
Posts Tagged ‘Internet Explorer’

Function: New-TrustedIESite – Add URLs to IE’s Security Zones

February 8th, 2014 3 comments


This function probably doesn’t have a lot of users to most people. But in Lync, adding the Simple URL for the Lync Server Control Panel to the Local Intranet zone resolves the issue of having to enter credentials each time. Of course, I like to automate the configuration of things, so I whipped up this little function, and it will be included in some of my build scripts. The script basically creates the required registry entries under HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains. Immediately after running the function, we can see the new entry in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Trusted Intranet Zone

Internet Explorer Trusted Intranet Zone


New-TrustedIESite [[-url] ] [[-zone] ] []

Zones are as follows:

1 Local Intranet
2 Trusted Sites
3 Internet
4 Restricted Sites


New-TrustedIESite -url -zone 1

Will add to the Local Intranet zone


v1.0 – 02-08-2014 –

Resetting the Font in Lync Server Control Panel – Goodbye Times New Roman!

January 20th, 2014 1 comment

Many people have noticed that after installing the Lync Server 2013 Cumulative Update from October, 2013, that the font in the Lync Server Control Panel changed to Times New Roman from the original Segoe UI font.

LSCP font2

Lots of people commented online that they were not fans of the change (myself included), and wanted it changed back. The issue was raised with Microsoft who verified that there was no change in the font requested when displaying the Control Panel. This was confirmed by looking through the logs. The problem was an Internet Explorer compatibility issue. Servers that have IE 8 don’t exhibit the problem, but those with IE 9 or later, do. Instead of looking at the font defined by MS Shell Dlg registry value (HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitues\MS Shell Dlg), the Control Panel was using the font configured in IE. If you look in Internet Options>Fonts, you see that the Webpage font is set to Times New Roman.

LSCP font

We can get the original Segoe UI font back by simply changing the webpage font option to Segoe UI, closing the Control Panel, and opening it back up. We can also make the change using PowerShell by changing the value of the registry key that gets set when you use the above method. To do so, open PowerShell, and enter the following:

Set-ItemProperty -path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\Scripts\3" -Name IEPropFontName -Value "Segoe UI"

And after restarting the Control Panel, we see it’s back to the way it should be.
LSCP font3

You can set the value to any font, really, including Comic Sans MS, as requested by my buddy Ken “The Hoff” Lasko.

Something to keep in mind is that changing that value does have the potential for changing the way other web pages look as well, as this is more of a work-around than a fix. But I’ve not run into that, yet. I’ll post more info as I get it.