
Posts Tagged ‘Administration’

Changelog: Get-CsConnections.ps1

July 1st, 2011 8 comments

This is the changelog page for Get-CsConnections.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v3.5 – 08-14-2019

  1. Added some cleanup for the VVX and Trio device agent strings. Thanks to @UcMadScientist. See

v3.4 – 03-27-2018

  1. Added more bugs to fix later. 🙂
  2. Fixed -SkipUpdateCheck. Thanks to Mike for pointing it out.
  3. Fixed issue where preferred connection order would not display for Skype for Business users when using -SipAddress option
  4. Minor tweaks per PsScriptAnalyzer and PSSharper
  5. Updated Remove-Variable function to v1.2
  6. Get-UpdateInfo updated function to v1.5
  7. Set-ModuleStatus updated function to v1.6
  8. Write-Log updated function to v3.2

v3.3 – 01-04-2017

  1. Now requires at least PowerShell 3.0
  2. minor code cleanup
  3. updated Get-UpdateInfo to 1.1

v3.2 – 11-17-2016

  1. Added new update routine
  2. Signed with new certificate

v3.1 – 04-07-2016

  1. added -SkipUpdateCheck to skip update check

v3.0 – 09-09-2015

  1. clarified some examples in the help section
  2. added detection for Skype for Business Server 2015

v2.9 – 10-28-2014

  1. Fixed an issue where PowerShell v2.0 machines would choke on one line. Thanks to Thierry for pointing it out.
  2. New code-signing certificate to replace expired cert

v2.8 – 06-10-2014

  1. Clarified ShowTotal output per Nate’s comment
  2. Fixed an issue where LRS clients would show a leading space for the agent string
  3. changed FE server info to be lower case to that it’s consistent
  4. the -pool parameter is now -PoolFqdn to align with other scripts and cmdlets
  5. fine tuned some of the code used when specifying -SipAddress

v2.7 – 05-24-2014

  1. fixed check for updates dialog border
  2. defined OverallRecords as an array to avoid an issue. Thanks to Tristan for that info.
  3. fixed verbose output not showing server names. Thanks to Greig for pointing it out.

v2.6 – 02-08-2014

  1. tweaked the MaxEndpointsPerUser section to always use the global configuration. This only matters in environments where multiple configurations exist (Get-CsRegistrarConfiguration). Thanks to Matt for pointing this out.
  2. swaped in new version of Set-ModuleStatus function
  3. cleanup of param block per best practices
  4. cleanup of comment help per best practices
  5. swaped in new verion of Test-ScriptUpdates

v2.5 – 11-26-2013

  1. tweaked SQL query for case insensitivity per Jean-Luc
  2. comment help updated to include info on Windows firewall config
  3. tweaked code when getting info for a single user to fix missing data for pool connection order

v2.4 – 09-13-2013

  1. Fixed output for unique users/clients
  2. Now validates if UserHighConnectionFlag is specified, and does not exceed MaxEndPointsPerUser

v2.3 – 08-01-2013

  1. intro code for script update check
  2. better pool version detection. When using the -Pool option, you no longer need to specify -Is2013 if it’s a 2013 pool
  3. Added code to restart script in an elevated session if the current session isn’t elevated (previously the script just threw an error and exited)

v2.2 – 05-10-2013

  1. Added support for Lync Server 2013 by using the -Is2013 switch. If I can find a better way of automatically detecting the version, I’ll incorporate that in a later build.
  2. Some code optimization
  3. Bug fix for an issue where the names of servers in a pool wouldn’t display if the script was run in PowerShell v3.

v2.1 – 12-13-2012

  1. Minor formatting tweaks for better handling long client names, such as the Lync RT client.
  2. Minor bug fixes

v2.0 – 10.16.2012

  1. Added -IncludeHighUsers option. Similar to -IncludeUsers, but only shows those users who meet the UserHighConnectionFlag value (shown in white), or exceeds it (shown in red).
  2. Added -ShowTotal option. When finished, shows statistics for the org, including total number of Lync enabled users, the total number of voice enabled users, and the percentage of enabled users that are currently connected.
  3. Updated the code the assembles FQDNs when just a pool or server netbios name are specified.
  4. If -SipAddress option is used, additional information showing the preferred connection order for the user is now also included. This adds the functionality of one liners: Finding out which Lync pool servers a user is associated with, and the preferred connection order.

v1.9 – 09-21-2012

  1. Finally resolved the issue where some front end servers would have a different number for PrimaryRegistrarClusterId in SQL Express than others, causing some servers to not return data (and not throw an error). Special thanks to Dave Howe @ Microsoft for helping me identify a work around, and also to Bart, a SQL Engineer at a client site who helped me tweak the related SQL query.
  2. A little code optimization
  3. -Server option added that now allows you to target a specific server instead of an entire pool.
  4. This version is code signed. You no longer are required to have a PowerShell Execution Policy of unrestricted or RemoteSigned. However, the script cannot be edited at all, or the code signature breaks.
  5. -SipAddr now supports specifying just the left part of the SIP address, but only in organizations with ONE SIP domain. For example, -SipAddr bill.gates instead of -SipAddr
  6. -Server supports specifying the netbios domain. The script will “guess” at the FQDN by using the domain name of the machine the script is running on and appending it to the netbios name.

v1.8 – 09-14-2012

  1. Tons of formatting changes, mostly subtle
    1. Server names in the pool list are sorted
    2. Server names in the ‘Frontend Server’ list are now sorted
    3. Connections are now sorted by client
  2. Added -ShowFullClient switch to show extended client info.
  3. If -pool is not specified, and only one registrar pool exists, the script will automatically use that pool.
  4. Some additional verbose output added for troubleshooting

v1.7 – 09-07-2012

  1. Minor display sorting cleanup
  2. Streamlined some code
  3. Removed -IncludeUsers from automatically being set when using -ClientVersion

v1.6 – 07-02-2012

  1. Added feature to show just specific client versions and the connected users with that client

v1.4 – 04-19-2012

  1. cleaned up some of the param() block and added some validation
  2. streamlined some of the code
  3. tweaked the displayed results a little to better handle longer agent strings

v1.3 – 12-27-2011

  1. tweaked the formatting a little to account for longer agent strings due to mobile clients
  2. ignore the RtcApplication-[guid] account when calculating users and displaying userlist
  3. added error if pool doesn’t have any servers
  4. added UserHighConnectionFlag in parameter block to support pipeline entry

v1.1 – 08-09-2011

  1. added comment based help
  2. added option to display user list
  3. updated formatting
  4. added code so it will run in a normal PowerShell session

v1.0 – 07-01-2011

  1. original version

Changelog: Set-WindowsEmailAddress.ps1

June 12th, 2011 No comments

This is the changelog page for Set-WindowsEmailAddress.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v1.2 – 01-27-2014

  1. Updated Set-ModuleStatus function
  2. cmdlet binding
  3. testing for ISE to avoid errors with Start-Transcript

v1.1 – 10-1-2011

  1. code cleanup
  2. variable cleanup
  3. replaced some code with my normal functions
  4. expanded comment based help
  5. account for zero results

v1.0 – 06-12-2011

  1. Original version

Changelog: New-ADPasswordReminder.ps1

February 26th, 2010 11 comments

This is the changelog page for New-ADPasswordReminder.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v2.9 – 09-13-2013

  1. tweaked the filters for retrieving user accounts
  2. Preview parameter removed since -PreviewUser automatically sets $Preview

v2.8 – 05-03-2013

  1. Tons of updates – unfortunately, I haven’t kept a detailed list
  2. OU option added that allows you to target a specific Organizational Unit (OU)
  3. NoImages option tweaked. Run script with -NoImages to send a text only message. No longer need to specify $true
  4. Changed name of script to New-ADPasswordReminder.ps1 to align with my new naming standard
  5. More code optimization
  6. Better cleanup of message text if some variables like $HelpDeskPhone and $HelpDeskURL are not defined

v2.7 – 12-26-2012

  1. Added NoImages option for those that want less of a visual email. Script still sends an HTML formatted email, but it strips out any images and their related formatting.
  2. Cleaned up some code

v2.6 – 09-07-2012

  1. Changed email server variable to the preference variable $PSEmailServer
  2. changed Send-MailMessage syntax
  3. cleaned up Set-ModuleStatus function
  4. Cleaned up HTML code
  5. fixed issue with missing “)” error in the param list
  6. cleaned up the Remove-ScriptVariables function
  7. Added some Write-Verbose statements for better troubleshooting.
  8. Added a simple check to not include password policy requirements if email is going to FGPP user (until I can resolve detection of the FGPP settings)
  9. $PreviewUser specified will now work even if that user is set to PasswordNeverExpires
  10. Setting $PreviewUser automatically sets $Preview
  11. Removed transcript option
  12. Added variable for formatting the date shown in emails (for my non-U.S. people)
  13. Leaving some of the URL parameters blank will now remove the related text from the email sent to users

v2.4 – 01-14-2012

  1. Fixed bug in detecting domain functional level as pointed out by Michael B. Smith
  2. Changed email server parameter to use $PSEmailServer
  3. Changed Send-MailMessage syntax
  4. Cleaned up Get-ModuleStatus code

v2.2 – 09-29-2011

  1. added some missing ‘alt’ tags for some images in email HTML code
  2. added code to determine global minimum password length & format message accordingly
  3. added code to determine global password complexity requirements & format message accordingly
  4. added $HelpDeskURL variable in param block. That resolves the problem of some links that weren’t clickable (whoops!)
  5. added some parameter validation
  6. added ability to target a single OU, and its children
  7. updated the Send-MailMessage line based on user feedback
  8. updated links to point to new blog. This includes the one in the event log message.

v2.1 – 08/31/2011

  1. added some additional code to the section that installs the RSAT-AD-PowerShell feature
  2. corrected code that wouldn’t send mail until a the user was one day into the reminder window
  3. cleaned up HTML code indentations to make it a little easier to read
  4. variable for image path so that editing the HTML is straightforward
  5. added preview mode to see HTML email
  6. added install mode to automatically create scheduled task
  7. updated and enhanced the comment based help
  8. added code for event log logging

v2.0 – 08/15/2011

  1. added email code
  2. added transcript option
  3. added demo parameter & formatted output
  4. added param block with some default values
  5. moved (Get-AdDomain).DomainMode code to outside of loop to help speed up processing (since it really needs to be called only once)
  6. added check for ActiveDirectory module & Exchange snapins
  7. added alert for same day expiration
  8. auto load or install RSAT-AD-PowerShell feature

v1.0 – 02/26/2010

  1. initial version

Changelog: New-DirectoryUpdateReminder.ps1

May 14th, 2009 4 comments

This is the changelog page for New-DirectoryUpdateReminder.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v1.7 – 01-27-2014

  1. -noprofile switch added to install routine
  2. bug fix for demo mode where the check for title wasn’t working
  3. comment help cleaned up

v1.5 – 09-02-2011

  1. converted code to PowerShell v2, including New-MailMessage, comment based help, etc.
  2. Exchange 2010 support
  3. moved most variables to param block
  4. install routine for scheduled task
  5. email preview mode

v1.4 – 03-27-2010

  1. use registry for last run info

v1.3 – 01-15-2010

  1. optimized $MBXArray a little more

v1.2 – 10-16-2009

  1. added filter to prompt when manager is disabled

v1.0 – 05-14-2009

  1. initial version

Changelog: Send-NewUserWelcome.ps1

April 30th, 2009 No comments

This is the changelog page for Send-NewUserWelcome.ps1. You will find a complete list of released versions, their dates, and the features and issues addressed in each. Please refer to the script’s main page for more information including download links, installation details, and more.

v1.3 – 09-03-2011

  1. HTML formatted email
  2. PowerShell 2.0 code
  3. Comment Based Help
  4. application event log logging
  5. install function for creating scheduled task

v1.2 – 03-27-2010

  1. use registry for last run info
  2. variable cleanup

v1.1 – 05-01-2009

v1.0 – 04-30-2009

  1. Original version