
Author Archive

Lync and Skype for Business Contacts – Where Does the Company Name Come From?

August 16th, 2013 2 comments

I was curious the other day about where the company name comes from in the Lync/Skype for Business Contacts. For instance, we see Elan and Jeff below:

elan - jeff

The quick answer is it can pull that info from an Outlook contact in your mailbox. But what if you don’t have the user in your Outlook contacts?

I knew that it was in Active Directory somewhere, and thought it would be an organization setting somewhere since my experience has shown that the company name is always exactly the same for all users in each company I see in my contacts – right down to punctuation. Some cmdlets let you specify an org name, like Set-CsConferencingConfiguration, but that wasn’t it.

With the help of fellow Skype for Business MVP Brian Ricks, we got it narrowed down to the Company field on a user’s account in Active Directory. For example, we look at Sara’s account in Active Directory Users and Computers, and see her company set:

sara - aduc
And when a federated Lync/Skype for Business user looks at her in the Lync/Skype for Business client, we see her company defined:

sara - contact card

But some people show as “External Network” as we see for fellow UC Architects member John Cook:

John - external

And there are two reasons why this can happen. The first is that the user is homed on a cloud hosted solution like Office 365. Not the case here for John. Like me, he’s got a full Lync install going on at home. The other reason this could happen is that the user’s company field is completely blank. Sure enough, John’s is blank. So he updates that field, and a short time later, his company name shows up to federated contacts.
john - correct

This is really a minor thing, but I’ve noticed the company field is hit or miss in orgs where onboarding of users is done manually. But no worries, updating the users is fairly straight-forward in ADUC. You can highlight multiple users in one OU, right click to edit, go to the Organization tab, and enter a valid company name. In more complex orgs, you could use a query to list all of the users without a company name. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the Saved Query branch on the left, and selecting New>Query. Click Define Query, set Find to Custom Search, and add to conditions: Field to Company and Condition to Not Present. And second, Field to Office Communications Server Address, and Condition to Present.


Once you click OK, you’ll be presented with a list of the users who don’t have a company, but are Lync/Skype for Business enabled. Just like mentioned above, you can select multiple/all of the users, right click, go to Properties>Organization, and enter a company name.

bulk edit

Once updated and replicated, federated users should see the changes within a short time. We can also query and update user accounts via PowerShell on any machine with the ActiveDirectory module installed. We can query for users where the company name is not set using:

Get-AdUser -Filter {Company -notlike '*'} -Properties * -ResultSetSize $null | Select-Object -Property Name,Company

And we can update them all at once using:

Get-AdUser -Filter {Company -notlike '*'} -Properties * -ResultSetSize $null | Set-AdUser -Company 'Contoso'

Having it on the individual user’s account does make more sense as this allows for multiple names within the same org. But it does require ensuring that the company field is set for each user.

As for the title, the same applies – it’s set on the individual user account. However, unlike company name, title can also be set on Office 365 accounts.

One Liner: See Who You’re Openly Federating With

August 12th, 2013 7 comments

Wanna see who you’re dynamically (openly) federating within Lync Server? It’s pretty straightforward with the Get-EventLog cmdlet. All we need to do is look for the most recent entry in the Lync Server event log with event ID 14601. One an Edge server, open PowerShell and run the following:

Get-EventLog "Lync Server" | Where-Object {$_.EventId -eq 14601} | Select-Object EventId, Message -First 1 | Format-List *

The description of the single returned event will list the domains you’re currently dynamically federating with. You’ll get something back like this:

EventID : 14601
Message : Report of discovered partners that the Access Edge Server is
          currently monitoring.
There are 21 discovered partners, identified by the common name of
their certificate.
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:
Name:; Domains:*

A note that as the Message field of the event log entry mentions, these are DISCOVERED PARTNERS – those found through SRV records. If you want to see who you’re federating with using enhanced or direct federation (those specifically defined in your Lync environment), from a non-Edge Lync server, run Get-CsAllowedDomain. For a breakdown on the various types of federation, see Kevin Peter’s excellent post A Few Words on Federation.

Review: Plantronics Blackwire C720-M Headset

August 9th, 2013 1 comment

I love Plantronics gear. I’ve got plenty of their devices either on my desk or in my backpack. Recently, I had a chance to use the Plantronics Blackwire C720-M headset. The 720 is the dual ear model in the Blackwire 700 series. A single ear version, the 710, is also available. The 720 is a lightweight, comfortable headset that can be worn for hours on end.

The headset includes dual connectivity, which allows for a USB connection to a PC for Lync, Skype, and a bunch of other soft phone clients, as well as Bluetooth connectivity to a cell phone. You can switch back and forth between the two connection methods via buttons on the cable mounted control unit. If you install the Plantronics Control Panel software, you can configure the headset for various options including setting your presence when you put on/take off the headset, mute options, and more.

Some of the device settings available for the Blackwire 720-M headset.

Some of the device settings available for the Blackwire 720-M headset.

The headset can also automatically answer a cellphone call when you put the headset on – a really nice feature.

Blackwire C720-M control unit

Blackwire C720-M control unit

The cable based control unit has your typical volume up/down buttons, the PC and Cell Phone buttons to switch focus, and a mute button that does mute the Lync client – not just the headset. A bright red LED comes on when the Lync client is muted. You can’t miss it. The cable that goes from the control unit to the PC can be disconnected at the control unit so that you can move around while using the headset in Bluetooth mode. Plugging it back in re-enables the USB connectivity, as well as charges the internal battery.

I’ve worn this headset on 4 hour calls, and quick 30 second calls. I’ve used it in Skype, Lync, and with my Windows Phone. It works really great. It’s comfortable, stays adjusted and in place, and the audio is fabulous. Callers have mentioned that it sounds great when I use it.

One thing I don’t care about is that I’ve noticed I can’t really hear my own voice when talking. Now, before you think “this guy’s ego is so big he needs to hear himself talk…”, keep in mind on normal landline/VoIP/cellphone calls, you typically hear your own voice. And you don’t really notice it until it’s gone. It can be VERY distracting. But other than that, I’m a big fan of the headset, and have recommended it for use by our internal folks.

The headset comes with a nice case for storage and travel.

If you’re looking for a nice headset with some cool unique features, the Plantronics Blackwire C720-M is a great choice.

Categories: Reviews Tags: , ,

Review: Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell Cookbook

August 8th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell CookbookI like Exchange. And PowerShell. So, when Packt Publishing asked if I was interested in reviewing their latest book “Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell Cookbook”, I jumped at the chance. I was even more excited when I realized that it was written by two heavy hitters, Jonas Andersson and Exchange MCM and Microsoftie Mike Pfeiffer. I’ve known Mike since his days as an Exchange MVP prior to joining Microsoft.

I had not read any books published by Packt previously, so I was interested to see how this one was put together. What a pleasant surprise. The book, now in its 2nd edition, wastes no time in dispensing some solid PowerShell knowledge with the first chapter, “PowerShell Key Concepts”. If you’re a complete newbie who has been reluctant to take the PowerShell plunge, this chapter has a substantial amount of information to help you get started. In fact, If you read the first chapter, you’ll have an excellent understanding of the basics of PowerShell. Not only is that a great building block for what comes later in the book, but it’s also a great PowerShell primer just by itself. If you’re an experienced coder, the first chapter will help fill in some gaps.

From there we go to common tasks in both PowerShell and Exchange. Some great info there, as well, as we look at many of the things that help tie scripts together including remote sessions, tasks, dealing with .csv files, etc.

From that point on, each subsequent chapter deals with a different area of Exchange, and how PowerShell can make life easier. These are including topics such as mailbox and database management, high availability, and more. Each area is broken down into a specific subject, and includes information broken into several different sections, including “How to do it..”, “How it works..”, “There’s more..”, etc. These start with a simple task, explain the basics, and build on them so that the reader can develop great PowerShell functions and scripts, and understand what’s happening “under the hood”. In reading this book, I can say I’ve learned several different approaches to things that I had not considered previously.

Some things often get left out of Exchange books just due to the complexity of the product. This is often things like compliance. But, oh no – Mike and Jonas dive into this as well, discussing archiving, retention and legal holds, auditing, and more. There’s also a chapter on using the EWS Managed API, which really opens the door to doing all kinds of things by connecting to Exchange via EWS. Just look at what Glenn Scales is doing with EWS.

Chapters break down as follows:
Chapter 1: PowerShell Key Concepts
Chapter 2: Exchange Management Shell Common Tasks
Chapter 3: Managing Recipients
Chapter 4: Managing Mailboxes
Chapter 5: Distribution Groups and Address Lists
Chapter 6: Mailbox Database Management
Chapter 7: Managing Client Access
Chapter 8: Managing Transport Service
Chapter 9: High Availability
Chapter 10: Exchange Security
Chapter 11: Compliance and Audit Logging
Chapter 12: Server Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Chapter 13: Scripting with the Exchange Web Services Managed API

The book also contains some great reference materials in the appendices. A common shell appendix is a great add-on to what’s in the book, especially chapter 1. I probably learned more from this part of the book than anything.

Appendix B delves into query syntaxes – something that can be frustrating if you don’t know the basics and pitfalls. From AND and NOT to date ranges and more. Solid info that should be kept within arms reach.

I have to say, it’s no surprise that I liked this book. Mike and Jonas did a fantastic job keeping the reader engaged. By taking a simple idea and building on it, each example and section helps solidify a solid PowerShell understanding and how it relates to Exchange. Installation, configuration, and administrative tasks are all made substantially easier by the information in this book. The book doesn’t talk over the reader’s head, and the code provided is solid and clean. I can’t recommend this book enough if you’re an Exchange person looking to get into PowerShell to increase your productivity and enhance your career.

The book is available from Packt Publishing in formats including print, ebook, and .pdf, and from Amazon as a printed book, or Kindle download. Buy it! Now!

One liners: Get the Top 5 Errors From An Event Log

July 30th, 2013 1 comment

Powershell_logo-137x137As part of an Active Directory Health Check (think “ADRAP”), I needed to document the top errors and warnings in several event logs, including the System, Application, DNS, Directory Service, FRS, and others. This list also needed to include the source of the errors. Since there were a bunch of domain controllers, I didn’t want to spend all day manually looking through event logs, filtering, etc. PowerShell to the rescue.

Get-EventLog is pretty self explanatory. We tell this command we want to look at the system event log, and we’re only interested in errors. We could look for other event types, too, such as Information, FailureAudit, SuccessAudit, and Warning. Get-EventLog can filter based on dates, usernames, etc.

We then take the output of that, and pipe it to Group-Object (or “Group” for short). We group based on source and eventID. This lumps all of the same events with the same eventID together as one object. This is important, because if there are errors with the same source, but different eventID, we want those listed separately.

Next, we use Sort-Object, or “sort”, to arrange the results into a usable list, with the highest numbers at the top. Since we only need the top 5 in the list for this exercise, Select-Object, or “select”, comes into play. This will return just the number of objects we specify. In this case, that’s 5. Since we pass the -first parameter to this cmdlet, we get the first 5 results that were piped from the previous command. Essentially, the highest 5 objects. And lastly, we display just the count and the name using Format-Table, or “ft”. Since we grouped the source and eventID together, the name will be the name of the source, and the corresponding eventID. The output looks like this:

Count Name
----- ----
  179 Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy, 1006
   30 Service Control Manager, 7031
   19 Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Netvsc, 2
   15 Service Control Manager, 7034
   10 Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient, 20

Exactly what I was after. The top 5 errors in the system event log, sorted by how many times the error appeared in the log, with the source name and eventID, sorted. The one-liner looks like this:

Get-EventLog -LogName system -EntryType error | Group-Object source,eventid | Sort-Object count -desc | Select-Object -first 5 | Format-Table count,name

We could also strip off the Format-Table stuff, and use Export-Csv to dump the results to a csv file.

Get-EventLog -LogName system -EntryType error | Group-Object source,eventid | Sort-Object count -desc | Select-Object -first 5 | Export-Csv c:\SystemErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation

Pretty straightforward, and fairly quick, as long as your event logs aren’t huge. We can even target remote computers by appending the -ComputerName parameter to the Get-EventLog cmdlet. For example:

Get-EventLog -LogName system -EntryType error -ComputerName mycomputer.contoso.local | Group-Object source,eventid | Sort-Object count -desc | Select-Object -first 5 | Export-Csv c:\SystemErrors.csv -NoTypeInformation


Categories: PowerShell Tags: ,

July 2013 Technical Rollup – Unified Communications

July 15th, 2013 No comments



  1. TechNet Blogs

Antigen & Forefront



  2. Log Parser Studio 2.0 is now available
  3. Adventures in querying the EventHistory table
  4. Managed Availability and Server Health

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. TechNet Blogs
  2. Lync MVP Article Roundup: May 2013
  3. Lync Supportability Matrix – Features Supported Across Devices and Services
  4. Lync Online Users Are Unable to Sign into Lync Mobile Clients Due to Lync Online SSL Certificate Updates
  5. Expanded Lync Server Support Options
  6. Lync Windows Store App: Better Than Ever
  7. Integrating Lync, SharePoint and Exchange for Value-Add Solutions
  8. Lync Online Media Port Changes Offer Better Bandwidth Management






  1. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit
    The Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat Resource Kit tools are provided to help make routine tasks easier for IT administrators who deploy and manage Lync Server 2013 Persistent Chat.
    Release Date: 7/2/2013
  2. Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Planning Tool
    The Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Planning Tool provides prescriptive guidance to get you started with planning your topology.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  3. Office Web Apps Technical Library in Compiled Help
    Downloadable CHM version of Office Web Apps content on TechNet. Release
    Date: 7/1/2013
  4. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools
    Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Debugging Tools are provided to help IT Administrators with troubleshooting deployments of Lync Server 2013.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  5. UCMA 4.0 Runtime Cumulative Update KB 2835437
    This download includes all available updates for UCMA 4.0 Runtime.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  6. Office 2013 Technical Library in Compiled Help
    Downloadable CHM version of Office 2013 content on TechNet.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  7. Lync Server 2013 Capacity Calculator
    A spreadsheet for calculating a user’s hardware requirements based on information about users and traffic.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  8. Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update KB 2809243
    This download includes all available updates for Lync Server 2013.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  9. Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK
    Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK is the client-side API set that enables the integration and extension of Lync experiences.
    Release Date: 7/1/2013
  10. Identity and Authentication in the cloud: Office 2013 and Office 365 (Poster)
    This poster illustrates and explains the new world of identity and authentication in Office 2013 and Office 365. Two scenarios illustrate how identities are provisioned and how those identities are authenticated completely in the Microsoft cloud or i…
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  11. Microsoft IT Deploys and Manages Office 365 ProPlus
    This white paper discusses the considerations and experiences of the Microsoft IT team when deploying and managing the new Office in an enterprise environment. Many of the techniques and best practices described in this paper can be employed by other…
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  12. Microsoft IT Helps Users Embrace Office 365 ProPlus
    Microsoft IT uses new and innovative channels to help Microsoft users prepare for and embrace the new Office, resulting in a successful deployment with increased user productivity and reduced support costs.
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  13. IdFix DirSync Error Remediation Tool
    IdFix is used to perform discovery and remediation of identity objects and their attributes in an on-premises Active Directory environment in preparation for migration to Office 365. IdFix is intended for the Active Directory administrators responsib…
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  14. Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime
    The Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime enables you to distribute Access 2013 applications to users who do not have the full version of Access 2013 installed on their computers.
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  15. Microsoft IT Tests LOB Compatibility with Office 365 ProPlus
    Microsoft IT gains additional efficiencies during the new Office deployment by incorporating changes into their mature application compatibility testing process.
    Release Date: 6/28/2013
  16. Work Smart: Go Paperless with OneNote 2013
    OneNote 2013 can help support corporate initiatives to reduce employee dependence on paper and printed documents. This guide gives you a quick primer on OneNote 2013 so you too can join the paperless revolution!
    Release Date: 6/20/2013
  17. Microsoft Lync Room System (Beta Version) Deployment Guide
    This document guides you through provisioning Microsoft Lync Room System (Beta version) in Lync Server and Exchange Server.
    Release Date: 6/17/2013
  18. Lync Features Comparison Chart
    A detailed matrix of supported Lync features comparing Lync Server 2013 with Lync Hoster Pack and Lync Online (Office 365).
    Release Date: 6/14/2013



New KBs

Antigen & Forefront

Microsoft Online – FOPE-FOSE-EHA

  1. Journaling is not sending e-mails
  2. The Junk Email Reporting tool is not displayed after installation
  3. You are logged out of the Archive when you click “export”
  4. The Review message grid is empty and a “Messages not available at this moment” error message is displayed
  5. Error message in the Online Services Directory Synchronization Tool in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: “A non recoverable error has occurred: System.Security.AuthenticationException”
  6. Outbound message delivery is delayed or rejected and you receive the error message in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: “Greylisting in effect”
  7. Administrator cannot set a multi-SMTP profile for a domain in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  8. Error message when you try to install the FOPE Directory Synchronization Tool: “ An error occurred while applying security settings”
  9. Error message when you try to manually synchronize the DST 9.1: “”Failure: Cannot start a full sync now”
  10. “Recipient address rejected: Access denied” nondelivery report when an external sender sends an email message to a Forefront Online Protection for Exchange stand-alone customer
  11. Error message when you send an e-mail message: “Mailbox name not allowed or chunk too large”
  12. How are my messages scanned for viruses?
  13. Messages are not sent successfully in Exchange Server when you try to send email messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  14. Cannot create an inbound decryption policy rule based on a recipient domain
  15. A customer cannot disassociate a user from a virtual domain in an Exchange Hosted Archive environment
  16. Error message when you try to access the FOPE Administration Center from the Office 365 portal: “Your username from federation is invalid or your account is disabled”
  17. You receive scheduled reports that contain mail volume data to which you did not subscribe in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  18. You receive a non-delivery report (NDR) that says that the connection could not be established when you try to send mail through the FOPE service from the on-premises environment
  19. The Supervisory Review Evidentiary report in Exchange Hosted Archive displays items that are not marked as reviewed
  20. Users in a FOPE environment receive NDRs when they send mail to a recipient environment that uses the service
  21. Domain users cannot receive email messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  22. “Relay Access Denied” or “Hop Count Exceeded” non-delivery report (NDR) error message when users send mails to Office 365 users
  23. The Junk E-mail Reporting Tool does not appear in Outlook
  24. The Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Online Directory Synchronization Tool does not synchronize users
  25. Outgoing email messages from a third-party filtering service are sent as clear text to Office 365 users
  26. Outgoing message delivery is delayed or rejected in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange and you receive a “Greylisting in action, 451 4.7.1” nondelivery report
  27. Email messages are deferred in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) when they are sent to a mail server that is deployed behind a Cisco PIX firewall
  28. “550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired” NDR message when you send an email message through FOPE to an external domain
  29. A test compliance review search in Exchange Hosted Archive returns a larger number of messages than a live compliance review search
  30. The “Not junk” option is not available in the Spam Quarantine service in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  31. Email messages that do not have attachments are flagged as having attached .bin files in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  32. No domains are listed in the Filtering Domains field when you run the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Directory Sync Tool
  33. You receive spoofed email messages even though the SPF record spam filtering options are enabled in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  34. “A synchronization error occurred between your Active Directory environment and the Hosted Archive service” error message in Exchange Hosted Archive
  35. “An unexpected error has occurred” error when you delete junk email messages from the spam quarantine mailbox in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  36. “The link has already been used” error when you try to read an encrypted message in Exchange Hosted Services
  37. The sign-in page is not displayed, or a “Page not found” error occurs, after a new version of the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Administration Center is released
  38. A blank webpage appears when you click the answer-back URL in a message that is encrypted by Exchange Hosted Encryption in Windows Live Hotmail
  39. How to add a disclaimer or footer to outgoing mail messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  40. Domains do not appear in the Available Domains list in the FOPE Directory Sync Tool
  41. You cannot read an email message that is encrypted by Exchange Hosted Encryption in a web browser other than Internet Explorer
  42. The footer does not work for outgoing email messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  43. Error when you run the FOPE Directory Sync Tool: “Unexpected error occurred during job execution”
  44. How to create a policy for a group of users in a stand-alone Forefront Online Protection for Exchange environment
  45. You cannot change the primary SMTP address for a user in Exchange Hosted Archive
  46. Error message when users try to send email messages through Forefront Online Protection for Exchange: “Too much email from <IP address>”
  47. The Forefront Online Protection for Exchange Directory Synchronization Tool does not transfer email addresses to Exchange Hosted Archive
  48. How Exchange Hosted Archive handles blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients
  49. How to troubleshoot Higher Risk Delivery Pool email delivery issues in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  50. Messages take a long time to be displayed on the Review tab of Archive Viewer in Exchange Hosted Archive
  51. “550 5.7.1 Service unavailable” nondelivery report (NDR) error code in Forefront Online Protection for Exchange
  52. Legitimate email messages are marked as spam for a Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) user
  53. Some messages are rejected when you try to use Exchange Online servers as an SMTP relay for on-premises business applications and network hardware devices
  54. How to perform a message trace in the Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) Administration Center
  55. You cannot remove duplicate domains in FOPE by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets
  56. “Relay Access Denied” NDR when you try to send mail flow from an on-premises Exchange organization through Exchange Online Protection


ECS – Exchange – Cloud:

  1. Office 365 admin can’t access the Exchange Control Panel of an Exchange Online user

ECS – Exchange – XADM:

  1. How can I recover items that I have “hard deleted” in Outlook?
  2. Users of Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Online can’t open public folders or shared mailboxes on an Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2007 server
  3. Error message when you try to activate a passive copy of an Exchange Server 2010 SP3 database: “File check failed”
  4. “Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid” error message when an organizer updates a recurring meeting
  5. Some folders are not visible in Outlook Web App
  6. Some cmdlets fail in PowerShell ISE after an upgrade to Exchange Server 2010 SP3
  7. You cannot install the Exchange user monitor tool
  8. The RecipientResolutionTimeoutInSeconds property is available to modify the time limit of a cross-forest AutoDiscover operation in Exchange Server 2007 and 2010

ECS – Exchange – XCON:

  1. Managed Availability messages are journaled in Exchange Server 2013

Microsoft Online – BPOS-D:

  1. How to search for deleted items in an Exchange mailbox

Microsoft Online – BPOS-S:

List of attributes that are synced to Windows Azure Active Directory and attributes that are written back to the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services

  1. Office Professional Plus 2010 enters Reduced Functionality Mode (RFM)
  2. Outlook 2011 for Mac doesn’t automatically set up your email server settings for Exchange Online in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  3. You receive a “One or more users need an assigned license in order to retain an Exchange Online mailbox or archive” message on the Users page of the Office 365 pre-upgrade portal
  4. How to troubleshoot free/busy issues in a hybrid deployment of on-premises Exchange Server and Exchange Online in Office 365
  5. “Set your Out of Office status after the connection to your Exchange account is restored” message when an Office 365 pre-upgrade user tries to set an Out of Office reply message in Entourage 2008 for Mac
  6. How to troubleshoot issues that prevent a user from viewing other users’ free/busy information in Office Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2010 in Office 365
  7. Authentication error when you use the Set-MsolADFSContext cmdlet in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  8. Office 365 pre-upgrade users experience a delay when they receive mail from connected accounts in Outlook Web App
  9. Error message when you run the Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier cmdlet to set up a hybrid deployment: “InvalidUri: Passed URI is not valid”
  10. Spam email messages are not redirected to the Junk E-mail folder in Outlook or Outlook Web App in a Forefront Online Protection for Exchange environment
  11. Individual Active Directory Domain Services objects don’t sync to Windows Azure AD in Office 365
  12. How to update Autodiscover settings to troubleshoot Outlook issues that occur after the transition from BPOS-S to Office 365
  13. Error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365: “Error 15: DirSync not activated”
  14. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There was no response from the federation server when the tool attempted to retrieve a Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  15. Meeting requests that are sent to resource mailboxes are not always forwarded automatically to delegates in Outlook in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  16. “Password Synchronization has not been activated for this company” error during Office 365 sign-in
  17. Separate passwords required for the computer and Office 365 even though password synchronization is enabled
  18. “We don’t recognize this user ID or password” error when a user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal
  19. “Blank” is displayed in the ERROR column for one or more objects after you run the IdFix tool
  20. “Format” is displayed in the ERROR column for one or more objects after you run the IdFix tool
  21. “Character” is displayed in the ERROR column for one or more objects after you run the IdFix tool
  22. “Duplicate” is displayed in the ERROR column for two or more objects after you run the IdFix tool
  23. How to use the Delegate Access feature in Outlook

Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online:

  1. How to set up an SMTP relay in Office 365
  2. User can’t view free/busy information for a remote user in a hybrid deployment of on-premises Exchange Server and Exchange Online in Office 365
  3. Office 365: Outlook and mobile device connectivity troubleshooting resources
  4. You can’t enable archiving for a migrated mailbox in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 pre-upgrade and on-premises Exchange Server
  5. “Federation certificate with the thumbprint cannot be found” error when you try to set up the federation trust to use the next certificate in Office 365
  6. How to manage a mailbox in the on-premises environment when an Office 365 mailbox exists but an on-premises mail-enabled user doesn’t exist
  7. How to troubleshoot data loss prevention policy tips in Exchange Online Protection in Office 365
  8. “Length of the property is too long” error when you try to set up a hybrid deployment
  9. Outlook folder names appear in a different language after the service upgrade to Office 365

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. ECS – OCS: Lync for iPhone displays Hebrew and Arabic words in reverse order in instant messages

Microsoft Online – O365 Lync Online:

  1. You can’t connect to Lync Online, or certain features don’t work, because an on-premises firewall blocks the connection
  2. You can’t sign in to Lync Online by using a domain that is configured for full redelegation
  3. Lync contact list is empty or read-only after a user’s Exchange mailbox is disconnected
  4. Error message when an administrator connects to Lync Online PowerShell for the first time
  5. “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault” error message when you move users to Lync Online from an on-premises Microsoft Lync Server
  6. Enterprise single sign-on users in Office 365 can’t sign in to Lync Online from inside their corporate network
  7. The Lync Online contact list is empty or isn’t available for users who have Exchange Online mailboxes
  8. You can’t upload a photo from Lync 2013 to Lync Online
  9. “Can’t connect to the server” error message when a Lync Online user tries to sign in to Lync Mobile 2010 on Windows Phone 7


  1. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: “Outlook cannot open the file because it is not associated with the default identity” Spotlight search error message in Outlook 2011 for Mac
  2. Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial: “Folder save operation failed due to invalid property values” error message in Outlook 2011 for Mac

Office – Outlook:

  1. The Suggestions Pane and Add Rooms button features are missing in Outlook 2007
  2. Can’t manage distribution group from Outlook with Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013 mailbox
  3. How to install the latest applicable updates for Microsoft Outlook (US English only)
  4. [SDP 3][2c425a45-1620-42a4-ae4d-63b453394935] Microsoft Outlook Support Diagnostic
  5. You experience issues when your Exhange account uses Cached Exchange Mode and you set a .pst file as the default delivery location in Outlook
  6. Only a subset of your Exchange mailbox items are synchronized in Outlook 2013
  7. [SDP 3][e2a5b961-5191-4cbf-b8e9-4d855aa51323] Outlook Product Stability Diagnostic
  8. Email message body is blank in Outlook
  9. [SDP 3][df1286ba-c6a6-40c4-9549-036e936c8109] Microsoft Outlook Support Diagnostic for Office 365
  10. Outlook does not support connections to Exchange by using ActiveSync
  11. Junk email message settings are not synchronized when you use Outlook 2013 to connect to an account
  12. Images are missing using Outlook in online mode with Exchange 2013
  13. How to enable global and advanced logging for Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013
  14. Outlook 2013 crashes if you use the New Office Document window
  15. How to open a shared folder from an Outlook sharing invitation
  16. Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook disables Outlook to search the Outlook data
  17. The UseLegacyFB registry value does not work as expected in Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013

Easier Access to Better Formatted Message Headers In Outlook and OWA 2013

June 26th, 2013 2 comments

Many mail administrators need to review headers from various messages to troubleshoot problems. Those could be mail flow, hygiene (spam), etc. Traditionally, this has been performed by clicking File>Properties, and reviewing the contents of the small Internet headers box at the bottom.

Outlook message headers

Outlook message headers

I can say that I would often copy the contents of that field and paste them into Notepad to view it in a larger format. Well, it’s now a little easier for both Outlook 2013 and Outlook Web App 2013. A couple of steps and message headers are now a single click away. Log into EAC for your organization, and navigate to Organization>Apps.

Add app

Add app

Next, locate the Message Header Analyzer app from the list of available applications, and click Add.

Available apps

Available apps

You’ll be presented with a confirmation dialog box for the Message Header Analyzer app. Review the information, and click Yes.

App confirmation

App confirmation

at this point, the app is installed, and listed in the apps in EAC. We’ll leave it disabled by default for users.

App installed

App installed

Now log into OWA as yourself, and go to Options. Click on Apps on the left, and highlight the MessageHeaderAnalyzer in the list of installed apps, and click Enable on the right side.

end user enable

end user enable

Now go back to your mailbox in OWA.In the preview pane, we now see the MessageHeaderAnalyzer link in the toolbar.

Option in OWA

Option in OWA

Click the link, and you’ll see a new window in the preview pane that shows a beautifully formatted display of the message headers. Easy to read and navigate, this certainly beats the old format in the small window. And it’s not crammed into some small window.

Message Header Analyzer output

Message Header Analyzer output

And it gets even better because if you have Outlook 2013, selecting another message will show the MessageHeaderAnalyzer link there, too!

This is just a simple tool that will make your life easier as an email admin/support professional. I encourage you to play with this and also to check out some of the other apps available.

June 2013 Technical Rollup – Unified Communications

June 15th, 2013 No comments



  1. TechNet Blogs
  2. TechNet Blogs

Antigen & Forefront


  1. Exchange Team Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  2. MCS UK Unified Communications Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
  4. Troubleshoot your Exchange 2010 database backup functionality with VSSTester script
  5. Introducing Message Analyzer, an SMTP header analysis tool in Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer
  6. Public Folders and Exchange Online
  7. Ask the Perf Guy: Sizing Exchange 2013 Deployments
  8. Use Exchange Web Services and PowerShell to Discover and Remove Direct Booking Settings
  9. Released: Exchange 2013 Server Role Requirements Calculator
  10. Released: Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack
  11. Using Exchange Web Services to Apply a Personal Tag to a Custom Folder
  12. Ambiguous URLs and their effect on Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013 Migrations
  13. Released: Calculator Updates Galore!
  14. Comparing public folder item counts
  15. Released: Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3
  16. The Hybrid Free Busy Troubleshooter Now Available
  17. Per-Server Database Limits Explained
  18. Outlook Connectivity to Office 365 Troubleshooter Now Available
  19. Exchange Server 2013 Architecture Poster PDF Download Available
  20. What Did Managed Availability Just Do To This Service?

Hosted Messaging Collaboration

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. TechNet Blogs
  2. Lync Online: Sign-In Troubleshooting Through ADFS with Lync 2013
  3. Lync Online: Lync Contact List Troubleshooting
  4. Lync MVP Article Roundup: April 2013
  5. Lync Server Federation with Root Certificate Change
  6. Lync Hybrid Offers Simplified
  7. Action Needed: Lync Online Certificate Update
  8. Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Jump Start
  9. Hot Off the Press: Mastering Lync Server 2013
  10. Notes from the Field: Lync Server 2013 and Active Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager and-active-monitoring-with-system-center-operations-manager.aspx
  11. LyncMD: Troubleshooting Lync Server 2010 when a Remote Sign-In Fails Due to Certificate-Related Issues
  12. Hot Off the Press: Microsoft Lync 2013 Unified Communications: From Telephony to Real Time Communication in the Digital Age
  13. Lync Server 2013 Networking Guide: Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Microsoft Lync Server
  14. Migrating from Group Chat Server 2010 to Persistent Chat Server 2013
  15. Lync for Mac 14.0.5
  16. Lync Server 2010 and 2013 Bandwidth Calculator Version 2.0
  17. Lync Online: Troubleshooting Lync-Skype Connectivity
  18. Upload Multiple Lync Phone Edition Firmware Updates to Single or Multiple Pools with New PowerShell Script
  19. Enterprise Voice & Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Jump Start
  20. Announcing the Release of Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack
  21. Lync Online: Office 365 Small Business Admins: Action May Be Required to Turn on Lync-Skype Connectivity


  1. Outlook Blog


  1. The Master Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs


  1. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Deployment Guide
    This document describes deploying and configuring the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack. RELEASE DATE: 6/10/2013
  2. Exchange Server 2013 Architecture Poster
    Technical Architecture of Exchange Server 2013 RELEASE DATE: 6/10/2013
  3. Using Response Groups and Conferencing Attendant with the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack
    This document describes how hosting providers can use Conferencing Attendant and Response Groups with the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack. RELEASE DATE: 6/7/2013
  4. Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (KB2803727)
    Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (KB2803727)
  5. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Test Lab Guides – Series v1.1
    The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend brings up major challenges to IT departments, which now have to authorize unmanaged devices to connect to the internal network and thus access sensitive data or line-of-business (LOB) applications. This first ve… RELEASE DATE: 6/5/2013
  6. Mail Protection Reports for Office 365
    Microsoft Office 365 Excel Plugin for Exchange Online Reporting RELEASE DATE: 5/29/2013
  7. Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 May 2013 Update
    Starting with Exchange 2007, neither the Messaging API (MAPI) client libraries nor CDO 1.2…there is functionality missing that many applications depend on. Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO 1.2.1 provide access to these APIs RELEASE DATE: 5/20/2013
  8. System Center Service Manager Connector 3.0 for Exchange
    The System Center Service Manager – Exchange Connector 3.0 connects Service Manager to Exchange for processing incoming emails related to incidents and change requests. RELEASE DATE: 5/21/2013
  9. Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Management Pack
    This management pack includes monitors and rules to effectively monitor Exchange Server 2013 on its performance, availability, and reliability of its server roles. RELEASE DATE: 5/17/2013
  10. Office Web Apps Server: Office Web Apps deployment simplified
    Use Office Web Apps Server to provide browser-based file viewing and editing services for Office files. RELEASE DATE: 5/15/2013
  11. Achieving Immutability with Exchange Online and Exchange Server 2013
    With Exchange Server and Exchange Online, Microsoft enables organizations to immutably preserve mailbox items for eDiscovery using an in-place strategy. RELEASE DATE: 5/14/2013
  12. Microsoft Exchange PST Capture 2.0
    Microsoft Exchange PST Capture 2.0 is used to discover and import .pst files into Exchange Server or Exchange Online RELEASE DATE: 5/7/2013
  13. My Tasks Aggregation in SharePoint Server and Exchange Task Integration
    This white paper discusses enabling and using My Tasks for synchronization, both in SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 on-premises environments, and it also covers new integration functionality with Exchange Server 2013. RELEASE DATE: 5/2/2013
  14. Office 365 for Enterprise Service Descriptions (pre-upgrade)
    The Office 365 Service Descriptions have moved to TechNet. Please scroll down to Overview for links to the latest Service Descriptions. These Service Descriptions are no longer current and apply only to Office 365 pre-service upgrade. To see if these… RELEASE DATE: 5/1/2013
  15. Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals BETA
    The Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant provides end user sign-in capabilities to Microsoft Online Services, such as Office 365. RELEASE DATE: 4/30/2013
  16. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Customer Solution Case Study – ConnectSolutions NextUC
    This document describes a case study for the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack with ConnectSolutions NextUC. RELEASE DATE: 4/29/2013
  17. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Deployment Guide
    This document describes deploying and configuring the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack. RELEASE DATE: 6/12/2013
  18. Using Response Groups and Conferencing Attendant with the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack
    This document describes how hosting providers can use Conferencing Attendant and Response Groups with the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack. RELEASE DATE: 6/10/2013
  19. Provisioning Guide for Lync-Skype Connectivity: Lync Server 2013 and Lync Online
    This guide assists Lync Server administrators in setting up Lync-Skype connectivity, which enables communication between Lync and Skype users. As a feature of Lync Online, Lync-Skype connectivity can also be enabled from the Lync Administration… RELEASE DATE: 6/10/2013
  20. Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee – User Level Install
    Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee is a conferencing client that allows users without Microsoft Lync 2010 installed, to participate in online meetings. If you are not an administrator on the computer but an administrator has allowed you to perform installations… RELEASE DATE: 6/7/2013
  21. Update for Lync for Mac 2011 – KB2844274
    This download contains an update for Lync for Mac 2011 RELEASE DATE: 6/5/2013
  22. Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack Customer Solution Case Study – GeniSys Global and Clarity Connect
    This document describes a case study highlighting the value of using the Lync Server 2013 Multitenant Hosting Pack for customer solutions integrated with a hosted Lync unified communications platform. RELEASE DATE: 6/5/2013
  23. Lync 2010 Attendee Hotfix KB 2853846 (Admin level install)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010 Attendee. RELEASE DATE: 6/5/2013
  24. Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server
    Lync Server 2013 is a real-time unified communications application that relies…sessions. This guide provides a model for managing the network infrastructure for Lync Server 2013 – planning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. RELEASE DATE: 6/3/2013
  25. Lync 2010 Attendee Hotfix KB 2853844 (User level install)
    This download includes all available updates for Lync 2010 Attendee. RELEASE DATE: 5/31/2013
  26. Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 (32 -bit) (KB2827750)
    Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 (32 -bit) (KB2827750) RELEASE DATE: 5/31/2013
  27. Security Update for Lync Server 2013 (KB2827754)
    Security Update for Lync Server 2013 (KB2827754) RELEASE DATE: 5/31/2013
  28. Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (Admin level install) (KB2827752)
    Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (Admin level install) (KB2827752) RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  29. Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (user level install) (KB2827751)
    Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (user level install) (KB2827751) RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  30. Lync 2010 and 2013 Bandwidth Calculator
    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that calculates WAN bandwidth requirements for a Lync Server deployment based on administrator-specified user profiles and network information, and a Word document user guide that accompanies the spreadsheet. RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  31. Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 (64-bit) (KB2827750)
    Security Update for Microsoft Lync 2010 (64-bit) (KB2827750) RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  32. Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2768004) 32-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 32-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements. RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  33. Update for Microsoft Lync 2013 (KB2768004) 64-Bit Edition
    Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes to Microsoft Lync 2013 64-Bit Edition. Additionally, this update contains stability and performance improvements. RELEASE DATE: 5/13/2013
  34. Office Web Apps Server: Office Web Apps deployment simplified
    Use Office Web Apps Server to provide browser-based file viewing and editing services for Office files. RELEASE DATE: 5/9/2013
  35. Lync 2013 Headers for SIP Trunk provider billing
    The implementation of these headers will enable SIP trunk providers to more effectively bill for their services for calls forwarded or transferred to another PSTN number while enabling some level of fraud prevention/detection in the SIP trunk provide… RELEASE DATE: 5/9/2013



  1. Moving from Live Meeting to Lync 2010: Making the Most of your Online Meetings – Training Series

    Starts: 18 July 2013 09:00
    Ends: 18 July 2013 10:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync 2010 for users making the move from Office Live Meeting. This 60 minute online, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Using Lync for a variety of familiar conferencing needs. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Presenting meeting content and using collaboration tools. Tips for successfully managing a variety of meeting scenarios. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
    NOTE: All event times are listed in GMT -8 hours (Pacific USA time).
    Upcoming event dates: May 29, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 5, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 12, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 19, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8)

  2. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing – Training Series

    Starts: 12 July 2013 11:00
    Ends: 12 July 2013 12:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync 2010. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync 2010. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will be shared.
    NOTE: All event times are listed in GMT -8 hours (Pacific USA time).
    Upcoming event dates: June 12, 2013 / 11:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 13, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 19, 2013 / 11:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 20, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8)

  3. Introducing Microsoft Lync 2010 – Training Series

    Starts: 12 July 2013 07:00
    Ends: 12 July 2013 08:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Welcome to Microsoft Lync 2010! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy to use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync 2010. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options.
    NOTE: All event times are listed in GMT -8 hours (Pacific USA time).
    Upcoming event dates: May 28, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) May 30, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 4, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 6, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8 June 11, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 13, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 18, 2013 / 7:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8) June 20, 2013 / 9:00 am Pacific USA time (GMT -8)

  4. Microsoft Unified Communications – Public Training Sessions

    Starts: 12 July 2013 07:00
    Ends: 12 July 2013 08:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00)
    Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Microsoft is pleased to provide live instructor-led training sessions on using Office Live Meeting and Microsoft Lync 2010 at no charge. These valuable 60-minute online training sessions designed to help you learn to use these products quickly and efficiently. Click on the title below to learn more and register for an upcoming session: Getting Started with Office Live Meeting For those new to Live Meeting and ready to learn to get started. This intro course will review roles, usage scenarios, features and functionality available in Live Meeting with demos and activities. Best Practices for Presenting in Office Live Meeting Valuable for anyone presenting in Office Live Meeting, this course explores tools and best practices for presenting in the virtual environment. We strongly recommend the Getting Started course before attending this session. Moving from Live Meeting to Lync 2010: Making the Most of your Online Meetings For those moving from Office Live Meeting to Microsoft Lync 2010. Explore tips for utilizing both new and familiar web conferencing tools to conduct successful online meeting using Lync. Introducing Microsoft Lync 2010 For those new to Microsoft Lync 2010. Lync empowers users to communicate and collaborate easily using a range of tools accessible from a single application, include IM, voice, video, and desktop sharing. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing Learn best practices for managing online meetings using Microsoft Lync 2010. From scheduling conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully.

  5. Introducing Microsoft Lync

    Starts: 20 June 2013 09:00
    Ends: 20 June 2013 10:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00)
    Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language: English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.

  6. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync 2010 Conferencing

    Starts: 20 June 2013 07:00
    Ends: 20 June 2013 08:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00)
    Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s)
    Primary Language: English Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces best practices for conferencing and collaboration using Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating from a Lync Conversation. Scheduling Online Meetings from Outlook. Best Practices for managing Online Meetings. Additional Lync resources will also be shared.

  7. Introducing Microsoft Lync

    Starts: 18 June 2013 07:00
    Ends: 18 June 2013 08:00
    Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    Duration: 1 hour(s) Primary Language: English Welcome to Microsoft Lync! Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced messaging, audio, video, and meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Topics covered include: Collaborating with the new features in Lync. Organizing and viewing contact information. Starting a Lync IM or Audio Conversation. Scheduling Lync Meetings from Outlook. Setting Online Meeting options. Additional Lync resources will be shared.


New KBs


Commercial – Microsoft Online – DSYS

  1. Error message when you run Office 365 Desktop Setup or the Office 365 Desktop Readiness Tool: “Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor”
  2. Error message when you try to move mailboxes from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Office 365 in a hybrid deployment: “The call to https://<path>/mrsproxy.svc failed”
  3. The Office 365 DNS Diagnostic and DNS configuration
  4. [SDP 3] [3848b234-5336-4722-8cb8-b062addb4ebc] Office 365 Single Sign On (SSO) Diagnostic

ECS – Exchange – Cloud

  1. The Read status of email messages may not be updated between Exchange ActiveSync on a user’s mobile device and the user’s mailbox in Exchange Online
  2. Cross-premises Calendar editing is unavailable in a hybrid deployment of Exchange Online in Office 365 and on-premises Exchange Server
  3. “Execution failed: Configure Legacy Exchange Support” error when you run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Office 365

ECS – Exchange – XADM

  1. The Slow FindRow Rate counter is returning large values
  2. Cannot delete some messages after installing Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 or SP3
  3. OWA redirection and SSL offloading fail after you install an Exchange Server service pack
  4. New-MailboxSearch creates a folder hierarchy in Exchange Server 2010
  5. Error when you run the Get-HealthReport cmdlet in Exchange 2013: “Cannot process argument transformation on parameter”
  6. Exchange Management Console (EMC) crashes, and you receive an error: “MMC could not create the snap-in”

ECS – Exchange – XCON

  1. You cannot migrate transport rules from Exchange Server 2007 to Exchange Server 2013

ECS – Exchange – XCSI

  1. Current issues with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and third-party devices
  2. Rapid growth in transaction logs, CPU use, and memory consumption in Exchange Server 2010 when a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS 6.1 or 6.1.1-based device
  3. Outlook Anywhere clients cannot connect to an Exchange server after you install Exchange Server 2010 SP3

Microsoft Online – BPOS-D

  1. User’s contact list is empty or incomplete in Lync Online
  2. A user cannot use Outlook to create a new public folder in Exchange Online
  3. How to troubleshoot issues with Lync Online instant messaging and presence in Office 365 dedicated

Microsoft Online – BPOS-S

  1. A user’s Office 365 email address unexpectedly contains an underscore character after directory synchronization
  2. How to enable logging in Entourage
  3. A sub-domain doesn’t inherit the changes that are made to the top-level domain in Office 365
  4. Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool error message: “You do not have the Windows Update Agent installed on XP”
  5. Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool error message: “Your computer requires an update to the Windows Installer Service”
  6. Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365: “The user name must be provided in valid UPN format”
  7. Users receive Send/Receive error messages after they set up multiple accounts in Office 365 by using Outlook 2007
  8. An administrator can’t add a domain to an Office 365 subscription
  9. You get an error message when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  10. Mobile device doesn’t connect to Exchange Online through Exchange ActiveSync after the user’s mailbox is migrated to Exchange Online
  11. Calendar on mobile device isn’t synced to the calendar in an Exchange Online mailbox when you use Exchange ActiveSync
  12. Mail-enabled security groups and distribution groups aren’t displayed in the Office 365 portal
  13. Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard: “Your credentials could not be authenticated. Retype your credentials and try again”
  14. Error message from AD FS when a federated user signs in to Office 365: “There was a problem accessing the site”
  15. Error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool in Office 365: “Your version of the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Configuration Wizard is outdated”
  16. Error when you try to run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration wizard: “The Enterprise Administrator credentials that you supplied are not valid.”
  17. Audio or video doesn’t start in a peer-to-peer or multiparty conference in Lync Online
  18. Troubleshoot Active Directory user accounts that are piloted as Office 365 SSO-enabled user IDs
  19. Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool cannot download updates or you receive an “Your computer is not allowed to connect to the Microsoft Update service” error message
  20. “A migration batch is being processed” error when you try to perform a new migration in Office 365
  21. Description of Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool logging errors
  22. Windows Azure AD attributes for Exchange hybrid deployment aren’t written back to the on-premises Active Directory directory service when you use the Directory Sync Tool
  23. A user keeps his or her administrator user rights after the user is removed from the Administrators group in the Office 365 portal
  24. You can’t run scripts in Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  25. You can’t sign in to Office 365
  26. How to troubleshoot issues in which Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010 crashes or stops responding (hangs) when it’s used with Office 365
  27. Email messages aren’t received for a new domain that you add in the Office 365 portal
  28. “The computer must be joined to a domain” error when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
  29. Internet browser can’t display the AD FS 2.0 webpage when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365 web resources
  30. Error message when you try to run directory synchronization in Office 365: “LDAP injection characters were found in the user alias. Change the user alias in the on-premises Active Directory”
  31. Error message when you run an Office 365 tool: “Strong name validation failed”
  32. A mobile device can’t connect to Exchange Online by using Exchange ActiveSync
  33. You receive the following error message in the Office 365 portal: “A user with this name already exists. Use a different name.”
  34. Invitations are not sent from Outlook when you try to schedule a meeting in Microsoft Lync Online
  35. How to troubleshoot the Outlook Offline Address Book in an Office 365 environment
  36. Video is unavailable in a Lync Online conference when you use the “call me” option
  37. How to use MOSDAL to enable a trace for the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant to troubleshoot rich client authentication issues
  38. Troubleshooting guide for Internet Explorer when you access Office 365
  39. Error message when you try to create a user name that contains a special character in Office 365: “Invalid user name”
  40. Outlook performance is slow in the Office 365 environment
  41. ACP and VoIP audio don’t bridge, and parties can’t hear one another in Lync Online
  42. A federated user is repeatedly prompted for credentials during sign-in to Office 365
  43. How to collect ActiveSync device logs to troubleshoot sync issues between mobile devices and Exchange Online
  44. Authentication for federated users is slow or fails for Office 365 rich clients that use the AD FS 2.0 WS-Metadata Exchange (MEX) endpoint
  45. Can’t add or display a colleague in an Office 365 SharePoint Online My Site that doesn’t have a license
  46. You can’t open the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  47. Federated users can’t connect to an Exchange Online mailbox
  48. Office 365 users must authenticate again when they open a new tab or a new window when connected to Outlook Web App in Internet Explorer 8
  49. An Office 365 admin wants to specify the email message format that’s used for external recipients to prevent Winmail.dat attachments
  50. How to set Exchange Online mailbox sizes and limits in the Office 365 environment
  51. Error message when you try to use Outlook to perform an action on a calendar meeting item: “This message could not be sent because it exceeds the maximum size allowed”
  52. “Forest ‘New Forest’ needs to be updated” warning message when you try to create a federation trust between the on-premises Exchange environment and Office 365
  53. You can’t assign a federated domain to a user in the Office 365 portal
  54. You can’t connect to Office 365 by using the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  55. “An unknown error occurred with the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant” error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard
  56. Users can’t sign out of Office 365 web services
  57. “LogonUser() Failed with error code: 1789” after you enter enterprise administrator credentials in the Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365
  58. Implications of using AD FS 2.0 to implement single sign-on in Office 365
  59. “The error must be resolved before your subscription can be verified” and “80048849” errors when you try to sign in to the Microsoft Online Services Sign In Assistant
  60. Authentication issues generate a “parts of the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant to be disabled” error message in an Office 365 environment
  61. Troubleshoot domain verification issues in Office 365
  62. Error message when you run the Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard: “Your credentials could not be authenticated”
  63. Error 012 when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool in an Office 365 environment
  64. How to reestablish trust with the Windows Azure AD authentication system after the AD FS server stops responding
  65. The user principal names (UPN) of users contain an Office 365 domain after synchronization
  66. You receive a certificate warning from AD FS 2.0 when you access Office 365 web resources by using a federated account
  67. You can’t access SharePoint Online sites by using a domain that’s configured for full redelegation
  68. You’re not receiving email messages in Office 365 Small Business for a domain that’s set up for full redelegation
  69. “Unable to display the folder” error occurs in Outlook 2010 in an Office 365 environment
  70. Troubleshoot single sign-on setup in Office 365
  71. How to troubleshoot single sign-on (SSO) user account issues in the Office 365 environment
  72. How to troubleshoot computer issues that limit Office 365 single sign-on authentication
  73. “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error and “80041034” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal
  74. A federated user is prompted unexpectedly to enter their credentials when they access an Office 365 resource
  75. Internet-based client computers can’t authenticate after you set up Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in a “firewall-published” configuration
  76. How to set up safe senders and blocked senders in Office 365
  77. How to determine whether your Office 365 account has been compromised
  78. “Cannot use this ID to access this service. Please sign-in with a different ID” error when you try to access Outlook Web App by using Safari in Office 365
  79. Can’t schedule Lync online meetings, see presence info, or send IMs from Outlook Web App in Office 365
  80. Error message when you run the Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool: “Application configuration incomplete”
  81. Issues that may prevent client programs from being configured correctly by the Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool
  82. “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error and “80045C06” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365
  83. Error when you try to add an Address (A) or CNAME record in Office 365 Small Business: “Another DNS record already exists with this host name”
  84. Authentication error when you use the Set-MsolADFSContext cmdlet in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  85. Error when you use the self-service password reset for administrators feature in Office 365: “Invalid Security Code”
  86. How to use the Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Support Toolkit to diagnose single sign-on (SSO) issues in Office 365
  87. An Office 365 user or an Office 365 administrator forgot his or her password
  88. Error message when you run the Set-FederatedOrganizationIdentifier cmdlet to set up a hybrid deployment: “InvalidUri: Passed URI is not valid”
  89. Error message from when a user tries to sign in to Office 365
  90. You can’t send email messages in Office 365 Small Business from a domain that’s set up for full redelegation
  91. Error when you try to configure a second federated domain in Office 365: “Federation service identifier specified in the AD FS 2.0 server is already in use.”
  92. Error message when you start the Office 365 Desktop Setup Tool: “Cannot continue”
  93. You can’t manage or remove objects that were synced from the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services to Windows Azure AD
  94. How to troubleshoot deleted user accounts in Office 365
  95. Users experience unexpected sign-in results in Office 365 after you apply a client access policy
  96. Your Windows XP-based computer does not shut down after you install Office Professional Plus
  97. “A user with this name could not be found” error message when you try to reset a password for a user in Office 365
  98. Messages aren’t automatically moved to a user’s archive mailbox after you create a retention policy in Exchange Online for Office 365
  99. “Access Denied” error, or the user is repeatedly prompted for credentials, when the user tries to access an Office 365 resource from a rich client application
  100. Error when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool: “The current user is not member of Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM) Admin Group”
  101. Unable to logon after implementing multiple top level domain or client access policies
  102. How to troubleshoot computer issues that limit Office 365 rich client authentication
  103. Description of Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records
  104. How to use SMTP matching to match on-premises user accounts to Office 365 user accounts for directory synchronization
  105. Error message in the Office 365 portal: “The content cannot be displayed in a frame”
  106. Access is given to the original user when a single sign-on-enabled user authenticates to an Office 365 resource by using alternate user credentials
  107. How to update Autodiscover settings to troubleshoot Outlook issues that occur after the transition from BPOS-S to Office 365
  108. How to set up to use the self-service password reset for administrators feature in Office 365
  109. How to remove automapping for a shared mailbox in Office 365
  110. You don’t get an email message or text message during the administrator self-service password reset process in Office 365
  111. “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error and “80041317” or “80043431” error code when a federated user tries to sign in to Office 365
  112. How to update or to repair the configuration of the Office 365 federated domain
  113. Duplicate or invalid attributes prevent directory synchronization in Office 365
  114. How to diagnose single sign-on (SSO) logon issues in Office 365 by using Remote Connectivity Analyzer
  115. Error message when you try to set up the IP address for your website in Office 365: “This doesn’t look like the right IP address”
  116. “Sorry, your DNS records are not updated yet” error in Office 365 Small Business
  117. The Office 365 Integration Module for SBS 2011 Essentials does not work as expected
  118. Error message when an SBS 2011 Essentials user signs in to Office 365 after they change the password for their user account: “Microsoft Online Services ID or password is incorrect”
  119. Error when you run the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool Configuration Wizard in Office 365: “Error 15: DirSync not activated”
  120. Error message when you move mailboxes from an on-premises environment to Office 365: “Mailbox Move to the cloud fail with error”
  121. Users can no longer access Office 365 after you run the convert-MSOLDomaintoFederated cmdlet to convert an existing domain
  122. You continue to receive email messages that are sent to a connected account in Office 365 pre-upgrade after you remove the connected account from Office 365 pre-upgrade
  123. Error when you try to add a subdomain to an existing domain in Office 365: “New-MsolDomain: Unable to add this domain”
  124. How to test whether single sign-on users can authenticate to Office 365
  125. How to configure user passwords to never expire in Office 365
  126. Changes are not synchronized to Office 365 after you update the UPN of an on-premises user account to use a different SSO-enabled domain suffix
  127. “The term <cmdlet name> is not recognized” error when you try to run administrative Windows PowerShell cmdlets in Office 365
  128. Error message when you try to move mailboxes to or from Office 365 in a hybrid deployment: “Exception has been thrown by the target”
  129. Error message when an Office 365 administrator tries to reset the password of a user who is a member of a domain that was formerly configured for federated authentication: “Unable to reset this user’s password”
  130. A user who has Send As permission can’t send email messages as another user account in Outlook in Office 365
  131. Your Office 365 email account is not automatically set up on your Google Android device or on your Apple iOS-based device through the Autodiscover service
  132. How to troubleshoot Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool installation and Configuration Wizard error messages in Office 365
  133. How to view and to troubleshoot events that are logged by Office Professional Plus 2010 for Office 365 in Event Viewer
  134. “Delivery has failed” and “550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipNotFound” NDR after a mailbox is moved to Office 365
  135. The move operation reaches 95 percent and then fails when you try to move a mailbox from Office 365 back to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment
  136. “Metadata Exchange (MEX) address for AD FS could not be accessed” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  137. “ could not be accessed” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  138. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “Tenant namespace registration information could not be obtained from the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  139. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The federation metadata document could not be retrieved from AD FS”
  140. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There was no response from the federation server when the tool attempted to retrieve a Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  141. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There was an exception error during a login attempt”
  142. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No WS-Trust Windows endpoint is published in the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  143. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No token was received from AD FS”
  144. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “No token was received from the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  145. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “During an attempt to verify Web application login to AD FS, the tool unexpectedly received a Username/Password login page”
  146. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There are no services in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  147. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document did not contain the SecurityTokenService section”
  148. “No security token service description in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  149. “No endpoints in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  150. “Metadata Exchange (MEX) document received from AD FS contains an unknown WS-Trust version” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  151. “Internal error occurred in the tool when attempting to find the test for a failed test result” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  152. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Username/Password authentication endpoint is missing from the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document”
  153. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Windows Integrated Authentication endpoint is missing from the Metadata Exchange (MEX) document that is published by the federation server”
  154. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “Domain {0} is not a federated domain”
  155. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There is no Web application login URL registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  156. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “There is no Username/Password authentication endpoint registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system”
  157. “No valid Metadata Exchange (MEX) URL registered with the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  158. “User {0} was not recognized by the Microsoft Office 365 authentication system” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  159. “AD FS Token-Signing certificate is not valid” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  160. “AD FS Token-Signing certificate found in a token does not match the certificate registered” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  161. “AD FS Token-Signing certificate is not valid until {0}” error after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit
  162. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS Token-Signing certificate expired on {0}”
  163. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token received is not valid until {0}”
  164. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token has expired according to this computer’s clock”
  165. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The AD FS token validity period is too short”
  166. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The WS-Trust endpoint for Windows Integrated Authentication in the AD FS Metadata Exchange (MEX) document does not match the one registered”
  167. Error message after you run the MOSDAL Support Toolkit: “The Microsoft Office 365 Authentication System login URL could not be accessed.”
  168. You cannot turn on or turn off the email mobile access feature in the Office 365 portal
  169. You cannot manage service settings for mobile access in the Office 365 portal
  170. You cannot manage service settings for email messages and the calendar in the Office 365 portal
  171. Object that’s deleted from the on-premises Active Directory isn’t removed from Windows Azure AD after directory synchronization
  172. “All Required Authentication Methods could not be found” error message when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test the authentication methods of the specified service in Office 365
  173. “Anonymous authentication enabled for virtual directory” error when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to send an anonymous HTTP request from the remote server to the URL in Office 365
  174. Error when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test Outlook Anywhere in an Office 365 environment: “Mutual Authentication could not be established”
  175. Error when you use the MOSDAL Support Toolkit to perform a DNS lookup to retrieve the Host (A) record in Office 365: “Host name could not be resolved in DNS”
  176. Error message when you run the Get-FederationInformation cmdlet in Office 365: “An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated”
  177. Error message when you open the properties of a user in Office 365: “Exchange: No mailbox plan with SKU ‘BPOS_L_Standard’ was found. User has no access to email”
  178. You can’t add a domain to Exchange federation in Office 365
  179. SSO authentication to Office 365 fails after you change AD FS 2.0 service endpoint settings in the AD FS 2.0 Management Console
  180. How to troubleshoot the AD FS 2.0 connection
  181. Error message after you try to authenticate to AD FS 2.0: “There was a problem accessing the site. Try to browse to the site again”
  182. Exchange Online users can’t keep messages for longer than 14 days in Office 365
  183. After you transition to Office 365 pre-upgrade from Business Productivity Online Suite, and you enable Exchange Online licenses, you don’t get any email messages
  184. A faulty split-brain DNS configuration can prevent a seamless SSO sign-in experience
  185. Error message when you try to use the New-MoveRequest cmdlet to move a mailbox from Exchange Online in Office 365 to the on-premises environment in a hybrid deployment: “Operation has timed out”
  186. External recipients don’t receive email messages that are sent to a distribution group in Exchange Online, and senders don’t receive nondelivery reports
  187. Error message when you run the Set-MsolPasswordPolicy cmdlet in Office 365: “Unable to complete this action”
  188. A user can’t connect to Office 365 pre-upgrade services by using his or her email address
  189. Coauthoring isn’t fully supported by some templates in Visio Pro for Office 365
  190. You see validation errors for users in the Office 365 portal or in the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  191. Error when a user tries to sign in to Office 365: “Sign-in with <UserID> is blocked”
  192. How to troubleshoot Office 365 ProPlus, Visio Pro for Office 365, and Project Pro for Office 365 installation or activation issues
  193. Outlook password expiration notification in Office 365 pre-upgrade
  194. A user can’t access a mailbox by using Outlook after a remote mailbox move from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Office 365
  195. A mobile device intermittently can’t connect to Exchange Online
  196. Single sign-on (SSO) authentication for other SSO-enabled domains stops working after you run the convert-MSOLDomainToStandard cmdlet in Office 365
  197. “Sorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer” error when you try to sign in to an Office 2013 app
  198. “Your organization could not sign you in to this service” error message and error code 80048163 when a federated user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal
  199. “This is not a valid win32 application” error when you try to install Office 365 ProPlus, Visio Pro for Office 365, or Project Pro for Office 365
  200. Error when you run the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to test connectivity to Office 365: “To authenticate to Office 365, you must enter your Microsoft account”
  201. “Active Sync URL was in an Invalid format” error message when you use the Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool to troubleshoot Exchange ActiveSync in Office 365
  202. “Unable to remove domain” error when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  203. “Domain is the primary/default domain” or “You cannot delete the default domain” error when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  204. “Cannot Remove Domain” error when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  205. The “Remove” domain link is unavailable or “You cannot remove the initial domain” error when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  206. “Domain has associated subdomains” or “You cannot remove a domain that has subdomains” error when you try to remove a domain from Office 365
  207. “Unable to connect to the Synchronization Service” error message when you try to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool
  208. You’re prompted to enter a product key even though you have a subscription that includes Office Professional Plus or Office 365 ProPlus
  209. You can’t use the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool to sync user accounts in Office 365
  210. [SDP 3][843d4ce7-d839-4d08-a5a6-aa83c78e1197] Description of the Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Package
  211. How to request a Directory Service quota increase in Office 365 when you receive the “This company has exceeded the number of objects that can be synchronized” error
  212. “Verification DNS record not found” or “Sorry, we can’t find the record you created” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365
  213. “Can’t verify domain” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365
  214. “<Domain_Name> has already been verified for your account, or for another Microsoft Online Services account” error message when you try to verify a domain in Office 365
  215. You can’t activate Office 2011 for Mac to use with Office 365 in Japan
  216. Domain shows a status of “Setup in progress” in the Office 365 portal
  217. Error code 0x40 when you try to open Office 365 ProPlus applications
  218. “The Office program has entered or may enter Reduced Functionality Mode (RFM)” warning when you open an Office Professional Plus program
  219. “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate” error when a federated user signs out of Office 365
  220. “It’s time to upgrade your browser” message when you try to access Office 365 services
  221. “This doesn’t look like a valid user ID” error when a user tries to sign in to Office 365
  222. “ApplicationExperienceInfrastructure” warning when you try to install the Directory Sync tool in Windows Server 2012
  223. Additional RSS feeds appear in Outlook after a user signs in to Office 365 on a new computer
  224. You receive a “Synchronization cannot continue unless Exchange Server security policies are applied” message on a Windows Mobile 6-based device that’s connected to Exchange Online
  225. The Microsoft Online Services Diagnostics and Logging (MOSDAL) Support Toolkit

Microsoft Online – O365 Exchange Online

  1. “The following recipient is outside the organization” MailTip is displayed even though the recipient is a person in your Office 365 organization
  2. Items are missing from your mailbox when you use Outlook to connect to Exchange Online
  3. Error message when an Office 365 user tries to open Outlook: “Unable to open your default e-mail folders”
  4. Non-Outlook email programs can’t connect to mailboxes that are hosted in Office 365
  5. The time zone setting in Outlook Web App in Office 365 is set incorrectly to “(UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik”
  6. Error message when you try to migrate users from an on-premises Exchange Server environment to Exchange Online in Office 365: “Unable to connect to the server”
  7. Email messages are sent to the wrong account when multiple accounts are associated with an Outlook profile
  8. Owners of an on-premises distribution group that’s synced to Office 365 can’t manage the distribution group in Exchange Online
  9. You can’t find a user in the offline address book in Office 365
  10. You can’t use MAPI to set up Outlook 2003 for use with Exchange Online
  11. You can’t remove a calendar item or an email message in Outlook in Office 365
  12. Mail-enabled groups that have an email address aren’t synchronized to Office 365
  13. How to troubleshoot Windows PowerShell issues that affect Exchange Online for Office 365
  14. How to prevent users from creating and managing distribution groups in Office 365
  15. Error when you try to migrate a user’s mailbox data from the on-premises environment to Office 365: “This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of large items that were specified for this request.”
  16. “Exception has been thrown by the target” error in a hybrid deployment of Office 365 and your on-premises environment
  17. How to export contacts from Outlook 2011 for Mac to Exchange Online by using Outlook Web App in an Office 365 environment
  18. Email messages that are sent from the on-premises environment to Office 365 show email addresses instead of display names in the From field
  19. How to use Windows PowerShell to grant an admin access to all user mailboxes in Office 365
  20. “Cannot connect to the Rights Management Services Server” error message when you use Outlook for Mac 2011 to open an IRM-protected email message
  21. Shared mailboxes that were moved from the on-premises environment to Office 365 are automatically converted back to user mailboxes after directory synchronization runs
  22. Time zone settings are incorrect or missing for multiple mailboxes in Office 365
  23. Outlook for Mac 2011 doesn’t connect to Exchange Online
  24. Meeting invitations from people outside your organization in Office 365 are displayed as email messages on a BlackBerry smartphone
  25. The Outlook, Calendar, or People links are unavailable in the Office 365 portal for a new user
  26. On-premises users aren’t getting email messages from Office 365 users in an Exchange hybrid deployment
  27. How to add a disclaimer to email messages in Office 365
  28. Office 365 mail flow troubleshooting index
  29. Error when you run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard: “Updating hybrid configuration failed with error ‘Subtask CheckPrereqs execution failed: Check Prerequisites'”
  30. When you access the Exchange Admin Center in Office 365, the Exchange Control Panel is shown instead
  31. “550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound” NDR error message when you send email messages by using Outlook in Office 365
  32. How to use Outlook Web App to remotely wipe an ActiveSync device in Office 365
  33. “ObjectClass: Unknown” is returned when you use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet
  34. How to disable Exchange ActiveSync for users in Office 365
  35. How to block a message from being sent or received based on the file name extension of the attachment in Office 365
  36. Error message when an Office 365 user tries to access another user’s mailbox folder in Outlook: “Unable to open default folders-you do not have permissions to logon”
  37. How to update contact information in Exchange Online in Office 365
  38. “You may have already signed in to Outlook Web App” error when you try to open Outlook Web App in Office 365
  39. How to enable on-premises applications and devices to send mail to Office 365 users
  40. Read receipt from an Office 365 recipient displays incorrect time zone information
  41. Office 365 pre-upgrade users can’t add or change delegates in their mailboxes in Outlook for Mac
  42. Use the Outlook Configuration Analyzer Tool to determine which Outlook plug-ins are installed in Office 365
  43. The owner of a mail-enabled security group in Office 365 can’t manage the group in Exchange Admin Center or Exchange Control Panel if the group is hidden from the global address list
  44. “Execution of the Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlet had thrown an exception” error message when you try to run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) in Office 365
  45. “HCW failing with HTTP error 405 ‘Method not allowed'” error when you try to configure TMG by using the Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Office 365
  46. “The Legacy Email Address Policy cannot be automatically updated and must be manually upgraded” error message when you try to run the Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) in Office 365
  47. Changes to a data loss prevention policy don’t take effect in Outlook 2013 in Office 365
  48. Error when Office 365 kiosk users try to set up an Outlook profile for Exchange Online in Office 365: “Encrypted connection to your mail server is not available”
  49. Transport and Mailbox rules in Exchange Online don’t work as expected
  50. Can’t set up Outlook for Mac 2011 to use the archive mailbox feature in Exchange Online
  51. An Office 365 user’s email address is added to the “To” box of a message when the user clicks Reply All
  52. You can’t disable Outlook Web App access for users in Office 365 or on-premises Exchange Server
  53. Email addresses aren’t assigned correctly to new Office 365 mailboxes that you create in the Exchange Admin Center
  54. “Free/Busy information couldn’t be retrieved because the attendee’s Mailbox server is busy” error in a hybrid deployment or a cross-premises environment
  55. Archived messages are forwarded during migration from Exchange Hosted Archiving to Exchange Online
  56. Messages sent from a shared mailbox aren’t saved to the Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox in Outlook 2010
  57. Users in an EOP or FOPE environment receive NDRs when they send mail to a recipient environment that uses the China Anti-Spam Alliance service
  58. “Mailboxes listed in the following table can’t be migrated” error when you perform a staged Exchange migration to migrate on-premises mailboxes to Exchange Online
  59. On-premises Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003 users can’t view free/busy information of Office 365 users in a hybrid deployment
  60. Office 365 users can’t open or view attachments in Outlook Web App

Microsoft Online – Office 365 Preview

  1. “You don’t have sufficient permissions” error when you try to remove or make a change to a distribution group in Office 365
  2. The Lync Online client displays a blank screen, and no controls are available
  3. Domain errors in the Office 365 portal
  4. You receive error messages when you try to use Windows Azure Active Directory Graph API custom applications in Office 365
  5. How to manage the maximum concurrent migration batches in Exchange Online in Office 365
  6. How to convert a mailbox to a shared mailbox after a transition from BPOS-S to Office 365

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting


  1. Error message when you create databases by using the Install-CsDatabase cmdlet in Lync Server 2013
  2. Lync Online Service SSL certificate changes for client connectivity
  3. Known issues that occur with public instant messaging and Lync Server or Communications Server

Microsoft Online – O365 Lync Online

  1. Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 continuously asks for credentials after signing in
  2. You experience poor audio or video quality in Lync Online
  3. Desktop or Application sharing can’t connect in a Lync Online conference
  4. Lync Online users can’t communicate with external contacts
  5. You can’t connect to Lync Online, or certain features don’t work, because an on-premises firewall blocks the connection
  6. Users can’t join online meetings in Lync Online
  7. How to resolve issues that may occur when you schedule a meeting in Lync Online
  8. Users can’t share PowerPoint presentations from Lync 2010 or Lync 2013 in Lync Online
  9. Error in the Office 365 portal: “Value of msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress or the SIP address in the ProxyAddresses field in your local Active Directory is not unique”
  10. How to troubleshoot recording online meetings in Lync Online
  11. Contacts in Lync appear offline or aren’t searchable in the address book
  12. “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. The email address used in your default Outlook profile is different” error message when you sign in to Lync Online
  13. Lync 2010 requires additional software to sign into Lync Online
  14. A Microsoft SharePoint Skill search isn’t supported in Microsoft Lync Online
  15. User contact photos in Lync aren’t displayed correctly
  16. The Set Your Location feature is unavailable in Lync 2010 or Lync 2013
  17. You can’t sign in to Lync Online by using a domain that is configured for full redelegation
  18. Users can’t sign in to Skype or Messenger by using their Microsoft account after Public IM Connectivity (PIC) or External Communications is enabled in Lync Online
  19. Considerations for Lync Online when you change an Office 365 sign-in address
  20. How to troubleshoot sign-in issues in Lync Online
  21. Troubleshooting Lync Online DNS configuration issues in Office 365
  22. Lync users can’t communicate with external contacts who have Microsoft accounts that have a custom (EASI) domain
  23. Error message when a user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  24. Error message when an Office 365 user tries to sign in to Lync Online: “There was a problem acquiring a personal certificate required to sign in”
  25. How to set up Lync Online in Office 365 to interoperate with an on-premises Exchange environment
  26. Lync 2010 can’t connect to the Lync Online service because a proxy is blocking connections from MSOIDSVC.exe
  27. Troubleshoot Lync for Mac issues in Lync Online for Office 365
  28. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Google Android
  29. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Windows Phone 7
  30. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for iPhone and iPad
  31. How to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter when you use the Lync 2010 mobile client for Nokia Symbian
  32. “Cannot connect to the server” error message when Lync Online users try to sign in to the Lync 2010 mobile client on a mobile device
  33. The telephone number isn’t visible in the Lync contact card
  34. How to perform a clean uninstall of Lync for Mac 2011
  35. Error message when a Lync Online user tries to add a contact group in Lync: “Cannot add contact group. The Contacts list already contains the maximum number of distribution groups”
  36. Users who dial in to Lync Online conferences are on hold indefinitely, or the meeting never starts
  37. External users can’t join Lync Online conferences anonymously or as guests
  38. Error message when you try to sign in to Lync 2010 after a network outage or a Lync Online service outage: “Cannot sign in to Lync”
  39. You can’t sign in to Lync Online with Lync 2010 after you install Office Professional Plus 2013
  40. Error when you try to join a Lync Online meeting by using Lync Web App through Internet Explorer 9: “There was an error while joining the conference”
  41. Error message when you try to sign in to Lync Online: “Cannot sign in to Lync because this sign-in address was not found”
  42. Users are unable to modify their contact lists in Lync 2010 and Lync for Mac 2011
  43. Lync 2010 cannot connect to Lync Online through a proxy that is configured by using a file://-based PAC file
  44. Users can’t sign in to Lync Mobile on Apple iOS-based devices because of certificate errors
  45. Troubleshooting the Lync Windows Store app for Windows 8 and Windows RT devices
  46. Incoming Lync-to-phone calls aren’t transferred to Exchange Online Unified Messaging voice mail
  47. “There was a problem connecting to Microsoft Office Outlook. Outlook is not installed or configured correctly” error message when you sign in to Lync Online by using Lync 2010
  48. Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services error messages when you try to sign in to Lync Online
  49. You can’t send or receive files or attachments in Lync Online
  50. Users can’t sign in to Lync Online by using Lync Mobile 2013
  51. Lync Online users can’t join online meetings from Lync Mobile 2013
  52. Audio or video connections are of poor quality or fail completely in Lync Mobile 2013
  53. Conversations and calls made on Lync Mobile devices are not synced with the user’s Exchange mailbox
  54. Lync contact list is empty or read-only after a user’s Exchange mailbox is disconnected
  55. Lync presence is unavailable or missing in SharePoint sites
  56. How to troubleshoot Lync Online sign-in issues with Lync Phone Edition devices
  57. “Get-CsWebTicket : Getting web ticket for the given user is failed” error message when an administrator creates a new remote PowerShell session for Lync Online
  58. “Move-CsUser : HostedMigration fault: Error=(507)” error message when you try to move a user to Lync Online in a Lync hybrid deployment
  59. Enterprise single sign-on users in Office 365 can’t sign in to Lync Online from inside their corporate network

Outlook Commercial – Office for Mac Commercial

  1. You cannot send email messages to a local contact group in Outlook for Mac 2011
  2. Email is unexpectedly moved to the Junk E-mail folder in Outlook for Mac 2011

Office – Outlook

  1. Error starting Outlook: “Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.”
  2. How to find and run the Inbox Repair tool in Outlook
  3. Your Outlook settings may unexpectedly change after your administrator removes Group Policy settings that control some Outlook features
  4. Unable to manage distribtution group from Outlook with Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013 mailbox
  5. Description of known setup issues with the Outlook E-mail Security Update in Outlook 2000
  6. [SDP 3][2c425a45-1620-42a4-ae4d-63b453394935] Microsoft Outlook Support Diagnostic
  7. Email remains in the Outbox when the StrictAccountOrder registry value is non-zero
  8. How to use Inbox Repair tool to repair pst file in Outlook
  9. Office programs may crash with the FineReader add-in installed
  10. Inline images may display as a Red X in Outlook
  11. “No protection” setting for Outlook 2010 junk email does not work if deployed using .msp created by the OCT
  12. You can’t share your calendar in Outlook 2007 or Office 365
  13. Error 0x80070057 and no Offline Address Book download in Outlook 2013
  14. Outlook application icon missing from the Windows taskbar
  15. How to import and export data to a Comma Separated Values file by using Outlook 2013
  16. Outlook 2013 crash caused by Evernote add-in (EvernoteOL.dll)
  17. Office program crashes caused by Btmofficea.dll or Btmoffice.dll
  18. Outlook may stop responding (hang) if the iManage FileSite add-in is enabled
  19. How to manage .pst files in Microsoft Outlook
  20. Configure Outlook to connect to an MSN email account
  21. The Print command is missing when you select multiple attachments in Outlook
  22. “An unknown error has occurred” error message in Outlook
  23. How to turn on the Enable Mail Logging option for troubleshooting in Outlook

Update Rollup 1 (UR1) for Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Released

June 8th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released the following update rollup for Exchange Server 2010:

  • Update Rollup 1 for Exchange Server 2010 SP3 (KB2803727)

If you’re running Exchange Server 2010 SP3, you need to apply Update Rollup 1 for Exchange 2010 SP3 to address the issues listed below.

Remember, you only need to download the latest update for the version of Exchange that you’re running.

Here is a list of the fixes included in Update Rollup 1:

  1. 2561346 Mailbox storage limit error when a delegate uses the manager’s mailbox to send an email message in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  2. 2729954 Can’t send voice message to a selected non-primary email address in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  3. 2750846 Information Store service crashes when you mount public folder databases on an Exchange Server 2010 server
  4. 2751628 Event ID 9682 does not record the folder name when you delete a public folder in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  5. 2756460 You cannot open a mailbox that is located in a different site by using Outlook Anywhere in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  6. 2763065 Move request log is logged when you move a mailbox in an Exchange Server 2010 SP2 environment
  7. 2777742 Address Book service crashes on an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server when a server has been running for 25 days or more
  8. 2781488 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE (0x6BA) error code when you use a MAPI or CDO-based application in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  9. 2782683 Email message that a user sends by using the “Send As” or “Send On Behalf” permission is saved only in the Sent Items folder of the sender in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  10. 2784210 Ethical wall does not function as expected when the ReportToOriginatorEnabled property is disabled in an Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2010 coexistence environment
  11. 2793348 Read receipt is sent unexpectedly when you view an email message by using Outlook Web App
  12. 2796490 Microsoft Exchange Information Store service crashes on an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server
  13. 2802569 Mailbox synchronization fails on an Exchange ActiveSync device in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  14. 2803132 Delayed email message delivery on a BlackBerry mobile device after you install Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2
  15. 2806602 EdgeTransport.exe process crashes on an Exchange Server 2010 Hub Transport server
  16. 2814723 Server loses network connectivity and UDP ports are used up on an Exchange Server 2010 server
  17. 2814847 Rapid growth in transaction logs, CPU use, and memory consumption in Exchange Server 2010 when a user syncs a mailbox by using an iOS 6.1 or 6.1.1-based device
  18. 2816934 Error code 0X800CCC13 when an additional POP3 or IMAP account is used to send an email message and Outlook online mode is used to connect to an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  19. 2817140 Exchange Replication service crashes intermittently in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  20. 2817852 Cyrillic characters are displayed as question marks in the “To” field of message items in the Sent Items folder in an Exchange 2010 environment
  21. 2818456 Attachments are missing from an embedded message in an Exchange Server 2010 SP2 environment
  22. 2822208 Unable to soft delete some messages after installing Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 or SP3
  23. 2826066 VSAPI-based antivirus software causes delayed response in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  24. 2827037 Copy of an item is created in the Version subfolder in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  25. 2833888 No items are displayed in Outlook after you install Exchange Server 2010 SP3 or Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP2
  26. 2840099 ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception when an EWS application creates a new MIME email in an Exchange Server 2010 environment

Download the rollup here.

Installation Notes:

If you haven’t installed Exchange Server yet, you can use the info at Quicker Exchange installs complete with service packs and rollups to save you some time.

Microsoft Update can’t detect rollups for Exchange 2010 servers that are members of a Database Availability Group (DAG). See the post Installing Exchange 2010 Rollups on DAG Servers for info, and a script, for installing update rollups.

Update Rollups should be applied to Internet facing Client Access Servers before being installed on non-Internet facing Client Access Servers.

If you’re installing the update rollup on Exchange servers that don’t have Internet access, see “Installing Exchange 2007 & 2010 rollups on servers that don’t have Internet access” for some additional steps.

Note to Forefront users:

If you don’t disable Forefront before installing a rollup or service pack, and enable afterwards, you run the risk of Exchange related services not starting. You can disable Forefront by going to a command prompt and navigating to the Forefront directory and running FSCUtility /disable. To enable Forefront after installation of a UR or SP, run FSCUtility /enable.

TechEd North America Lync, Exchange, and Office 365 Session Recordings Available

June 8th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft has released the session recordings from TechEd North America. Looks like tons of good info from the Lync specific sessions is available. You can view them online, or download most of the sessions in many different formats including .mp3 (audio only), .mp4, mid quality .wmv, mid quality .mp4, high quality .mp4, and high quality .wmv. Most also have the PowerPoint slide decks available for viewing and download.

Microsoft’s Rhoderick Milne has created product specific blog posts detailing the various sessions.

For the Lync specific sessions, see

For the Exchange specific sessions, see

For the Office 365 specific sessions, check out