
Posts Tagged ‘Exchange Server 2013’

Script: Install-OfficeWebAppsLanguagePacks.ps1 – Easier Installation of Selected Language Packs

March 7th, 2015 No comments


I was working with a global customer lately who has datacenters in various global regions (as most global orgs do). The customer had not decided, and basically, hadn’t even thought about what language packs to install on their Office Web Apps Servers (OWAS). I suggested that there are 49 language packs including the English pack that I install by default on every OWAS server. Those languages are:

Azeri (Latin)
Bosnian (Latin)
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Irish – Ireland
Macedonian (FYROM)
Malay (Malaysia)
Norwegian (Bokmal)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Serbian (Cyrillic)
Serbian (Latin)

The customer decided on which language packs to install.

If you’ve ever tried to install these, you know you go to the language pack download page, and pick your desired language. When the next page comes up, you notice that it’s in the language of the desired language pack. You hope you’re clicking on the right link, download the file, then run the installer, which is mostly in the desired language, and go from there. It can be somewhat confusing, but extremely repetitive – especially if you’re installing a lot of language packs. It got me thinking that this was an area ripe for automation (what area isn’t?).

Well, as I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I’m lazy (as most coders are). So I wrote this script to make my life easier, and as a result, you gain from it. Here’s what the script does:

  1. Detects which (if any) language packs are installed on the local machines. This is accomplished by looking for the correct GUID in the Uninstall branch of the registry.
  2. Displays a grid list of the language packs that are available and not already installed on the machine (see image below). You can select one or more language packs to install and click “Ok”.
  3. The script will download the language pack(s)
  4. It will mount (if they are an .img file), or extract (if an .exe).
  5. It will silently install the language pack
  6. It will clean up after itself (unmount or clean up extracted files)

Here is the selection list presented. Notice that English is not in the list as that language pack is already installed.

OWAS language pack selection

Once installation is completed, you’re left with your language packs installed and a nice little log file.

OWAS post installation

Extract the files to any folder. The script and the .csv file MUST be in the same folder. Run it by calling Install-OWASLanguagePack.ps1 and it will default to using the following path structure (which it will create if it doesn’t already exist):

Path Purpose 
c:\_Install Root working folder. Can be changed using -TargetFolder when calling the script.
c:\_Install\logs Log files from the script are stored here
c:\_Install\OWASLanguagePacks Downloaded language pack files are stored here. Folder name can be changed using -OWASLanguagePackFolder. Language packs are placed in sub folders of this folder. The sub folders match the language of the language pack.

A little bit of a rant. I *REALLY* wish the language packs were an MSI file that supported silent install instead of an .img file that must be mounted or an .exe that must be extracted, and then each called with complex syntax.


Install-OWASLanguagePacks.ps1 [[-TargetFolder]][[-OWASLanguagePackFolder]] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-IncludeTotalCount] [-Skip] [-First][<commonparameters>]


Execution Policy: Third-party PowerShell scripts may require that the PowerShell Execution Policy be set to either AllSigned, RemoteSigned, or Unrestricted. The default is Restricted, which prevents scripts – even code signed scripts – from running. For more information about setting your Execution Policy, see Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet.


I’ve never been one to really solicit donations for my work. My offerings are created because *I* need to solve a problem, and once I do, it makes sense to offer the results of my work to the public. I mean, let’s face it: I can’t be the only one with that particular issue, right? Quite often, to my surprise, I’m asked why I don’t have a “donate” button so people can donate a few bucks. I’ve never really put much thought into it. But those inquiries are coming more often now, so I’m yielding to them. If you’d like to donate, you can send a few bucks via PayPal at Money collected from that will go to the costs of my website (hosting and domain names), as well as to my home lab.




v1.0 – 03-07-2015 –


See the changelog for information on what’s changed/included in each version.

Review: Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell Cookbook

August 8th, 2013 No comments

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell CookbookI like Exchange. And PowerShell. So, when Packt Publishing asked if I was interested in reviewing their latest book “Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 PowerShell Cookbook”, I jumped at the chance. I was even more excited when I realized that it was written by two heavy hitters, Jonas Andersson and Exchange MCM and Microsoftie Mike Pfeiffer. I’ve known Mike since his days as an Exchange MVP prior to joining Microsoft.

I had not read any books published by Packt previously, so I was interested to see how this one was put together. What a pleasant surprise. The book, now in its 2nd edition, wastes no time in dispensing some solid PowerShell knowledge with the first chapter, “PowerShell Key Concepts”. If you’re a complete newbie who has been reluctant to take the PowerShell plunge, this chapter has a substantial amount of information to help you get started. In fact, If you read the first chapter, you’ll have an excellent understanding of the basics of PowerShell. Not only is that a great building block for what comes later in the book, but it’s also a great PowerShell primer just by itself. If you’re an experienced coder, the first chapter will help fill in some gaps.

From there we go to common tasks in both PowerShell and Exchange. Some great info there, as well, as we look at many of the things that help tie scripts together including remote sessions, tasks, dealing with .csv files, etc.

From that point on, each subsequent chapter deals with a different area of Exchange, and how PowerShell can make life easier. These are including topics such as mailbox and database management, high availability, and more. Each area is broken down into a specific subject, and includes information broken into several different sections, including “How to do it..”, “How it works..”, “There’s more..”, etc. These start with a simple task, explain the basics, and build on them so that the reader can develop great PowerShell functions and scripts, and understand what’s happening “under the hood”. In reading this book, I can say I’ve learned several different approaches to things that I had not considered previously.

Some things often get left out of Exchange books just due to the complexity of the product. This is often things like compliance. But, oh no – Mike and Jonas dive into this as well, discussing archiving, retention and legal holds, auditing, and more. There’s also a chapter on using the EWS Managed API, which really opens the door to doing all kinds of things by connecting to Exchange via EWS. Just look at what Glenn Scales is doing with EWS.

Chapters break down as follows:
Chapter 1: PowerShell Key Concepts
Chapter 2: Exchange Management Shell Common Tasks
Chapter 3: Managing Recipients
Chapter 4: Managing Mailboxes
Chapter 5: Distribution Groups and Address Lists
Chapter 6: Mailbox Database Management
Chapter 7: Managing Client Access
Chapter 8: Managing Transport Service
Chapter 9: High Availability
Chapter 10: Exchange Security
Chapter 11: Compliance and Audit Logging
Chapter 12: Server Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Chapter 13: Scripting with the Exchange Web Services Managed API

The book also contains some great reference materials in the appendices. A common shell appendix is a great add-on to what’s in the book, especially chapter 1. I probably learned more from this part of the book than anything.

Appendix B delves into query syntaxes – something that can be frustrating if you don’t know the basics and pitfalls. From AND and NOT to date ranges and more. Solid info that should be kept within arms reach.

I have to say, it’s no surprise that I liked this book. Mike and Jonas did a fantastic job keeping the reader engaged. By taking a simple idea and building on it, each example and section helps solidify a solid PowerShell understanding and how it relates to Exchange. Installation, configuration, and administrative tasks are all made substantially easier by the information in this book. The book doesn’t talk over the reader’s head, and the code provided is solid and clean. I can’t recommend this book enough if you’re an Exchange person looking to get into PowerShell to increase your productivity and enhance your career.

The book is available from Packt Publishing in formats including print, ebook, and .pdf, and from Amazon as a printed book, or Kindle download. Buy it! Now!

Easier Access to Better Formatted Message Headers In Outlook and OWA 2013

June 26th, 2013 2 comments

Many mail administrators need to review headers from various messages to troubleshoot problems. Those could be mail flow, hygiene (spam), etc. Traditionally, this has been performed by clicking File>Properties, and reviewing the contents of the small Internet headers box at the bottom.

Outlook message headers

Outlook message headers

I can say that I would often copy the contents of that field and paste them into Notepad to view it in a larger format. Well, it’s now a little easier for both Outlook 2013 and Outlook Web App 2013. A couple of steps and message headers are now a single click away. Log into EAC for your organization, and navigate to Organization>Apps.

Add app

Add app

Next, locate the Message Header Analyzer app from the list of available applications, and click Add.

Available apps

Available apps

You’ll be presented with a confirmation dialog box for the Message Header Analyzer app. Review the information, and click Yes.

App confirmation

App confirmation

at this point, the app is installed, and listed in the apps in EAC. We’ll leave it disabled by default for users.

App installed

App installed

Now log into OWA as yourself, and go to Options. Click on Apps on the left, and highlight the MessageHeaderAnalyzer in the list of installed apps, and click Enable on the right side.

end user enable

end user enable

Now go back to your mailbox in OWA.In the preview pane, we now see the MessageHeaderAnalyzer link in the toolbar.

Option in OWA

Option in OWA

Click the link, and you’ll see a new window in the preview pane that shows a beautifully formatted display of the message headers. Easy to read and navigate, this certainly beats the old format in the small window. And it’s not crammed into some small window.

Message Header Analyzer output

Message Header Analyzer output

And it gets even better because if you have Outlook 2013, selecting another message will show the MessageHeaderAnalyzer link there, too!

This is just a simple tool that will make your life easier as an email admin/support professional. I encourage you to play with this and also to check out some of the other apps available.

Syntax Highlighting File for UltraEdit Includes Exchange 2010/2013, Lync 2010/2013, and ActiveDirectory cmdlets

May 8th, 2013 2 comments

In a previous post, Exchange 2010 and Lync 2010 PowerShell syntax highlighting file for UltraEdit, I included the cmdlets for both Exchange 2010 and Lync 2010. In this new file, I’ve included Lync 2010, Lync 2013, Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, and Active Directory cmdlets for highlighting. If you use UltraEdit, this wordfile may make life a little easier.

Download the file here:

September 2012 Technical Rollup: Unified Communications

September 5th, 2012 No comments



OpsVault — Operate and Optimize IT

Microsoft Premier Support UK – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

Antigen & Forefront

ForeFront Team Blog

ForeFront Server Security Support Blog


Exchange Team Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

MCS UK Unified Communications Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

Microsoft Online Services Team Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

  1. The New OWA Rocks Tablets and Phones!
  2. We’ve updated the MEC website with a whole lot of awesome!
  3. Managing The New Exchange
  4. Released: Update Rollup 4 for Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2
  5. Released: Update Rollup 8 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3
  6. Calendar and Tasks Retention Tag Support in Exchange 2010 SP2 RU4
  7. Moving from EHA to Office 365
  8. Site Mailboxes in the new Office
  9. Exchange, Stubbing, and Database Space Reclamation
  10. Using EAC to manage multi-forest Exchange deployments

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

NextHop – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

DrRez: Microsoft Lync Server Technical Reference Hub – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

Outlook Outlook Blog

Other The Master Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs

  1. Lync Online: Lync 2010 Conversation Translator
  2. Microsoft Lync 2013 Preview in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
  3. Lync Federation with Public Instant Messaging Connectivity on
  4. Lync Server 2010 Multitenant Pack for Partner Hosting Overview
  5. Five Frequently Asked Questions about Lync Server 2010 Mobility Service
  6. Lync Online: Quick Contacts – Display Lync Online Contact Information in Your Outlook To-Do Bar
  7. Interview with a Lync Pro: Dustin Hannifin
  8. Certificate Authentication in Lync Server 2010 and Enterprise PKI
  9. LyncMD: Troubleshooting Delegate Permissions Issues in Lync 2010
  10. Lync Online: Configuring Lync-to-Phone for Office 365 Videos
  11. Lync Online: How to Troubleshoot Sign-In Issues
  12. Practice Accelerator Sessions for Lync Server 2010: September 2012
  13. Lync Server 2013 Preview: Introducing Documentation and the Documentation Team
  14. Lync Server 2013 Preview: What’s New in Persistent Chat Server
  15. Lync Server 2013 Preview: New High Availability and Disaster Recovery Features


Antigen & Forefront



  1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Unified Messaging (UM) Specialists
    The companies listed in this document are Systems Integrators who have attended technical training on Exchange Server 2013 Unified Messaging conducted by Microsoft Exchange Engineering Team. Non-Microsoft providers are listed here for your convenience only. Microsoft makes no warranties or representations with regard to their products or services.
  2. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (UM) Specialists
    The companies listed in this document are Systems Integrators who have attended technical training on Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging conducted by Microsoft Exchange Engineering Team. Non-Microsoft providers are listed here for your convenience only. Microsoft makes no warranties or representations with regard to their products or services.

Hosted Messaging Collaboration


Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. Unified Communications Phones and Peripherals Datasheets
    These datasheets list the phones and peripheral devices that are qualified to display the “Optimized for Microsoft Lync” logo.







  1. Exchange Web Services Managed API Version 2.0 – Technical Preview
    The Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API 2.0 Technical Preview provides a managed interface for developing client applications that use Exchange Web Services.


Lync Server

  1. Effective Conferencing with Microsoft Lync: Transitioning from Office Live Meeting
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Starts: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 9:00 AM  Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  2. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync Conferencing
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! Starts: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  3. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  4. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  5. Effective Conferencing with Microsoft Lync: Transitioning from Office Live Meeting
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Starts: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 9:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  6. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 20, 2012 7:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  7. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 20, 2012 9:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  8. Effective Conferencing with Microsoft Lync: Transitioning from Office Live Meeting
    An introduction to Microsoft Lync for users making the move from Office Live Meeting. This 60 minute virtual, instructor-led session introduces the new and enhanced collaboration and online meeting features available with Microsoft Lync. Starts: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  9. Best Practices for Microsoft Lync Conferencing
    Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully! Starts: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 11:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  10. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  11. Introducing Microsoft Lync Welcome to Microsoft Lync!
    Learn how Lync integrates instant messaging, audio and video calling, and online meeting functionality into one easy-to-use unified platform that will contribute to greater collaboration and more effective communication. Starts: Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)
  12. Office 365 Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032524448 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  13. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032524444 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  14. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527293 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Thursday, September 06, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  15.  Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527294 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Friday, September 07, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  16. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527295 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Monday, September 10, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  17. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527296 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  18. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527297 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  19. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527298 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Thursday, September 13, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  20. Office 365 In Action: Daily Live Demo & Chat
    Event ID: 1032527299 See how Microsoft Office 365 can help improve the effectiveness of your business. Join our LIVE demonstration and chat with a Microsoft specialist. Starts: Friday, September 14, 2012 10:00 AM Time zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Duration: 30 minute(s)
  21. The Business Value of Cloud and Microsoft Office 365
    Event ID: 1032527500 By now, you’ve probably heard the term “Cloud Computing” but what is this Cloud everyone is talking about? Companies like Lowes, Hyatt Hotels, Burger King, Hallmark Cards, JetBlue and numerous other enterprises, big & small, are leveraging the Microsoft Cloud. Is it time for your company to do so as well? Starts: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 2:00 PM Time zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Duration: 1 hour(s)

New KB’s


Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

  1. An event ID 9646 occurs when a service account opens many MAPI sessions on an Exchange Server
  2. You receive a “server unavailable” error message when you try to connect to Exchange Server 2003 by using remote procedure call over HTTP
  3. Known issues that cause the “HTTP 500 internal server error” error message in Exchange Server 2003 Outlook Web Access

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition

  1. Items in the Sync Issues folder are not processed or deleted by a Messaging Records Management (MRM) policy in Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010
  2. Inconsistent search results after a content index is rebuilt in Exchange Server

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3

  1. Events 4999 and 7034 are logged and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service crashes on an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox server
  2. A text or HTML email attachment is displayed in the message body instead of in the attachment line in an Exchange Server 2007 SP3 environment
  3. Outlook keeps prompting you for credentials and incorrectly connects to an out-of-site global catalog after you install Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2007 SP3
  4. Description of Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Enterprise

  1. “Index and length must refer to a location within the string” exception when you try to create a new meeting request or appointment in Exchange Server 2010
  2. Event ID 2160 is logged in the Application log after you map a user to a certificate in Exchange Server 2010
  3. MS12-058: Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Server WebReady document viewing could allow remote code execution: August 14, 2012
  4. Outlook 2003 does not open a .pst file that is created by using the New-MailboxExportRequest cmdlet in Exchange Server 2010

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Standard

  1. Throttling policy throttles all EWS applications in Exchange Server 2010
  2. “Error 0xe0434f4d” message when you try to update Offline Address Book in Exchange Server 2010

Lync, Office Communication Server & LiveMeeting

  1. Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 Enterprise Edition: You may receive an “[0xC3EC783C]” error message when you run the Create/Upgrade Enterprise Edition Pool Setup program in Live Communications Server 2005


Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

  1. Description of the Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter update: August 14, 2012
  2. Top client/server support issues in Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

  1. Description of the Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter update: August 14, 2012
  2. How use the in the Custom Installation Wizard to add and to customize Outlook user profile account information
  3. Description of common scenarios in which Calendar information may be removed from the Calendar or may be inaccurate

Microsoft Outlook 2000 Standard Edition

  1. OL2000: Two Settings for Messaging Mode in Terminal Server Transform
  2. OL2000: Error Message “Error obtaining print settings. Your print settings have been reset to default.”
  3. Error Message: There Are No Printers Set Up for Your Computer
  4. Error Message: There Was an Error When Printing Started
  5. Error Message “A required function is missing…”
  6. Error Message: The Server Could Not Be Found
  7. OL2000: Error Message “A program error occurred. Quit Outlook and Microsoft Windows and then start again.”
  8. OL2000: ErrMsg “Unable to load .dll …out of memory..”
  9. OL2000: Error Message “Can’t open this item. Out of memory or system resources. Close some windows or programs and try again.”
  10. OL2000: Error Message “Could not open one or more attachments.”
  11. OL2000: Error Message “Could not open the item. Try again.”
  12. OL2000: Error Message “Could not send the message.”
  13. OL2000: Error Message “The action could not be completed.”
  14. OL2000: Error Message “Unable to send this item.”
  15. OL2000: (CW) Error Message “Outlook could not start because a location to send and receive mail could not be found. To add a location, such as a personal folder file, double-click the Mail icon in Windows Control Panel.”
  16. OL2000: Error Message “Can’t open the object.”
  17. OL2000: Error Message “Operation failed.”
  18. OL2000: Error Message “Corrupted certificate files; certificate importing failed.”
  19. OL2000: Error Message “Cannot start Microsoft Outlook.”
  20. OL2000: Error Message “Out of memory. Close some windows or programs and try again.”
  21. OL2000: Error Message “The account is not properly configured.”
  22. OL2000: Error Message “An unknown error was returned from the SMTP server.”
  23. OL2000: Error Message “An error occurred publishing your Internet Free/Busy data. Could not connect to FTP site.”
  24. OL2000: Error Message “The custom form could not be opened. Outlook will use an Outlook form instead.”
  25. OL2000: Error Message “Can’t create the item.”
  26. OL2000: Error Message “Can’t open the items.”
  27. OL2000: (CW) Error Message “Could not save item.”
  28. OL2000: Error Message “The form you selected could not be displayed.”
  29. OL2000: (IMO) Error Message: WinFax Installation Failed. The Fax Feature Is Not Available.
  30. How to restore the Outlook icon to the desktop
  31. “Outlook.pst can not be accessed – 0x80040116” error message when you start Outlook 2000 or open a personal folder file

Microsoft Outlook 2002 Standard Edition

  1. Description of the Outlook 2002 update: October 4, 2001

Microsoft Outlook 2010

  1. Why does Outlook not appear on the desktop while its process is running in the Task Manager?- KB