS) now cycles the WACSM service after installing the language pack

v3.6 – 02-12-2015

Added features/options

  1. option 21 – ARR (“Pirate Proxy”) prerequisites. This installs the Windows features, and downloads the Web installer. it also verifies the server is not domain joined, then goes through the process of setting the primary DNS suffix (same as option 50-13). Also configures NICs to remove DNS and gateway from the internal NIC, remove dynamic registration in external NIC, and prompt to disable both lmhosts and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
  2. option 50-13 – Configure primary DNS suffix. This prompts for a domain name, assigns it as the primary DNS suffix, then reboots. This configuration is required for edge and ARR (reverse proxy) servers.

Updated features/options & fixes

  1. Event log option in Write-Log is finally fixed, and now supports writing to the Lync Server and OWAS event logs as well.
  2. Suppression of some warnings when Windows features are installed and Windows Update is disabled or not configured
  3. option 5 – Now checks if server is part of an OWAS farm before installing updates & throws an error if it is
  4. fixed typos in Test-InvalidCerts when writing warnings. Thanks to Manfred for the heads up.
  5. option 90-3 – Now checks if the Lync module is installed before attempting to cycle the Lync services. Thanks to Manfred for the heads up.
  6. -DownloadAll now also includes the DigiCert certificate utility. Thanks to @chrislerhatx for the idea.
  7. option 3 (edge): now checks for domain membership and throw a warning if they are domain joined, as that’s not recommended.
  8. option 3 (edge): If not domain joined, the server is checked for a primary DNS suffix. If it’s not configured, the script will prompt for a domain name, adds it, then prompts for a reboot. Essentially the same as option 50-13.
  9. option 3 (edge): now automatically runs the NIC config to remove DNS and gateway from the internal NIC, remove dynamic registration on the external NIC, and prompt to disable both lmhosts and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
  10. cleaned up Install-TelnetClient function
  11. tweaked New-ProgramInstallation to not require install switches. This was necessary as the WireShark install and config programs don’t have switches
  12. tweaked New-ProgramInstallation to finally squash the problem with checking for processes and throwing an error that couldn’t easily be suppressed. This was most evident when building OWAS servers, as the .Net Framework 4.5.2 would always report it failed, when, in fact, it succeeded.
  13. -tail now gracefully exits when the script exits (in non-reboot scenarios)
  14. updated SDN downloads to v2.11 (9235.1)
  15. Option 5 (OWAS) updated to include February update 2956101
  16. option 30 (WireShark) now automatically installs and configures for common Lync settings, including:
    1. adds Source Port (resolved) column
    2. adds Destination Port (resolved) column
    3. adds DSCP column
    4. Configures RTP protocol “Try to decode RTP outside of conversations”
    5. Configures SIP protocol for ports 5060-5068 (instead of WireShark’s default of 5060)
    6. Sets the time format to human readable format

v3.5 – 02-02-2015

Added features/options

Updated features/options & fixes

  1. option 50-12 (Edge servernetworkconfig)
    1. now removes the gateway on the internal NIC
    2. now removes the configured DNS servers on the internal NIC
    3. now removes the dynamic DNS registration for the external NIC
    4. now prompts & if accepted, disables lmhosts lookup on all NICs
    5. now prompts & if accepted, disables NetBIOS over TCP on all NICs
  2. option 5 (OWAS server)
    1. updated to include January 2015 Cumulative Update (from SP1)
    2. Added Web-http-logging to installed Windows components based on recent MS documentation change
  3. comment help on many functions updated
  4. Revamped code used for mounting/dismounting disk images. It’s now much cleaner code-wise, cleaner console output, and about 10 lines less code.
  5. -Win2012Source now supports an unmounted .iso file – thanks to Lasse Nordvik Wedø (@lawedo) for the suggestion
  6. -Win2012Source now survives reboots by the script

v3.4 – 01-26-2015

Added options and features

  1. Added -Tail option which shows a tail of the log file as it’s written (think *nix). It automatically restarts if the script reboots the server, too. Really only beneficial to me, but if you use it and find it useful, let me know. Thanks to mjolinor on the Technet forums for help with getting the syntax right.
  2. Option 50-11 – Opens the hosts file in Notepad for editing. This is convenient on edge servers.
  3. Option 60-15 – Creates Notepad Desktop Shortcut for Edge servers to open the Hosts file (Thanks to Hany for the idea)
  4. Option 50-12 – Configure edge static routing – adds the static routes for all private address ranges to use the internal NIC. The user is prompted with a list of NICs discovered, and asked to pick which will be used for the internal connection. Once picked, the script will determine if there is already a gateway defined. If so, it will use that IP address to create the static routes. If there is no default gateway assigned, the user is prompted to enter the gateway that the static routes should use. The user still must manually remove any hard coded gateways on that NIC.

Updated options and fixes

  1. Option 50-8 (Upgrade to PowerShell 4.0) now only downloads the files if it needs them. Dunno how I overlooked this previously.
  2. Option 50-2 Changed the New-PSUpdateHelpScheduledTask function. It now also cleans up the temp files created by the Update-Help command. Otherwise, over time, you’ll end up with significant temp folder bloat (about 50MB every time it runs). Thanks to @UCGarry for the heads up. If you’ve used a previous version of the script to create the scheduled task, just run this version. It will delete the existing scheduled task and create a new one.
  3. Tweaked New-Shortcut function to account for shortcuts that need arguments. Also cleaned up some of the logging so that if the shortcut already exists, it’s more obvious.
  4. Updated Wireshark download to 1.12.3 (from 1.12.2)
  5. Updated SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express to SP2 (from SP1)
  6. -DownloadOnly bypasses RestartRequired check
  7. Reboot option (98) now correctly sets running status when rebooting
  8. Message Analyzer upgraded to v1.2 (from 1.1)
  9. Change reboot prompt when disabling UAC to popup style instead of console prompt to match other prompts in the script
  10. Option 15 – Windows Update – now exits the script to ensure the script closes gracefully. This is trivial since most Windows Updates would require a reboot anyways, which would stop the script.

v3.3 – 01-07-2015

  1. Abort/Retry/Ignore option for downloads that fail. Abort stops the script (gracefully), retry will retry the download, ignore will ignore that file and continue running the rest of the script.
  2. Combined all the code that gets executed when the script exits, into a function. This allowed me to eliminate probably 100 lines of code, as well as getting more predictable output in the log file.
  3. code cleanup/standardizing of some function formatting
  4. URL decoding of downloaded file names. Some of the files, especially documents, are encoded URLs at some sites like Microsoft. Decoding them makes the file names more readable.
  5. PowerShell version is now logged when the script starts.
  6. Fixed logging anomaly where elapsed time wouldn’t show leading zeros – thanks to @pcgeek86 for some code examples
  7. download menu option 6 – Lync Online Admin components – includes the Lync Online PowerShell module and the Lync Online Sign-in Assistant
  8. Tweaked logging of downloaded files to account for those without version numbers
  9. fixed display anomaly for option 2 (edge server) where a prereq warning could be displayed in both the console and as a pop-up, both at the same time.
  10. Changed the script to utilize “#Requires -RunAsAdministrator” instead of a function that tries to restart the script in an elevated session. The latter was just a little two touchy, especially if UAC is enabled. The script will now error if it’s started from a non-elevated session.
  11. Had to back out some of the [IO.FileInfo[]] changes I made in 3.2 due to reported errors. Investigating further when time allows.
  12. -TargetFolder can now be used with -DownloadAll option
  13. File versions are logged of files that already exist if the script is checking to see if it needs to download the file.
  14. Fixed the -DownloadAll option to always download the chm file and the latest CU, regardless if they already exist locally
  15. Using a UNC (i.e. “\\server\share”) path for -TargetFolder is now supported for at least the -DownloadOnly option as well as the Front End and Office Web Apps server options (options 3 and 5, respectively). I’m still validating that it will work for other options. Thanks to @tjschleining and @energizedtech for help with the regex for validation. NOTE: I have not tested with hidden shares in a UNC path, such as “\\server\share$” or administrative shares, such as “\\server\c$”.
  16. Using a UNC path for -Win2012Source is now supported. Just like above, I haven’t tested with hidden/admin shares.
  17. -DownloadAll option now bypasses the Server Core test when the script starts
  18. Misc server config submenu created (option 50), and a bunch of the options were moved there & renumbered. This was necessary as there were so many options on the main menu that the menu would scroll partly off the screen.
  19. Added Server Config option 7 – Disable Server Manager on login (needs to be added to menu)
  20. Added Server Config option 8 – Upgrade to PowerShell v4 – this will work on 2012 servers (not 2012 R2) that have the original PowerShell 3.0 installed. This option requires a reboot at the end, and I **STRONGLY** recommend rebooting before attempting any other options.
  21. Fixed minor display anomaly due to a typo when the reboot prompt appeared
  22. Fixed a bug created by two functions that create/change/delete script related registry info. One would negatively affect the other and cause unintended results. This was evident in options that would reboot the server & auto start the script again. The script would throw an error when restarting.
  23. Misc Server Config > option 6 “Set fabric logging to circular” added. See Tom’s great article “Check your Lync server windows fabric log size with PowerShell
  24. Disable Server Manager on logon option added in Misc Server Config > option 7
  25. Upgrade to PowerShell v4.0 option added in Misc Server Config > option 8. This is for Windows Server 2012 boxes that still have PowerShell v3.0 on them. Upgrading PowerShell both before and after Lync Server is installed is supported by Microsoft.

v3.2 – 12-22-2014

  1. Added option 34 (Lync Room System Admin Portal prerequisites) to the menu. It actually worked fine, the option just wasn’t visible in the menu.
  2. -DownloadOnly option. If specified when calling the script, will ONLY download necessary files for the option you choose. For example – when using that option, and choosing option 3 (Front End), the script will only download the Silverlight file, SQL Express, and SQL Management. Studio. No other configuration or changes are made to the server. This option is in case your Lync servers do not have Internet access. You can run the script on a machine that DOES have Internet access, download the files, then copy them to c:\_install on the desired server, and use the script normally.
  3. -DownloadAll option. Similar to -DownloadOnly, but this will download every file that the script can normally download. This includes all files for all options. Keep in mind that a full download set is in the neighborhood of 3.8GB of files.
  4. Removed download of Lync-Skype Connectivity Guide, as it looks like this is now just available as web pages, and no longer as a Word document download.
  5. Updated WireShark to 1.12.2. Still working on the full automated install and configuration of WireShark. Pretty sure it will work fine, but really need to test some more.
  6. Added Lync Online PowerShell module for SCOM Watcher Node (option 16 and download option 2) – thanks to Andrew Price for the heads up
  7. renumbered sub-menu options so that they all start at 1
  8. created security sub-menu (option 90), and moved option 29 (disable SSL 3.0) to it (now option 2)
  9. added option 1 in security sub-menu to disable SSL 2.0
  10. SSL 2.0 and 3.0 settings (enabled/disabled) are now logged when the script starts
  11. swapped some longer IF statements with some regex
  12. change in code due to OWAS image file no longer being a free download from Microsoft. If you need to run option 5, manually download the OWAS image file from your volume licensing site and place it in c:\_install. Option 5 will then work as intended. See for more info.
  13. code cleanup as a result of DownloadOnly/DownloadAll options allows for easier management of the 40+ URLs the script uses for downloading files. This also prompted me to optimize the script a little more to handle URLs in the variables and how those files get installed. This means less work for me when a URL changes, which happens often with things like Silverlight, WireShark, etc.
  14. adjusted the warning verbiage when configuring Skype federation (option 28)
  15. All places where the server reboots are now forced – regardless of whether someone else is logged onto the server.
  16. Download option 1 (latest cumulative update) will now ALWAYS download the update, even if a local file already exists. This is to ensure that the latest CU is downloaded if an older version is already in the folder. This is the same behavior I use for the Lync documentation help file. I may try to do some version detection in the future, but this will have to suffice for now.
  17. OWAS SP1 notice (option 5) about size will now only appear if the file needs to be downloaded
  18. Dismounting OWAS ISO doesn’t close Windows Explorer window in 2012 R2 (like it does in Win 2012) – write-log added entry to display that it can be manually closed
  19. version info is now logged for files that are downloaded. I envision something around logging CU number in the future. We’ll see.
  20. changed the code that looks at the age of the script file to warn about updates to look at last modified vs. creation date. This likely won’t affect anyone other than me. But either way, should be better.
  21. Switched some [string] variables to [IO.FileInfo[]] just for best practices.
  22. A bunch of code added to “lock” the server so that multiple instances of the script cannot be run at the same time. Normally, I can’t imagine this ever taking place, but had an incident at a customer site lately that was literally a perfect storm where it happened. When the script runs now, it sets a registry key to one value, and when it stops, it sets the key to a different value. The script checks the value of that key when it first starts to ensure it’s not already running. If it is, it throws a warning and exits.
  23. Tweaked the status output during file transfers to be a little more descriptive, including listing filename. I’m still tweaking the code to display file size.

v3.1 – 10-24-2014

  1. option 84 (Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) User Education and Training Resources)
    1. added Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) Core Planning Resources
    2. added Lync 2013 Rollout and Adoption Success Kit (RASK) Resources
  2. fixed menu display anomaly for option 85
  3. option 34 (LRS Admin portal prereqs) added. As much as people are having issues getting it to work right, this option will at least get the prereqs installed.
  4. option 29 (Disable SSL 3) added. This is to lower your vulnerability footprint for POODLE attacks. I’m working on adding another whole menu (similar to the downloads menu) of just security options. Look for that in a future build. For more information, see Richard Brynteson’s posts POODLE and Lync Server 2013 and POODLE Testing Results for Lync
  5. Option 5 (OWAS) updated to do a date check due to the upcoming change for OWAS downloads. If the script is run after 11/23/2014, it will not attempt to download the image because the image won’t be available on the Microsoft Download Center any longer. See The work around will be to manually download the image via your Volume Licensing portal and place it in the $TargetFolder (usually c:\_install), where the script will see it and continue as normal.
  6. fixed a bug and optimized the code around .Net versioning in option 5 (OWAS)
  7. fixed a bug in option 5 (OWAS) where you’d get prompted to install the English language pack even though it was already installed.

v3.0 – 10-06-2014

  1. Rewrote the New-ProgramInstallation function to reuse code that was otherwise appearing multiple times throughout the script. This resulted in several dozen lines of code that was no longer needed being removed. It also allows for more accurate logging, including finally fixing an issue where the script would report something was installed even though the installation hadn’t yet finished.
  2. Rewrote the New-Tile function. The original method was fine for just a few options, but it got out of control and needed to be streamlined. Result is several dozen fewer lines of code with no loss in functionality or performance.
  3. Option 54 Added desktop shortcut for Microsoft Message Analyzer. Thanks to John for requesting it.
  4. Option 71 Added taskbar shortcut for Microsoft Message Analyzer. Thanks to John for requesting it.
  5. fixed prompt for FW exceptions to use New-Popup function instead of separate code
  6. added logging for Power Plan prompt
  7. Option 72 added to REMOVE the Windows Store app from the taskbar (2012 R2)
  8. Script now checks to see if UAC is enabled when choosing option 5 (OWAS). If it’s enabled, you’re prompted to disable it (which requires a reboot). The script has issues attempting to mount the ISO files for OWAS when UAC is enabled. Added a bunch of error handling for option 5 as well. Can’t believe I didn’t do that previously.
  9. updated option 85 (SDN) to 2.1. See for more info
  10. Added the Lync wireshark plugin to option 30 (Wireshark). It’s really only recommended on edge servers. See for more info
  11. Option 99 (exit script) now checks if a reboot is required, and prompts if it is

v2.9 – 09-22-2014

  1. added some minor error handling code
  2. Changed logging for SQL instances to show if it exists before it says its installing
  3. fixed a bug where .Net Framework 4.52 could still be installing when a reboot prompt is displayed, potentially causing the machine to reboot mid-install
  4. Script now flags for ANY Lync server installation where the server is set for auto updates. Really, folks – DON’T AUTO UPDATE!
  5. Updated SilverLight download to v5.1.30514.00
  6. Updated Wireshark download to v1.12.10
  7. Updated Microsoft Message Analyzer to v1.1 (see
  8. Added Option 16 – SCOM Watcher Node prerequisites
  9. Updated Option 25 – now also sets OWAS service to restart (if run on an OWAS server, of course)
  10. Added Option 85 – Lync Server SDN API 2.0 [Download only] added, and includes the API installer, the management utility, the docs, and the .chm file.
  11. Script now checks for non-root certificates in the root certificate store & warns if any are found.
  12. Fixed an issue with option 14 (scheduled task) where an error would display if you chose that option and the scheduled task already existed.

v2.8 – 08-13-2014

  1. Created Desktop Shortcuts Menu (option 40) and moved all of the desktop shortcut options to it.
  2. Created Taskbar Shortcuts Menu (option 60) and moved all of the taskbar shortcut options to it.
  3. Created Download Menu (option 80) and moved all of the [DOWNLOAD ONLY] options to it.
  4. Added the following options when calling the script:
    1. IncludeSSMS (automatically installs SQL Server Management Studio for those options that normally prompt for it)
    2. IncludeTelnet (automatically installs telnet client for those options that normally prompt for it)
    3. IncludeFW (automatically adds firewalls exceptions for those options that normally prompt for it)
    4. IncludeStandard (automatically installs the extra SQL instance needed on standard edition front ends)
    5. IncludeHighPower (automatically configures the high power system power setting for those options that normally prompt for it)
  5. Changed some of the logging so less is shown on the console, especially around file downloads. That info is still logged to the log file, though.
  6. Fixed a quirk where an error would get logged during the installation of SQL Server Management Studio if the TargetFolder parameter was specified, and it’s value was on another drive. The installation was, however, fine. Thanks to Simon for reporting that.
  7. Replaced original netsh code for creating firewall rules with native New-NetFirewallRule cmdlet
  8. The usual code optimization, logging tweaks, etc.
  9. Updated SQL Express 2012 from SP1 to SP2 for the roles that install SQL instances (Front End, Edge, Persistent Chat, Director, etc.)
  10. Fixed a problem with option 20 (SQL Mgmt Studio) due to a typo. Thanks to Japheth for pointing it out.
  11. Added .Net Framework 4.5.2 when installing OWAS (option 5) on Server 2012 R2 to deal with the issue mentioned here:
  12. Added some logging around AV solution installed
  13. Updated Wireshark to 1.12.0

v2.7 – 06-26-2014

  1. Implemented a fix for a super minor display anomaly when the script starts to reboot, but the next line is executed before the script stops. It didn’t hurt anything the way it was, but it bugged my OCD.
  2. Fixed logging error during OWAS install (option 5)
  3. Fixed several issues that occur when attempting to disable auto updates during OWAS install (option 5)
  4. Tweaked prompt when a file download fails
  5. Added code to automatically restart script with proper option after a reboot during prereq installs. This still requires you to manually login. But once you do, the script will kick off again.
  6. Added a check around the firewall rules to verify that the service is running first. Thanks to Simon for that.
  7. Upgraded Wireshark to 1.10.8 – looking for an easier way to find the latest version dynamically. I have a method that works now (not yet part of the script), but isn’t bullet proof yet.
  8. Upgraded Silverlight to 5.1.30214.0 – looking for an easier way to find the latest version dynamically. Thanks to Simon who helped track down an issue with installations that already had a newer version (albeit 32 bit) installed.
  9. TONS of updates to logging, including more info, updated info, and corrected info.
  10. Added option (option 38) to create the Lync file share on the local computer.

v2.6 – 06-10-2014

  1. Tweaked code that creates desktop shortcuts to be a little more flexible.
  2. Removed the code that copied the tmx file for the debugging tools as the January 2014 update apparently fixed that issue. Thanks to Adam Ball for the info.
  3. Updated Wireshark code for version 1.10.7
  4. Changed link for custom portquery config file to a file on my blog site since OneDrive URLs are difficult to deal with programmatically. Thanks to flinchböt for allowing me to do that.
  5. Fixed an issue with the code signing detection/logging
  6. Various other tweaks that no one other than myself will ever notice.

v2.5 – 05-24-2014

  1. fixed two typos in the OWAS language pack prompt. Thanks to Mitch for pointing it out.
  2. option 5 – tweaked the prompt for disabling automatic windows updates
  3. option 33 – set power plan to “High Performance” added. Also added as a prompted option for options 1-6
  4. recommended windows updates config is now logged. I may throw an alert in the future if this is false

v2.4 – 04-29-2014

  1. Added some more logging
  2. Added OWAS SP1 (the re-released version)
  3. fixed spelling error
  4. added .Net 3.5 as a prereq for SQL Server Management Studio. Normally not an issue in full server installs, but in some management server scenarios, it’s not always installed beforehand. This should resolve that.
  5. tweaked menu code to not display menu after using option 98
  6. Added prompt to install OWAS English language pack, although it does require that the user manually accept the EULA.
  7. added reboot prompt when showing $RebootWarning
  8. prompt to disable Automatic Updates for OWAS (See “Planning updates for Office Web Apps Server –
  9. firewall status is now logged – I’ll be adding an alert if the FW is disabled in a future version
  10. fixed the wait loop for Wireshark. It now correctly waits until both Wireshark and WinPcap installers are done

v2.3 – 02-08-2014

  1. replaced write-host with write-output where possible. See
  2. cleaned up param blocks per Jeff Hicks
  3. option 12: tweaked to check for .net 4.5
  4. added logging on some options
  5. lots of minor code cleanup/optimization
  6. comment help optimized per suggestions at
  7. swaped in updated New-PsUpdateHelpScheduledTask function
  8. swaped in updated Set-ModuleStatus function
  9. swaped in updated Write-Log function
  10. swaped in updated Test-ScriptUpdates function

v2.2 – 01-20-2014

  1. added preliminary code to install Sql Native Client when prompted. It’s required for topology builder if you’re going to merge OCS topologies. Most common scenario is management servers that don’t have a rtclocal instance. Look for an option soon.
  2. added preliminary PowerShell firewall rules option & firewall notification option. Look for an option soon.
  3. option 30: updated link to new version (10.5) of WireShark. Also used an alternate path that should continue to work as new versions are released. Thanks to Mitch.
  4. added prompt to exit script if a file download fails. Basically just better error handling.
  5. Cleanup around the InitialMenuOption feature to ensure we don’t see some weirdness.
  6. option 31 added: Enable Photo URL (See for description)
  7. option 32 added: fix font for Control Panel (See
  8. cleanup of the Test-IsServerCore function

v2.1 – 12-17-2013

  1. verify server is not core. Thanks to John.
  2. better error detection when Add-WindowsFeature fails
  3. strip trailing slash on $Win2012Source
  4. option 1: Added Windows-Identity-Foundation to the Windows Features required. Thanks to Mitch.
  5. option 3: fixed missing log message indent value when Win2012Source isn’t valid. Thanks to Patrick @ MCS.

v2.0 – 11-26-2013

  1. option 3: Added prompt and prereqs for Lync Room System Admin Portal
  2. option 3: Added code to create firewall exceptions for Get-CsConnections.ps1 when installing RTCLocal SQL instance.
  3. option 5: changes to features installed for Office Web Apps servers based on feedback
  4. option 5: added WAC update from KB2837634
  5. option 18: changed to the new Microsoft Message Analyzer (from NetMon 3.4)
  6. option 30: Wireshark – downloads file and starts installation. Automated installation isn’t really possible.
  7. Added logging of more information
  8. Removed some aliases to conform with best practices
  9. option 17: updated link to download file for portqry XML file. The author of the file uses SkyDrive for the download, so the URL changes every time he posts an update.

v1.9 – 10-28-2013

  1. Added support for Windows Server 2012 R2
  2. Fixed Test-IsProxyEnabled that could throw an error if a proxy has NEVER been configured on a server
  3. Test-IsSigned comment help updated
  4. Test-ScriptUpdates comment help updated
  5. Corrected a typo
  6. Reworded some error messages and warnings

v1.8 – 08-01-2013

  1. Tweaked regex for $SQLPath to support paths with spaces (thanks to David Wyatt)
  2. Removed some instances of text being sent to the console during file downloads to make things a little cleaner. Info is still sent to the log file, though. Write-Log tweaked to verify event log actually exists if writing to it
  3. Added code to restart script in an elevated session if the current session isn’t elevated (previously the script just throw an error and exited)
  4. Option 5 updated to include Net-Http-Activation per
  5. Option 19 fixed typo that caused an error
  6. Option 24 updated to verify Media Foundation feature is installed
  7. Option 28 Added download of Lync-Skype Connectivity Provisioning Guide
  8. Option 30 started – configure push notifications

v1.7 – 05-31-2013

  1. option added (option 25) for Set recovery of Lync services to restart – this comes from my post at
  2. option added (option 26) Lync Server 2013 Watcher Node [DOWNLOAD ONLY]
  3. option added (option 27) Lync Server 2013 Management Pack & Documentation [DOWNLOAD ONLY]
  4. option added (option 28) Enable Skype Federation
  5. option added (option 97) to visit script’s website
  6. intro code for script update check – right now if the script’s file creationdate is more than 90 days old, you’ll get a prompt asking if you want to check for an update.
  7. auto detection of first CD-ROM drive for default $Win2012Source (previously default to d:)
  8. updated Test-IsRebootRequired function to check more registry keys to cover Windows Update reboot required as well; added code to see if SCCM 2012 client requires a reboot
  9. various logging bug fixes as well as logging more info to the file – eventually this will result in less being sent to the console screen.
  10. switched here-strings to double quotes to work around a random formatting issue in UltraEdit, and to streamline using variables in them
  11. initial code for proxy detection and credentials (per @TomArbuthnot) – it hasn’t been extensively tested yet.
  12. better error detection/suppression/logging in New-FileDownload and New-ProgramInstallation functions
  13. fixed the documentation help download (option 13) code to always download the file – even if it already exists locally (to account for updated file)
  14. additional work on the sysinternals option (not yet availabled). Access to \\ seems to be pretty laggy. Trying to work around that.
  15. added some validation around the $TargetFolder parameter. I really hate dealing with regex, but do appreciate what they can do.
  16. some optimization of the New-SQLInstance and New-SQLMgmtStudio functions
  17. fixed some weird issue with the portqryui custom xml file download (option 17). I think it’s SkyDrive related. Might have to come up with an alternative method.
  18. fixed an issue with the Write-Log function which caused split log files if the script changed directories. Now set the logs to be in $TargetFolder\logs
  19. optimized Test-IsAdmin function – it’s now 1/2 the lines of code
  20. minor tweaks to Add-PinnedAppToTaskbar and Add-PinnedAppToStartMenu functions to utilize ParameterSetName
  21. minor tweaks to New-FileDownload function to utilize Split-Path over a longer, more complex method
  22. minor tweaks to convert some Where-Object lines to the PowerShell v3 method

v1.6 – 05-24-2013

  1. “Download latest Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update” option added
  2. “Custom PortQryUI” option added per (
  3. “Windows Update tile” option added
  4. combined tile functions
  5. combined SQL instance functions
  6. additional logging
  7. “Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Runtime (UCMA 4.0) installation” option added
  8. various code optimization

v1.5 – 05-10-2013

  1. -NoSQL option for those who insist on letting the Lync installer install the SQL instances. This means that you’ll have to update those instances.
  2. Better reboot handling for OS prerequisites. This should resolve the problem with some people seeing a lot of errors until after a reboot.
  3. Better error messages for some errors. Can’t ignore these!
  4. Updated Debugger Tools installation as mention in Jonathan’s post  (thanks to Kevin)
  5. Office Web App server KB2810007 update (thanks to Randy)
  6. Rename to Set-Cs2013Features.ps1
  7. Added custom Scheduler simple URL. This automates adding a custom simple URL for the scheduler app
  8. Changed Standard edition server config to a prompt during regular FE install (removed -standard parameter)
  9. changed SQL input parameters to a single $SQLPath, with regex validation and default value. Just specify the -SQLPath [path] instead of the -SQLDir and -SQLDrive parameters.
  10. intro code for full logging functionality. Script will now create a log file that can be used for troubleshooting. Just basic stuff in there for now. I’ll add more later.
  11. updated comment based help info with additional parameter and example information
  12. fixed Lync Help option that was generating errors when trying to create taskbar shortcuts

v1.4 – 05-03-2013

  1. Added detection check for OS reboot (due to previous unfinished installation), and halt script if it’s detected. Otherwise, some Add-WindowsFeatures commands could fail.
  2. Added telnet client option, and prompt for it during most roles.
  3. Added SQL Management Studio option per Chris Elliot’s suggestion and example, and prompt during any role that has SQL instances
  4. Added Lync documentation help option
  5. Added NetMon 3.4 option
  6. Added Windows Update option
  7. Added option to define installation path for SQL instances
  8. Tweaked Office Web App OS prereqs to include InkAndHandwritingServices per Viggo Stomsvik’s comment
  9. Moved Add-WindowsFeature commands to top of order for all roles to avoid a potential error when installing SQL Express
  10. Added better check to determine if installing OS prereqs requires a reboot, and flagging accordingly
  11. Cleaned up code for scheduler custom simple URL
  12. Added preliminary code for SysInternals Suite install
  13. Moved SQL instance installs to dedicated functions and optimized
  14. Switched from ANSI to Unicode so that I could do cleaner looking error displays
  15. Switched SQL Express and SQL Management Studio installs from /quiet to /quietsimple so that there is some on-screen indication that the installs are progressing. This has no effect on the installations themselves, but it’s better than the script not appearing to do anything for 10 minutes at a time.

v1.3 – 04-29-2013

  1. Added Office Web App option. Includes all prerequisites, installing the roll, and the recent update for it
  2. Added the Director role option. Includes all OS prerequisites and the updated SQL Express instances
  3. Code optimization
  4. Added updated SQL Express instances to Edge option
  5. Signed script

v1.2 – 04-01-2013

  1. Edge server functions updated to include SQL Express SP1 (just like the FE code)
  2. Added Stress and Performance Tool option
  3. Minor code optimization
  4. Some code for future features

v1.1 – 02-28-2013

  1. Server roles added:
    1. Edge
    2. Persistent Chat
  2. Tools and utilities added:
    1. Resource Kit
    2. Persistent Chat Resource Kit
  3. Features added
    1. PowerShell Update-Help scheduled task
  4. Bug fixes and tweaks
    1. check for $Win2012Source\sources\sxs
    2. Moved tiles to the All Users profile

v1.0 – 02-08-2013

  1. Initial version

February 2013 Technical Rollup: Unified Communications

February 1st, 2013 No comments



  1. TechNet Blogs
  2. TechNet Blogs

Antigen & Forefront



  1. Exchange Team Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  2. MCS UK Unified Communications Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  3. Managing OAB in Exchange Server 2013
  4. Exchange 2010 Calendar Repair Assistant
  5. How to write an Exchange 2013 transport agent
  6. Exchange 2013 Server Role Architecture
  7. Exchange 2013 Client Access Server Role
  8. New Outlook Calendar best practices document for Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. NextHop – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  2. DrRez: Microsoft Lync Server Technical Reference Hub – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  3. Update: Lync Federation with Public Instant Messaging Connectivity on
  4. Lync 2013: The New Lync Web App
  5. The New Remote Connectivity Analyzer
  6. Lync Wiki: Understanding Simple URLs in Lync
  7. LyncBeat: How UCMA Handles Incoming Messages
  8. Cumulative Update for Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600, and Polycom CX3000 Telephones: January 2013
  9. White Paper: Delivering Lync 2013 Real-Time Communications over Wi-Fi
  10. LyncBeat: How to Set Up Lync 2010 SCOM Management Pack and Synthetic Transactions
  11. Lync MVP Article Roundup: January 2013
  12. Lync Wiki: Getting Started with Proposing a Deployment for a Small Lync Implementation


  1. Outlook Blog


  1. The Master Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs



Office Visio Stencil for Exchange 2013
This stencil contains Exchange 2013 specific icons to help you create visual representations of Microsoft Exchange 2013 deployments, including on-premises, hybrid, and Office 365.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Help
This download contains the Help content for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Hybrid Deployments and the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013.

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Device Selection Tool for Microsoft Lync 2010
Online tool that helps Lync users find the best device based on their mobility and communication behaviours, and help IT decision makers rolling out Lync to select appropriate UC devices for their users.

Delivering Lync 2013 Real-Time Communications over Wi-Fi
Communications software can be successfully implemented over wireless local area networks (Wi-Fi) for voice and video (real-time media). User experiences and best practices are summarized, including detailed configuration settings for enterprise, public…


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

Microsoft Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600 and Polycom CX3000
Lyncâ„¢ Phone Edition for Polycom® CX500, Polycom® CX600 and Polycom® CX3000 is the first generation of software designed specifically for the phones from Polycom to interoperate with Microsoft® Lyncâ„¢ Server 2010 and Microsoft® Lyncâ„¢ Server…


Introducing Microsoft Lync   Starts:  Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:00 AM Ends:  Tuesday, February 05, 2013 8:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings   Starts:  Wednesday, February 06, 2013 9:00 AM Ends:  Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing   Starts:  Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:00 AM Ends:  Wednesday, February 06, 2013 12:00 PM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing   Starts:  Thursday, February 07, 2013 7:00 AM Ends:  Thursday, February 07, 2013 8:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync   Starts:  Thursday, February 07, 2013 9:00 AM Ends:  Thursday, February 07, 2013 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync   Starts:  Tuesday, February 12, 2013 7:00 AM Ends:  Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Moving from Live Meeting to Lync: Making the Most of your Online Meetings   Starts:  Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:00 AM Ends:  Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting.  This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing   Starts:  Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:00 AM Ends:  Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:00 PM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing   Starts:  Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:00 AM Ends:  Thursday, February 14, 2013 8:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.  (more)

Introducing Microsoft Lync   Starts:  Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:00 AM Ends:  Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language:   English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.  (more)

New KBs

Antigen & Forefront

  1. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Error message when you try to access the FOPE Administration Center from the Office 365 portal: “Your username from federation is invalid or your account is disabled”
  2. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: “Relay Access Denied” or “Hop Count Exceeded” non-delivery report (NDR) error message when users send mails to Office 365 users
  3. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: No domains are listed in the Filtering Domains field when you run the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Directory Sync Tool
  4. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: You receive spoofed email messages even though the SPF record spam filtering options are enabled in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  5. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: “A synchronization error occurred between your Active Directory environment and the Hosted Archive service” error message in Exchange Hosted Archive
  6. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: How to add a disclaimer or footer to outgoing mail messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  7. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Domains do not appear in the Available Domains list in the FOPE Directory Sync Tool
  8. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Error when you run the FOPE Directory Sync Tool: “Unexpected error occurred during job execution”
  9. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: Some messages are rejected when you try to use Exchange Online servers as an SMTP relay for on-premises business applications and network hardware devices
  10. Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA: You cannot remove duplicate domains in FOPE by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
  11. Security – Communications: License extension for End-of-Life Antigen/Forefront products
  12. Exchange Microsoft Online: Error message when you try to move mailboxes from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Office 365 in a hybrid deployment: “The call to https://<path>/mrsproxy.svc failed”
  13. Microsoft Online: The Office 365 DNS Diagnostic and DNS configuration
  14. Exchange: Large transaction logs are generated when you move mailboxes in Exchange Server 2013 Administration Center
  15. Exchange: Content Index status of all or most of the mailbox databases in the environment shows “Failed”
  16. Exchange: Archive mailbox issues for a mailbox that is migrated to or from Office 365
  17. Exchange: The Read status of email messages may not be updated between Exchange ActiveSync on a user’s mobile device and the user’s mailbox in Exchange Online
  18. Exchange: Cross-premises Calendar editing is unavailable in a hybrid deployment of Exchange Online in Office 365 and on-premises Exchange Server
  19. Exchange: Error when you start Exchange Management Shell (EMS) or Exchange Management Console (EMC): “The requested HTTP URL was not available”
  20. Exchange: Error message when you try to start Exchange Management Shell (EMS) or Exchange Management Console (EMC): “The connection to the specified remote host was refused”
  21. Exchange: You cannot add a new Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox database to DAG in a multi-site topology environment
  22. Exchange: [SDP 3][6f9b7902-2737-41fe-9061-bc2197d3cdd6] Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online Recipient Diagnostic
  23. Exchange: You cannot use Chrome to manage settings in the EAC in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 environment
  24. Exchange: “Assertion Failed” warning message when you try to edit a transport rule in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
  25. Exchange: “No active public folder mailboxes were found” error when you try to create a public folder in an Exchange Server 2013 environment
  26. Exchange: Outlook Anywhere does not work if IPv6 is enabled on an Exchange Server 2007 multi-role server
  27. Exchange: User cannot create an appointment or all day event in the calendar of a shared mailbox in an Exchange Server 2007 or 2010 environment
  28. Exchange: “The parameter ‘roles’ is not valid” error message when try to uninstall the Exchange Server 2013 server role
  29. Exchange: Exchange issues after you install MS13-004: .NET Framework Update (KB 2756920)
  30. Exchange: How to add public folder stores
  31. Exchange: How to configure storage limits on Public Folders in Exchange 2003
  32. Exchange: Exchange Server 2003 public folder administration improvements
  33. Exchange: How to recover deleted public folders or items that are deleted from public folders by using the PFDAVAdmin tool in Exchange 2000 Server or in Exchange Server 2003
  34. Exchange: Test-IRMConfiguration fails – FAIL: Failed to acquire a use license
  35. Exchange: Additional authentication prompt is displayed when an external network user signs in to an Office Communicator 2007 client
  36. Microsoft Online: User’s mailbox is not migrated as scheduled from Lotus Notes to Exchange Server in Office 365 dedicated
  37. Microsoft Online: Members of a distribution group in Exchange Server may not receive email messages that do not specify a return path in Office 365 dedicated
  38. Microsoft Online: A user’s mailbox contains duplicate or flawed content after migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange Server in Office 365 dedicated
  39. Microsoft Online: MMSSPP does not deprovision Exchange mailbox and mail-enabled objects from the dedicated managed Office 365 environment
  40. Microsoft Online: A user’s Microsoft Online Services email address unexpectedly contains an underscore character after directory synchronization
  41. Microsoft Online: How to enable logging in Entourage
  42. Microsoft Online: Email recipients receive a Winmail.dat attachment from Entourage for Mac users
  43. Microsoft Online: Users receive Send/Receive error messages after they configure multiple accounts in Office 365 or Office 365 Preview by using Outlook 2007
  44. Microsoft Online: Mobile device doesn’t connect to Exchange Online through Exchange ActiveSync after the user’s mailbox is migrated to Exchange Online
  45. Microsoft Online: Mail-enabled security groups and distribution groups are not displayed in the Office 365 portal
  46. Microsoft Online: Audio or video does not start in a peer-to-peer or multiparty conference in Lync Online
  47. Microsoft Online: Outlook cannot configure a new profile by using Exchange Autodiscover for an Exchange Online mailbox in Office 365
  48. Microsoft Online: How to troubleshoot issues in which Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010 crashes or stops responding (hangs) when it’s used with Office 365
  49. Microsoft Online: Email messages aren’t received for a new domain that you add in the Office 365 portal
  50. Microsoft Online: A URL is not formatted as a hyperlink when you send or receive an instant message that contains a URL in Lync Online or Lync Online Preview
  51. Microsoft Online: A mobile device can’t connect to Exchange Online by using Exchange ActiveSync
  52. Microsoft Online: Video is unavailable in a Lync Online conference when you use the “call me” option
  53. Microsoft Online: Lync 2010 stops responding or crashes after you upgrade from Office Communicator 2007 R2
  54. Microsoft Online: Outlook 2011 for Mac does not automatically configure your email server settings for Exchange Online in Office 365
  55. Microsoft Online: ACP and VoIP audio do not bridge, and parties cannot hear one another in Lync Online
  56. Microsoft Online: How collect ActiveSync device logs to troubleshoot sync issues between mobile devices and Exchange Online
  57. Microsoft Online: An IT administrator wants to specify the email message format that is used for external recipients to prevent Winmail.dat attachments
  58. Microsoft Online: Error message when you try to  use Outlook to perform an action on a calendar meeting item: “This message could not be sent because it exceeds the maximum size allowed”
  59. Microsoft Online: You receive a “One or more users need an assigned license in order to retain an Exchange Online mailbox or archive” message on the Users page of the Office 365 portal
  60. Microsoft Online: “Unable to display the folder” error occurs in Outlook 2010 in an Office 365 environment
  61. Microsoft Online: How to set up safe senders and blocked senders in Office 365
  62. Microsoft Online: “Cannot use this ID to access this service. Please sign-in with a different ID” error when you try to access Outlook Web App by using Safari in an Office 365 environment
  63. Microsoft Online: Error message when you try to set an Out of Office reply message in Entourage 2008 for Mac: “Set your Out of Office status after the connection to your Exchange account is restored”
  64. Microsoft Online: Office 365 administrators cannot sign in to the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) Quarantine service to access mail quarantine
  65. Microsoft Online: Error message when you run the Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier cmdlet to configure Exchange federation: “InvalidUri: Passed URI is not valid”
  66. Microsoft Online: “Exception has been thrown by the target” error in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 and your on-premises environment
  67. Microsoft Online: Spam email messages are not redirected to the Junk E-mail folder in Outlook or Outlook Web App in a Forefront Online Protection for Exchange environment
  68. Microsoft Online: How to remove automapping for a shared mailbox in Office 365
  69. Microsoft Online: You continue to receive email messages that are sent to a connected account in Office 365 after you remove the connected account from Office 365
  70. Microsoft Online: How to test whether enterprise single sign-on users can authenticate to Office 365
  71. Microsoft Online: Error message when you try to move mailboxes to or from Office 365 in a hybrid deployment: “Exception has been thrown by the target”
  72. Microsoft Online: The move operation reaches 95 percent and then fails when you try to move a mailbox from Office 365 back to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment
  73. Microsoft Online: Meeting requests that are sent to resource mailboxes are not always forwarded automatically to delegates in Outlook in Office 365
  74. Microsoft Online: Object that’s deleted from on-premises Active Directory isn’t removed from Microsoft Online Services after directory synchronization
  75. Microsoft Online: “Anonymous authentication enabled for virtual directory” error message when you use the Exchange Analyzer tool to send an anonymous HTTP request from the remote server to the URL in Office 365
  76. Microsoft Online: Error message in the Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool when you test the Outlook Anywhere feature in an Office 365 environment: “Mutual Authentication could not be established”
  77. Microsoft Online: Error message when you open the properties of a user in Office 365: “Exchange: No mailbox plan with SKU ‘BPOS_L_Standard’ was found. User has no access to email”
  78. Microsoft Online: After you transition to Office 365 from Business Productivity Online Suite, and you enable Exchange Online licenses, you cannot receive email messages
  79. Microsoft Online: Error message when you try to use the New-MoveRequest cmdlet to move a mailbox from Exchange Online in Office 365 to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment: “Operation has timed out”
  80. Microsoft Online: A mobile device intermittently cannot connect to Exchange Online
  81. Microsoft Online: “Active Sync URL was in an Invalid format” error message when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to troubleshoot Exchange ActiveSync in Office 365

Office 365 – Exchange

  1. Microsoft Online: Office 365 users don’t receive an “Accepted” message in Outlook from an on-premises room mailbox even though the meeting request is accepted
  2. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “The following recipient is outside the organization” MailTip is displayed even though the recipient is a person in your company
  3. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Items are missing from your mailbox when you use Outlook to connect to Exchange Online
  4. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to open Outlook: “Unable to open your default e-mail folders”
  5. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Non-Outlook email programs can’t connect to mailboxes that are hosted in Office 365
  6. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: The time zone setting in Outlook Web App in Office 365 is set incorrectly to “(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik”
  7. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when you try to migrate users from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Exchange Online in Office 365: “Unable to connect to the server”
  8. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Email messages are sent to the wrong account when multiple accounts are associated with an Outlook profile
  9. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Owners of an on-premises distribution group that’s synced to Office 365 can’t manage the distribution group in Exchange Online
  10. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t find a user in the offline address book in Office 365
  11. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t use MAPI to configure Outlook 2003 for use with Exchange Online
  12. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t remove a calendar item or an email message in Outlook in Office 365
  13. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to troubleshoot Windows PowerShell issues that affect Exchange Online for Office 365
  14. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to prevent users from creating and managing distribution groups in Office 365
  15. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Error message when you try to migrate a user’s mailbox data from the on-premises environment to Office 365: “This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of large items that were specified for this request.”
  16. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to set up an SMTP relay in Office 365
  17. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to export contacts from Outlook 2011 for Mac to Exchange Online by using Outlook Web App in an Office 365 environment
  18. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: User cannot view free/busy information for a remote user in a hybrid deployment of on-premises Exchange Server and Exchange Online in Office 365
  19. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to use Windows PowerShell to grant an administrator access to all user mailboxes in Office 365
  20. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “Cannot connect to the Rights Management Services Server” error message when you use Outlook for Mac 2011 to open an IRM-protected email message
  21. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Shared mailboxes that were moved from the on-premises environment to Office 365 are automatically converted back to user mailboxes after directory synchronization runs
  22. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Time zone settings are incorrect or missing for multiple mailboxes in Office 365
  23. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Outlook for Mac 2011 doesn’t connect to Exchange Online
  24. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Meeting invitations from outside your company in Office 365 are displayed as email messages on a BlackBerry smartphone
  25. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: You can’t enable archiving for a migrated mailbox in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 and an on-premises Exchange Server
  26. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to use Outlook Web App to remotely wipe an ActiveSync device in Office 365
  27. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to disable Exchange ActiveSync for users in Office 365
  28. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to block a message from being sent or received based on the file name extension of the attachment in Office 365
  29. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: “You may have already signed in to Outlook Web App” error when you try to open Outlook Web App in Office 365
  30. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: How to enable on-premises applications and devices to send mail to Office 365 users
  31. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Read receipt from an Office 365 recipient displays incorrect time zone information
  32. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Office 365 users can’t add or change delegates in their mailboxes in Outlook for Mac
  33. Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online: Use the Outlook Connectivity Analyzer Tool to determine which Outlook plug-ins are installed in Office 365
  34. Microsoft Online – Office 365: You can’t sign in to Lync Online Preview with Lync 2010 after you install Office Professional Plus 2013
  35. Microsoft Online – Office 365: Error when you try to join a Lync Online Preview meeting by using Lync Web App through Internet Explorer 9: “There was an error while joining the conference”
  36. Microsoft Online – Office 365: Error when an Office 365 Preview user tries to sign in to Lync Online Preview: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  37. Microsoft Online – Office 365: The Outlook, Calendar, or People links are unavailable in the Office 365 portal for a new user
  38. Microsoft Online – Office 365: On-premises users aren’t getting email messages from Office 365 users in an Exchange hybrid deployment
  39. Microsoft Online – Office 365: “You don’t have sufficient permissions” error when you try to remove or make a change to a distribution group in Office 365
  40. Microsoft Online – Office 365: You see validation errors for users in the Office 365 portal or in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  41. Microsoft Online – Office 365: How to add a disclaimer to email messages in Office 365 Preview
  42. Microsoft Online – Office 365: You cannot add, remove, or change contacts in Lync 2010 after contacts are migrated to the Exchange Unified Contact Store
  43. Microsoft Online – Office 365: Office 365: Outlook and mobile device connectivity troubleshooting resources
  44. Microsoft Online – Office 365: The Lync Online Preview client displays a blank screen, and no controls are available
  45. Microsoft Online – Office 365: Lync 2010 cannot connect to Lync Online or Lync Online Preview through a proxy that is configured by using a file://-based PAC file
  46. Microsoft Online – Office 365: Incoming Lync-to-phone calls aren’t transferred to Exchange Online Unified Messaging voice mail
  47. Microsoft Online – Office 365: When you access the Exchange Admin Center in Office 365 Preview, the Exchange Control Panel is shown instead
  48. Microsoft Online – Office 365: “550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound” NDR error message when you send email messages by using Outlook in Office 365 or Office 365 Preview
  49. Microsoft Online – Office 365: How to manage the maximum concurrent migration batches in Exchange Online Preview in Office 365 Preview
  50. Microsoft Online – Office 365: How to update contact information in Exchange Online in Office 365
  51. Security – Communications: Updating the Microsoft Engine when Antimalware is disabled in Exchange 2013

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. OCS: [SDP 3][6e0c2dcf-14b8-4b39-84d5-35b4a75b3070] Description of the Lync 2010\2013 and Communicator 2007 R2 basic diagnostics package
  2. OCS: Communications Server or Lync Server and network adapter teaming
  3. OCS: Lync Server 2010 Central Management Store replication cannot work
  4. OCS: SDP [65477ddd-bcf1-46bb-bcd7-f412f7b80db8] Description of the Lync Server 2010\2013 Voice component diagnostics package
  5. OCS: SDP [71eeb57a-b16d-4b6b-bb3d-5c03e7cfec7d]Description of the Lync Server 2010\2013 Core component diagnostics package
  6. OCS: SDP [a957734a-7d4f-41c4-85f4-5c78dd7c636b]Description of the Lync Server 2010\2013 Instant Messaging and Presence component diagnostics package
  7. OCS: SDP[e69fa6ca-b7d2-4b9d-9cdb-7bfa51636edb]Description of the Lync Server 2010\2013 Conferencing component diagnostics package
  8. OCS: SDP[bc3c9624-7235-4c72-9c7d-9cd1ce72e426]Description of the Lync Server 2010\2013 SQL Server component diagnostics package
  9. OCS: SDP[eec9fd3d-2bf2-4771-b393-ae773c88f478]Description of the Exchange Unified Messaging Server diagnostics package
  10. OCS: Distorted video when you receive a call from Lync 2010 for iPhone or Lync 2010 for iPad on a Lync 2010 client
  11. OCS: You cannot transfer certain file types in Lync 2010 if the file transfer filter is disabled in Lync Server 2010
  12. OCS: You cannot make a call by using the Lync Windows Store app in Windows 8
  13. OCS: Lync Server 2010: AutoInitateContacts is set to False
  14. OCS: Lync Server 2010 scheduled maintenance can cause performance issues during business hours
  15. OCS: Lync 2010 Phone Edition displays Hebrew or Arabic words in reverse order
  16. OCS: You cannot share a poll by using the Danish version of a Lync 2013 desktop client
  17. OCS: Lync clients cannot upload a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
  18. OCS: You receive a “The call cannot be completed” error message or a “Your call did not go through” error message when you try to make a PC-to-Phone call in Live Communications Server 2005

Office 365 – Lync

  1. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 continuously asks for credentials after signing in
  2. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You experience poor audio or video quality in Lync Online
  3. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Desktop or Application sharing can’t connect in a Lync Online conference
  4. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync Online users can’t communicate with external contacts
  5. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t connect to Lync Online, or certain features don’t work, because an on-premises firewall blocks the connection
  6. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users can’t join online meetings in Lync Online
  7. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to resolve issues that may occur when you schedule a meeting in Lync Online
  8. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users can’t share PowerPoint presentations from Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 in Lync Online
  9. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error in the Office 365 portal: “Value of msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory is not unique”
  10. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot recording online meetings in Lync Online
  11. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Contacts in Lync appear offline or aren’t searchable in the address book
  12. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to use logging to troubleshoot Lync 2010 installation issues in an Office 365 environment
  13. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 requires additional software to sign into Lync Online
  14. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: A Microsoft SharePoint Skill search is not supported in Microsoft Lync Online
  15. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: User contact photos in Lync aren’t displayed correctly
  16. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: The Set Your Location feature is unavailable in Lync 2010 or Lync 2013
  17. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t sign in to Lync Online by using a domain that is configured for full redelegation
  18. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users cannot sign in to Skype or Messenger by using their Microsoft account after Public IM Connectivity (PIC) or External Communications is enabled in Lync Online
  19. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Considerations for Lync Online when you change an Office 365 user ID
  20. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot sign-in issues in Lync Online
  21. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshooting Lync Online DNS configuration issues in Office 365
  22. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync users can’t communicate with external contacts who have Microsoft accounts that have a custom (EASI) domain
  23. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when an Office 365 user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  24. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Lync 2010 can’t connect to the Lync Online service because a proxy is blocking connections from MSOIDSVC.exe
  25. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshoot Lync for Mac issues in Lync Online for Office 365
  26. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to  troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Google Android
  27. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Windows Phone 7
  28. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for iPhone and iPad
  29. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Nokia Symbian
  30. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: The telephone number isn’t visible in the Lync contact card
  31. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: External users can’t join Lync Online conferences anonymously or as guests
  32. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when you try to sign in to Lync 2010 after a network outage or a Lync Online service outage: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  33. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Error message when you try to sign in to Lync Online: “Cannot sign in to Lync because this sign-in address was not found”
  34. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: How to troubleshoot sign-in issues in Lync Online Preview
  35. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Users cannot sign in to Lync Mobile on Apple iOS-based devices because of certificate errors
  36. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: Troubleshooting the Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices
  37. Microsoft Online – O365 Lync Online: “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. Outlook is not installed or configured correctly” error message when you sign in to Lync Online by using Lync 2010
  38. Microsoft Online -  O365 Lync Online: You can’t send or receive files or attachments in Lync Online in Office 365

Office for Mac

  1. Outlook Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 search returns “No Results” message
  2. Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 delegate permanently deletes messages from manager’s inbox
  3. Office for Mac Commercial: Outlook for Mac 2011 is a locally cached email client
  4. Office for Mac Commercial: You can’t move a meeting between calendars in Outlook for Mac 2011


  1. Office – Outlook: How to export email messages from Windows Mail & Outlook Express into Outlook.
  2. Office – Outlook: Outlook policy template deploys DisableCrossAccountCopy as REG_EXPAND_SZ instead of REG_MULTI_SZ
  3. Office – Outlook: How to install the latest applicable updates for Microsoft Outlook (US English only)
  4. Office – Outlook: How to use Inbox Repair tool to repair pst file in Outlook
  5. Office – Outlook: Images in email message disply a “red x” instead of the image if the Cache value in the registry is incorrectly configured
  6. Office – Outlook: Office programs may crash with the FineReader add-in installed
  7. Office – Outlook: Outlook logs event 64 when you delete a meeting invitation
  8. Office – Outlook: “Cannot move the items” error when you move items from an Outlook 2013 client to an EAS store
  9. Office – Outlook: Tasks are missing after you pin Outlook 2013 to the Windows taskbar
  10. Office – Outlook: Attachment file extension is duplicated when added to email in Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010
  11. Office – Outlook: Description of Business Contact Manager compatibility pack for Outlook
  12. Office – Outlook: Folder inside Site Mailbox seems to disappear when moved in Outlook
  13. Office – Outlook: Email stays in the Outbox folder until you manually initiate a send/receive operation in Outlook
  14. Office – Outlook: Possible incompatibilities between Office programs and the Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin add-in
  15. Office – Outlook: Outlook does not add recipients to the Auto-Complete cache
  16. Office – Outlook: There are too many devices syncing with this account error in Outlook 2013
  17. Office – Outlook: Windows search error “Search cannot return results for this view” in the People Pane
  18. Office – Outlook: How to import .nk2 files into Outlook 2013
  19. Office – Outlook: You cannot create Outlook 2013 Contact Groups when connected to an EAS account
  20. Office – Outlook: How to setup Internet email accounts in Outlook 2007 or 2003
  21. Office – Outlook: Save password setting not retained in Outlook or Outlook Express
  22. Office – Outlook: How e-mail message formats affect Internet e-mail messages in Outlook
  23. Office – Outlook: How to use the Out of Office Assistant in Outlook
  24. Office – Outlook: Attachments are not compressed by Outlook 2002
  25. Office – Outlook: Limits to using personal folders (.pst) files over LAN and WAN links
  26. Office – Outlook: Hyperlinks are not working in Outlook
  27. Office – Outlook: Description of the Outlook 2002 update: December 4, 2002
  28. Office – Outlook: Error messages when you send and receive in Outlook and Outlook Express
  29. Office – Outlook: Server Time-Out Error Message When You Try to Connect to Your AT&T WorldNet E-Mail Server
  30. Office – Outlook: Description of the AutoArchive feature in Outlook
  31. Office – Outlook: Administering the offline address book in Outlook
  32. Office – Outlook: Some rules are disabled, and you receive an error message when you try to create or enable rules in Outlook
  33. Office – Outlook: You may receive an error message when you try to set permissions for a distribution group in Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010
  34. Office – Outlook: Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook disables Outlook to search the Outlook data