While migrating some users during a Lync migration, I needed to disable users for Lync in one forest, and enable them in another. I ran into a problem where many users in the legacy forest had adminCount set to 1, and security inheritance disabled. The problem is that my account didn’t have rights to disable them in Lync, and I was getting an access denied error. This is common when the user is/was a member of a protected group. I won’t go into the background of adminCount, as it’s well documented.
I knew that as the migration progressed, we would identify more users where this was the case. So I wanted to find a better way of dealing with these. There are several ways of finding users with adminCount set using PowerShell, including
and using the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module via
Get-ADuser -LDAPFilter "(admincount=1)" | Select-Object name
and we can look at groups, too, using
Get-ADgroup -LDAPFilter "(admincount=1)" | Select-Object name
Turns out that many of the users (1000+) were no longer members of protected groups, what’s often referred to as Orphaned AdminSD Objects. So we could clear adminCount and enable security inheritance. But doing this manually on 1000+ users isn’t something that any of us wanted to spend time doing.
We can clear adminCount with a one-liner:
Get-AdUser [user name] | Set-AdObject -clear adminCount
But that doesn’t take care of security inheritance, which is the real culprit in my issue. We can use dsacls:
$User = [ADSI] $_.Path
dsacls $User.distinguishedName /p:n
Unfortunately, this involves multiple steps in native PowerShell. So, a function was born.
Set-AdminUser takes input from either the $UserName parameter, or via the pipeline, and clears adminCount, then enables security inheritance. It can process a single user or multiple, such as with the output of Get-ADGroupMember.
Set-AdminUser [[-UserName] ] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] []
Set-AdminUser [user name]
Get-AdGroupMember [group name] | Set-AdminUser
Here is the function to copy. You can also download it in the download section below.
function Set-AdminUser {
Clears adminCount, and enables inherited security on a user account.
Clears adminCount, and enables inherited security on a user account.
Version : v1.0
Wish list :
Rights Required : UserAdministrator
Sched Task Req'd : No
Lync Version : N/A
Lync Version : N/A
Author : Pat Richard, Skype for Business MVP
Email/Blog/Twitter : @patrichard
Dedicated Post :
Disclaimer : You running this script means you won't blame me if this breaks your stuff.
Info Stolen from :
Function: Set-AdminUser – Clear AdminCount and Enable Security Inheritance
You can pipeline input to this command
Create the scheduled task to run the script daily. It does NOT create the required Exchange receive connector.
Set-AdminUser -UserName [user name]
Clears the adminCount of the specified user, and enabled inherited security
Get-AdGroupMember [group name] | Set-AdminUser
Clears the adminCount of all group members, and enabled inherited security
#Requires -Version 2.0
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Mandatory = $False)]
## allows inheritance
[bool]$isProtected = $false
## preserves inherited rules
[bool]$PreserveInheritance = $true
[string]$dn = (Get-ADUser $UserName).DistinguishedName
Set-AdObject -identity $dn -clear adminCount
$user = [ADSI]"LDAP://$dn"
$acl = $user.objectSecurity
Write-Verbose $dn
Write-Verbose "Original permissions blocked:"
Write-Verbose $acl.AreAccessRulesProtected
if ($acl.AreAccessRulesProtected){
$inherited = $acl.AreAccessRulesProtected
Write-Verbose "Updated permissions blocked:"
Write-Verbose $acl.AreAccessRulesProtected
remove-variable acl
remove-variable UserName
remove-variable isProtected
remove-variable PreserveInheritance
remove-variable dn
remove-variable user
} # end function Set-AdminUser
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v1.0 – 10-20-2012
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